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Summative Reflection 2014-15

Name Maureen Lonergan

Department Science

Date 4/16/15

Verification that professional development goals have been met (from PDP).
My classroom performance goals are G2 and F4.
G2. Educator provides a variety of learning opportunities to help students gain knowledge of the subject and to develop a variety of skills.
F4. Educator corrects, critiques, and returns student work within a reasonable time frame.

My goals that are more for my role as a department chair are B3, B1, and A1.

Educator cultivates relationships with colleagues from other schools to gather information about best practices in order to foster school improvement.
Educator works in collaboration with others.
Educator communicates in a professional manner.
Educator establishes a constructive and collaborative relationship with departmental colleagues on curriculum and other initiatives.

For my classroom performance goal of G2, I have developed and implemented several creative projects,
note taking strategies, and inquiry based labs in AP Biology. My favorite part of the year has been creating
better quality activities and projects for students in AP Biology. The best successes were in the Twitter
organelle project and the recent pGlo lab report written as a letter to a friend. In the note-taking realm, I
have created notes sheets for each unit and these notes sheets are infused with more frequent concept
check type questions and not just lists of vocab words. I have these notes sheets saved, and I shared
them all with Mara Dobrov, so we can use them in the future. I also have rubrics and project intros for the
projects which I can use in the future.
The itemized grade reports have been a good way for me to get work back in a reasonable time frame. I
have had more success with this than previous years, and I think, all but one lab were returned within the
five day window!
All of my department chair goals revolve around communication in one way or another. I have reached out
to science teachers at other high schools and talked with two on the phone to find out about their
programs. I would like to do visits to the schools when we are in the planning mode and not just the
conceptual conversation about science curriculum. I feel that I have communicated and collaborated in a
professional manner within the science department. I have had a tough situation in science with a
colleague who is on an action plan and I feel that I am actively working to best support that person. The
evidence that I have for these department chair goals are the department meeting agendas I made for
each department meeting and the observation reports I wrote for the science department members.

Reflection on the different components of observation this year (including peer observation,
student course evaluation surveys, observations/walkthroughs from department chair and
The peer observation with Alan Kennedy was helpful and fun. I enjoyed having Alan in AP Biology, and I
think students enjoy having visitors as well! I observed Alans junior Spanish class, and I noticed the high
level of student engagement in his lesson. He asked students to generate all of the information
throughout the lesson. I want to infuse more of this level of student-centered activity into my science
I have only reviewed one semester of student course surveys, but I have some thoughts about those.
First, students let me know that they do not feel that I get work back very quickly, but I did notice that it
has improved from last years student survey. I can only hope that this is the start of a good trend, and I
can continue to show improvement in that category. Also, I noticed that while students say I show
enthusiasm for the subject matter, they do not report as enthusiastically about me encouraging them to
learn from each other. I think this is a good observation on their part, and I will work on better facilitating
learning in small groups, especially in labs.
I have learned a lot from Brianna Latkos walk throughs this year. She has visited our AP Biology class
during a lab prep day and a lab day. I feel that she got to see the most exciting parts of AP Biology- the
labs! I like that Bri hears what students are talking about when Im not around and it helps me check to
make sure that students are on task even when I walk away to check in on another group. Also, Brianna
observed a more formal class where students did a review essay, peer reviewed the essay, and then we
went over an example essay together. I am glad that Bri also gave me feedback about my more direct
List and reflect on your involvements/ areas of focus this year (both in and out of the
classroom.) Include an overall reflection on the school year.

Student Council Moderator- We meet during activity period and plan things. Also, I chaperone and
coordinate most of Student Councils activities: dances, talent show, spirit day, Christopher Christmas, etc.
Kairos Co-Director- This intensive training of a leader team and leadership on the four day retreat is timeconsuming, but all around worth it. I love that our school supports this retreat program because it is
central to our Ignatian spirituality as a school community. Also, I can see how students become better
people and leaders when they choose to be student-leaders on the retreat.
Tuition Assistance Committee member- I review and make recommendations for 25 families tuition
assistance grants. This is tedious, but again, worth it because it aligns with our identity as a Jesuit school
that strives to make the world a more just place. I feel that this committee contributes to our mission.
SILS leader- I went on the January SILS and facilitated several of the leadership training sessions. I
appreciate that this program sets students up to take on leadership roles. I see good examples of SILS
graduates applying to be Kairos leaders!
I also chaperoned a Junior retreat, chaperoned the Jesuit day of service, went on a service trip last
summer, and completed my first year as department chair. I feel that this year was just as busy as other
years, but I have enjoyed learning a new side of my job. It is challenging to fairly evaluate colleagues, and
it is challenging to develop new curriculum, but I have enjoyed starting these processes this year. I know I
have work to do in all realms of my job, but I feel supported and able to work on my goals in the coming
Signature/ date following Summative Reflection submission and discussion
Department Chair

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