Psii Goals

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PSII Practicum Goals

Name: Austin Davenport

Dates: December 16, 2015

Grade Level: TBD

Goal: Increase student engagement/enjoyment as it relates to

physical education.
Rationale: I know from personal experience, as well as through talking with other
PE teachers, that there are many students who have had a bad experience in gym
class. It is my goal to find a way to motivate as many students as possible to find the
value and enjoyment in physical activity and living a healthy active lifestyle.




- Consult with Danny

Balderson regarding effective
strategies for inclusion in PE
- Consult with students
(particularly those who are
disengaged) what might
make my class more
enjoyable for them

- Teacher Associate
- Danny Balderson
- Students
- Personal expertise

- Beginning of PSII session

Indicators of Success:


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