Goodbye Guadapepe

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Goodbye, Guadepepe

By: America Duran & Camryn Fugazzotto

My lips are bleeding,
My eyes are crying.
I stop breathing when I look at you,
Oh Pepe, oh why
You're too fly.
Such a rad dude
You're the coolest,
I can't deny.
I just have one question:
Why tf you ly?
Oh Pepe,
Oh why?
You used to fill my face with the dankiest of memes
But now it's filled with the dampiest of tears.
The good music that doge would play
Has been taken away.
Keyboard Cat, oh please,
Will you mark my way?
I thought you were the rarest,
But apparently,
You're not.
Sadly, You're a
Wet garlic knot.
Oh Pepe,
Oh why?
I thought you were the swankiest guy.
All you did was leave me on the ground
While all my spaghetti slipped out.
Now I ask:
Yo, Pepe! What's good?
And then you put spaghetti in my hood.
All you did was POOT yourself back in my heart
Youre not allowed out of the basement,
Please go back.
My heart,
My soul.
Oh, Pepe.
Oh why?
You make me want to cry.
You said that I slay so,
I want you to stay.
I saw you liked her selfie

But, I want you all to myselfie

You said you love me,
But I'm setting you free.
You say I have flair,
But you look like Trump's Hair.
Oh Trump's hair,
Oh my.
So silky and nice,
It reminds me of Bill Nye.
You're my man
Please don't give a glam.
You make my palms so sweaty, I eat jam,
But I will always want to eat your mom's spaghetti.
You make my knees weak and
Make my arms heavy.
I feel the weight of your meatballs on me.
Oh so juicy.
Oh, Pepe, Oh why?
Fieris my new guy,
He's sick as frick and
He will never lie.
He gives me the dankiest of memes.
Oh, What a shame.
You will never level up to the dank.
Oh, Pepe, Oh why?
Sanics my guy.
He's real swanky and he ain't shy.
Waluigi is jealous,
That ain't no ly.
With Sanic speed he slipped into my heart.
Though, not as fast as your
Warm spaghetti.
You would say
Tina, you fat lard
And I would bombard.
Oh, Guadapepe, Oh why?
I have traded you so much,
I dare to say I miss the taste of your memes in me.
You were the music in me,
But now I need to unlike your selfie.
The double tap to my peach
Isn't unique.
Mr. Moseby said no running,

But that's just what you did.

You ran into my heart,
and then you simply skid.
My spaghetti is cold by now,
Frozen you are.
Why can't I just let you go
Out of my heart?
You used to make my hotline bling
And that could only mean one thing.
You wanted your meatballs back,
But boy,
You won a meatball competition now.
I said no,
And Snape said yes.
I thought you were satan,
But you said bless.
Oh, Chalupas,
Shredded cheese.
Why, Guadepepe?
Shrek said, Ogres have layers,
Donkey, that's for sure.
But, Guadepepe smells like manure.
When I slept in your swamp,
All you did was sob.
Your taste lingers on my toe.
Give me toe again, you begged.
But, I knew about you and Sanic,
In bed.
I tried to save your life but,
You can't hear me.
Oh, Pepe, Oh why?
Why must you trade me for the Sanic speed?
I am nothing but a nutmeg cookie,
But you.
Oh my,
So tender and mild.
You warm me when we touch,
Though I smell her scent on you.
You ask if I claim you a liar, but
I ain't calling you a truther.
Pepe, oh why?
Why don't you love me no more,
You ask if I love you and my answer is yes,

But, we can't be together anymore.
I must walk out the door.
You say,
I love you.
And I hit you with a shoe.
We must breakaway,
For I cannot stay.
Oh Guadepepe,
Our love life was ok.
I was addicted to you like sand and like glue.
You were yellow and you made me blue.
But, now I must go.
Because John Cena
Wants toe.
I will kiss him instead of you under the
Oh my,
Will I miss you?
Am I right?
I will start with Derp,
As Pepe, Sanic, and Guadapepe have been
Traitors, but
I will miss the feel of warm spaghetti in
My pockets, but oh dear,
Oh my,
I no longer like pasta.
Like Wario & Waluigi we were the
Best pair but,
Our meatballs arent fair.
Oh Pepe, Oh why?
Why must you be gone?
Your lips were the rarest,
I will always remember.
Slendy dog is waiting,
So, is this goodbye,
You swaggy guy?
I will remember your hair,
So fly.
Like Justin Bieber and Bill Nye!
This is it, I guess.
Our love must rest.

I will love left shark.

But please pepe,
Dont die in a park.
For when parks get dark,
Dogs will bark
And that would make me stark.
Oh, Pepe, Oh why?
Is this goodbye?
Goodbye to our pasta making,
Our love making?
I will let you go,
But please,
Come back.
Because I lack memes without you.
Without you the world is no longer dank.
It is just like an empty bank.
So similar to moldy spaghetti.
It tickles my booty,
How cold it is.
Since we are breaking up,
Can I keep Slendy Dog?
He is only a pup.

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