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Correlation Between

Natural Phenomena and

Global Warming
Researched by Juliana Ivanova

How do we know its happening?

Anthropogenic Climate Change, or
commonly referred to as Global
Warming is well known for the
emissions of Greenhouse Gases
(many man made and caused by
human activity) that have begun to
impact the annual global temperature
in a drastic rise (Natural Disaster and
Human Impacts).
As seen in the picture on the left,
what was once an area filled with ice
blocks a few dozen feet is now known
as the Alaskan Muir Inlet. (10
Terrifying Before and After Photos
Will Silence Global Warming Deniers).

Our global temperature has been

known to be increasing at a
steady rate since 10,000 years
ago, remarkably so, you fast
forward a couple of centuries and
you see a spiking incline and you
begin to understand why the 21 st
century is the warmest decade
yet (Natural Disasters and Human
Here we have a wonderful display
of the annual and five year
average global temperatures
dating all the way back to the
1880s. We notice a few ups and
downs throughout the decades
but the one idea that fascinates
me is the sudden change from the
1960s-2000s with a .6 degree in
Celsius. (33 degrees Fahrenheit.)

(2009: Second Warmest Year on

Record; End of Warmest Decade).

How do greenhouse gases impact

our society?
Greenhouse gases consist of carbon
dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur oxide, the
ozone layer, dust, carbon monoxide,
methane and chlorofluorocarbon; these
gases are all apart of the Greenhouse
The Greenhouse Effect was used in the
1800s to describe the natural trace of
gases being released into the
atmosphere, but the catch is there
werent any negative connotations. In
the 1950s the term used as a concern
for climate change. (Natural Disasters
and Human Impacts).
One the left we have SLC, Utah with a
heavy inversion formed from these
gases (Seen as Nature Lovers Paradise,
Utah Struggles With Air Quality).

What natural phenomena might

come out of this?
Many people are worried with the increase in temperature and
melting of the polar ice caps. Understandably, because of this
sea levels are rising and theres only a variety of precautions
you can take its been enough.
During my summer of 2015, I was able to go and visit Venice,
Italy (ironically the article Ill talk about in this slide refers to
the exact same place) and as soon as the ambulance boat
passed us by on the Great Canal the sidewalks immediately
become flooded.
The article states scientific researchers have noted sea levels
worldwide have been rising at a rate of approximately .14
inches per year since the 1990s (Sea Level Rise).

Even though Ive focused my point

specifically on Venice, Italy, it
isnt the only place to be hit with
natural disasters like this. I
thought it was interesting
because I had walked these
streets a few months ago and
couldnt believe things like this
happen during the off season.
It makes me very curious as to
how people live with a scenario
like this. I doubt people live on
the main floor of the building in
Venice knowing the city is prone
to flooding but many of the high
end stores are on this main level.
I cant imagine their tactics and
ways of getting rid of all the water
in the majority of buildings.
Left and right picture (Venice
Under Water During High Tide

How do we fix it?

The first step is to stop burning fossil fuels. Think
about how many things are being run this way and
switching it over to something more helpful for the
environment. It makes a lot of sense as to why you
arent seeing instant results.
A possibility that has been looked is getting energy
supplied from wind, water and light. Many of these
methods exist today, the problem is they are an
expensive idea and require a large area of land to be
installed into (Carbon Free America).

(Discover the Benefits and

Facts about Solar Energy)

(Wind Energy Diagram)

(Renewable Energy

How do we live with it?

As the world heats up, well have to start living
Warmer water

Warmer water
Seas now absorb much of the human-generated CO2,
endangering many species.
Sea-levels had been rising creating an alteration is
coastlines and buildings causing a dangerous
Freshwater resources will become rare.
Snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere will likely
drop 10% to 30% by 2100 making water
management crucial (5 Ways It Will Affect You).

Climate change could mean more pests, droughts,
Area of farm location would shift drastically.
As seen in the diagram on the below, Australia will
be completely wiped out of growing crops (5 Ways It
Will Affect You).

With the rise of temperature each habitat will feel
different whether thats urban, suburban, rural, or
Well need to create new mechanisms to deal with
the heat.
Researchers have also been looking at different
ways to breed animals to better withstand the heat.
Droughts are more likely to happen as well as
extreme weather.

Wild weather would be a very influential factor (5 Ways It Will Affect

Health affects will range with age, gender, and
location and so will the remedies.
Things like allergies many last for a longer amount
of time.
Occupational hazards may occur given heat stroke
as an example.

Dastrup, Adam R., Hahnengerger, Maura. Natural Disaster and
Impacts. 2015. Creative Commons Attribution-shareAlike
4.0 International. Open Geography Education. 28 Novmeber 2015.
Cole, Steve. 2009: Second Warmest Year on Record; End of
Warmest Decade. 2010. NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C.. 28
November 2015.
Sevett, Dylan. 10 Terrifying Before and After Photos That Will
Silence Gobal Warming Deniers. 2015. U.S. Uncut. 28 November
Pattero, Andrea. Sea Level Rise. 2008. National Geographic
Society. 20 November 2015.
Costantini, Luigi. Venice Under Water During High Tide Flooding.
2012. Telegraph Media Group Limited. 28 November 2015.
Frosch, Dan. Seen as Nature Lovers Paradise, Utah Struggles With
Air Quality. 2013. The New York Times Company. 28 November

N.A. Carbon Free America. 2015. National

Geographic Society. 20 November 2015.
N.A. Renewable Energy Sources. 2010. School Today.
Business Ghana. 28 November 2015.
N.A. Wind Energy Diagram. N.D. BUK Unit. 28
November 2015.
N.A. Discover the Benefits and Facts about Solar
N.D. Solar Energy for Homes. 20
November 2015.
IPCC. 5 Ways It Will Affect You. N.D. National
Geographic Society. 20 November 2015.

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