Hearing and Sound! Unit Test: Section 1: Short Answer

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Dec. 15 2015

Hearing and Sound!

Unit Test
Section 1: Short Answer.
1. What are the five senses?
a) _____________________________
b) _____________________________
c) _____________________________
d) _____________________________
e) _____________________________
2. How does sound travel?
3. What is Noise Pollution?
4. How do we measure volume?
5. Think about vibration. What happens to vibration when the volume is turned up?
6. What happens to vibration when the volume is turned down?

7. What is pitch?
8. How do we measure pitch?
9. What has more vibrations per second: a high sound or a low sound?
10. If we use a device that AMPLIFIES sound, what happens to the volume of the
11. If we want to soundproof a sound, should we use a hard solid, or a soft solid?
12. What is the range of Safety, measured in decibels?
13. What is the range of Hearing Damage Risk, measured in decibels?
14. What is the range of Danger, measured in decibels?

Section 2: Fill in the blanks. (Use the words in the word box to help you.)
- ear canal

- message

- brain

- inner ear

- waves

- senses

- eardrum

- warning

- pinna

1. Hearing is one of the five __________________.

2. Sound ______________ travel in all directions.
3. The _____________________ funnels sounds from outside into the ear.
4. The sound is passed through the __________________________ towards the eardrum.
5. The ______________________ vibrates when sound reaches it.
6. From the eardrum, the sound is passed on to the ______________________, where
nerves carry the ______________________ to the brain.
7. Our _____________________ helps us to recognize sounds.
8. Sound can give us information, or act as a _______________________.

Section 3: True or False.

1. A tightly stretched rubber band has a high pitch.
True or False
2. A short straw whistle has a lower pitch than a long straw whistle.
True or False
3. A fast vibration creates a low pitch. A slow vibration creates a high pitch.
True or False
4. A big bell makes a lower pitch than a small bell.
True or False

5. A thick elastic band makes a high pitch.

True or False
6. A thin elastic band makes a high pitch.
True or False
7. The pitch of a sound gets higher when the amount of hertz increases.
True or False

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