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Written by UldisD

Steps, how to setup your new VM with iou-web

1. First download archived vm machine from forum shares. TWO files. Use
for unzip it. Mouse right click on first archive file, choose 7z-> extract here.
2. Download VM Ware player, if you have not it, or use any existing virtual program. It can
Vbox, VM Player free programs, or VM ware Workstation starting from vers 7 and up.
Also it can be installed on MAC using VM ware Fusion not free.
3. Import new vm choosing xxxx.ovf file. Done.
4. Start vm, your vm machine should get IP address. This address will be management IP
for access through web.
5. Iou-web developers recommend to use Google chrome, but I know success on fireFox
6. Use http://192.168.XX.YY in the browser. Given IP from your vm.

Steps, how to setup your favorite telnet program for vm machine

1. Our know source use Putty for this. Therefore we can setup active diagram on click to
open console with Putty.
2. Be sure that you have putty.exe on your PC. If not find it in Google and download.
3. For dummies: Create Directory Putty on C:/Putty, place putty.exe in it.
4. Download windows .reg file, from iou-web official shares.
5. Choose file what match your OS. Download it, or copy content to notepad and save it
with extention .reg
6. Edit this file, correct path to your Putty. For dummies it will be :
@="\"C:\\PuTTY\\putty.exe\" %1"


This is exact string for dummies what should be in your .reg file. SAVE !
Install this file to your system, double click.
Go to browser setting, clean cacheclose.
Now you can start your vm, open it in browser and it should opens your consoles with
Putty when you click on active diagram device.

Steps, how to start any lab in iou-web

1. Open any folder and find lab what you want to play
2. Click on lab.
3. IMORTANT ! Go to Tab devices, and press actions sixth button from left, looks like trash,
for All devices. This wil clean previous configs from NVRAMs, but not delete initial
configs. Press Trash named Stop all devices and wipe and all configurations

4. Now you can start your lab. It will load with all initial configs. BTW if you do not use
point 3. All configs what you did will be kept in NVRAMs even you shutdown vm. Nice,
isnt it? You use your lab from point where you stopped in previous day

Written by UldisD

Steps, how to import lab

1. Sometimes I present in shares just ready to import lab. It look like archive file.
IMPORTANT! Do not unzip it or do not use any archive program to open it. IT is ready to
import file.
2. Download lab file, it looks like lab.gz.
3. Choose tab Manage - >Import labs

4. Press Choose file find your downloaded lab, press import

5. Check boxes Select all labs and Select all initial config packs, in the Folder meny
choose where your lab will stored.

6. Press Import Labs

7. Go to tab Laboratories choose imported lab, press edit mode of this lab, small brown
book right side

8. Scroll down till section devices. In the menu Apply an Initial Config Pack to all device:
choose config pack for this lab.
9. In the menus for each device choose correct IOS, for switches L2 for routers L3.
10. Press Save

Written by UldisD

Steps, how to create new folder

1. For some order and better look work face, you can create folders, the using drag and
drop move any lab or folder into it.
2. Go to tab Laboratories choose icon Folder with green +, Enter the name of folder,
press OK. (NOT just enter)
3. To delete folder, on the right side against folder you can see Trash button. Same story
with any other item, just press Trash and you can delete anything from your vm.

Steps, how to change or add IOS to iou-web

Our iou-web machine does NOT have limits how many ios are uploaded in it! You need not to
delete any uploaded IOS from it.
1. Download IOS files, The best collection is here:
All used IOS are in this pack. UNZIP this archive.
2. Choose tab Manage - >Manage IOSes
3. MANDATORY! In the field Filename paste the name of full filename, the best is just
copy filename, looks like i86bi_linux-adventerprisek9-ms.152-4.M1, DO NOT USE ANY
symbols like space, coma.. In this archive all IOS names are corrected and ready to use
those names.
4. In the field named Alias write the short name of your IOS. This will appears when you
will choose it under menu in the edit mode of lab. Example L3 Spaces are
allowed here. Example for i86bi_linux_l2-ipbasek9-ms.may8-2013-team_track Alias
can be L2 15.1.M8. (M8 is from May 8)
5. Now, press button choose particular IOS file, press OPEN
6. Final press button Upload

Written by UldisD

7. Now your IOS is uploaded. Lets got to use it in lab. Go to tab Laboratories choose lab
what IOS have to be changed, press edit mode of this lab, small brown book right side

8. Scroll down till section Devices. Column IOS: Use menu against each device and
choose other IOS, or new uploaded IOS. When done for all, press Save DO NOT MESS
L3 IOS for L2 devices or vice versa!

Written by UldisD
9. IMPORTANT! After this action do the section: Steps, If you want to start TS lab from
scratch with faults!!!

Steps, how to change initial config pack if there are more than
10. Go to tab Laboratories choose imported lab, press edit mode of this lab, small brown
book right side

11. Scroll down till section devices. In the menu Apply an Initial Config Pack to all device:
choose OTHER config pack for this lab. This config pack should match this lab. You
cannot import any other config pack and try to add it to your lab. 100% lab will be
screwed then, if those wasnt created on same lab topology.

12. Press Save

13. Go to tab Laboratories and click on this lab INE TS here

14. IMORTANT! Go to Tab devices, and press actions sixth button from left, looks like trash,
for All devices. This wil clean previous configs from NVRAMs, but not delete initial
configs. Press Trash named Stop all devices and wipe and all configurations

Written by UldisD

15. DONE, now you can start your lab with new applied initial config pack.

Steps, If you want to start TS lab from scratch with faults!!!

1. You should clean up your saved configs from NVRAMS.
2. Go to particular LAB, MPLS, for example, TAB "devices", on the top of device list are
management buttons, Mass start, mass stop, etc.
3. Find mass button like Trash "Stop all devices and wipe all configurations".

Press it.
4. It will erase all previously saved configs in NVRAMS and vlan.dat. This command will NOT
erase my preconfigs from labs.
Start devices.
All should work.

How to create OWN labs in IOU WEB

1. TAB laboratories, right upper corner ICON New LAB
2. Fill fields: NAME, Description mandatory, your choice
3. Field TIME not mandatory and it can be turned on any time. It is timer what you can
setup for your lab just for time management, lets say 120 minutes. When you will start
a lab in upper left corner you can countdown of time.
4. Checked box Display diagram. If it is checked you will see default diagram with devices
of your created lab. Option uncheck is used if you will create your own active picture
clickable devices. As I did on my all labs. But about this tuning later
5. Big field Additional info can be used to place questions for lab. All info will appears
later as description TAB when you will use this lab. But I prefer better to use pdfs.
6. IMPORTANT: Netmap field. Here you will create your device connections with interfaces.
IOU WEB supports two cards only: NM-4E and NM-4T.
By default if you choose both NM cards, first always will be Ethernet, doesnt matter how many
cards, and then follows Serial NM cards.
2xNM-4E and 2xNM-4T in sh run looks like: e0/0-0/3, e1/0-1/3, s2/0-2/3, s3/0-3/3.

Written by UldisD
1xNM-4E and 2xNM-4T in sh run looks like: e0/0-0/3, s1/0-1/3, s2/0-2/3
1xNM-4E and 1xNM-4T in sh run looks like: e0/0-0/3, s1/0-1/3
1xNM-4E and 0xNM-4T in sh run looks like: e0/0-0/3
0xNM-4E and 2xNM-4T in sh run looks like: s0/0-0/3, s1/0-1/3
Last example if Ethernet cards are 0 then Serial will place first slot and will start from 0/x
For switches you should add Ethernet cards only, Serial is 0.
4x1xNM-4E and 0xNM-4T in sh run looks like: e0/0-0/3, e1/0-1/3, e2/0-2/3, e2/0-2/3
Use 0 in Ethernet card fields are necessaryif you will leave it empty, it will add 8 NM cards to
your device.
Lets say we want to create lab:
a) R1 e0/0 con to R2 e0/0;
b) R1 s1/0 con to R3 s0/0 (here you can see that R3 has no Ethernet NM at all,
therefore Ethernet field is 0)
c) R1 e0/1 con to SW1 e0/0
d) R2 e0/1 con to SW1 e0/1
Syntax for this lab will be:
1:0/0 2:0/0
1:1/0 3:0/0
1:0/2 4:0/0
2:0/1 4:0/1
No press ADD and NEW additional fields will opens:
7. Now You can see section named Devices,
a) As first is menu Apply an Initial Config Pack to all device this will be used later
when we create it.
b) Here we will add device NAME, choose correct IOS and add interfaces for each of
device. Continue lab first device is R1, second is R2, third R3 and forth is SW. Fill
these names in the fields.
c) In IOS drop-down menu choose your favorite L3 or L2 IOS for particular device.
d) Fill RAM and NVRAM, I recommend for 15.x series IOS use 256 RAM and 64 for
e) And now very important point, add interfaces for each device. As I wrote in p. 6. If
you will add 1 as Ethernet you get 4 Ethernet in device, if add 2 you have 8 Ethernet.
Same with serials. If you dont need any of type just say 0. Do not leave empty, it
will add 8 NMs by default to your device.
f) Continue our test LAB, for R1 we need 2 Eth connections and 1 Ser, fill fields 1 and 1,
for R2 needs eth only, fill 1 and 0, for R3 needs serial only 0 and 1, SW need 2
Ethernet connections and we have enough with 1 eth and 0 serial.
g) Next two checkboxes, do not check L2 keepalive if you use router-switch
combinations in lab, this works with switch labs only. Next watchdog I check always.
h) Drop-down menu picture you can choose what device icon you want to see, router
or switch, FR switch
i) Boot delay is advanced option and you can add time in seconds when this device
start to boot after mass start, if R1 boot delay is 20, thats mean that all devices start
immediately after press start, but R1 will start boot after 20 sec. You can leave this
field empty.

Written by UldisD
j) Initial config menu will be used later when you get your config pack.
8. Next section is Pictures also is useful. You can upload your own drawn pictures in .png
format. I use visio for creating pictures then convert to .png and upload to iou-web. If
you have already uploaded pic, just check box for pic what you want to see for lab.

LAB Configuration PACK setup or initial

1. Press save your new Lab is ready. Now we can start it first time, configure some
initials manually or copy from source (be careful with interface matching).
2. Start all routers and input all configurations what you want to see in pack under
each device. For example, for INE lab, copy/paste preconfigs to each device through
3. Save all configs on console "wr" for all devices. Now you have saved startup-configs
for each, and if you reload devices these will show you what is configured.
4. IMPORTANT: on each device type this command: " copy running-config unix:
" This like a prototype as in real device disk0:. You can look a content of each
device "dir unix:", same as in real hw. Now You have saved config as file under disk
5. IMPORTANT: no you should use mass action button Copy all unix://running-config
files to database (third button in mass actions, like grey icon with green arrow)
6. Bingo, we got pack for your new lab. Go to tab Laboratories and you will see a
created new config pack with the same name as your LAB.
7. After start devices with your config pack, under dir unix: you will see one more file
like "config-00001". This is file from where device gets startup config now. Number
at the end is device number. For R3 it will be config-00003, etc... PACK is ready!
8. You can go to LAB edit mode (small book on the right side beside trash) on the
section devices menu Apply an Initial Config Pack to all device choose your config
pack with same name as LAB. Save.
9. Then in tab Devices use mass action button "stop all devices and wipe all
configurations" (like trash). Now your new created lab starts with your config pack.

How to create multiple configuration packs for one lab.

1. Little bit complicate but when know how, no problems at all.
2. Choose labs which you want to get multiple initial configs, lets take INE lab.
3. First step, IMPORTANT, Go to lab edit mode and rename LAB, Field Name, this name
will be for your new initial pack. Example INE RS BGP initial. Save. This change option
can be used during all devices running.
4. Now, do all changes on the devices through the console, of course say wr.
IMPORTANT: for switches USE vtp transparent mode only, other option, server or client
you will lose VLANS in the initial (this can be corrected later manually, see part
additional below). IMPORTANT, for all devices, even you didnt change some.
5. On the each devices do: copy running-config unix:
6. Go to tab Laboratories -> Devices, find mass button third from left Copy all
unix://running-config files to database, grey icon with green arrow.
7. You config pack is created in the same folder where is lab placed.
8. For the next config pack, you neednt stop devices, do the points 3 6
9. So far you can create lot of config packs for one lab, finally you can go to lab edit mode
and rename it as you with: like INE RS, and use any of your created pack on it.

Written by UldisD

10. Now, go to LAB edit mode (small book on the right side beside trash) on the section
devices menu Apply an Initial Config Pack to all device choose your created config pack
with given names, example: INE RS BGP Initial. Save.
11. Then in tab Devices use mass action button "stop all devices and wipe all
configurations" (like trash). Now your created lab INE RS will start with your config pack.
12. After some requests, if you want to inject own faults into existing config pack is easy:
a) Go to tab Laboratories, choose CONFIG (grey icon, usually under lab icon) what
should be corrected, against it use small icon (books) to edit mode.

b) Do the necessary changes on each of device or couple of them. Each time after
change in one device press Save
c) Here, for the switches you can change the vtp mode, set vtp password, add vlans.
Use Server mode only with added vlans. Client mode doesnt accept vlans.

Written by UldisD

Set timer countdown option for TS labs.

1. We have a time feature in IOU web, but this is for your time management only. Nothing
will happens if time will reach 0.
2. Choose lab what you want to do, example MPLSv3
3. Go to lab edit mode, at the top find field Time. By default there is 0 configured, and
thats mean time is off.
4. Change 0 to minutes what you want, lets say 120 minutes for TS. I recommend to add
extra 5 minutes while your devices boot up, because timer starts to tick just you enter
the lab. We change 0 to 125. Press Save.

5. Done, timers started. On the right upper web face part you will see timer.

6. Do switch off timer, change minutes to 0

7. Please understand that timer option is in the test way.

Advanced IOU WEB LAB tuning to use own picture as active

8. Upload your picture in .png format to iou web.
9. Go to LAB edit mode and check box of this picture for lab.
10. Pictures also have edit mode, find your picture which you want to tune as active
workdesk and press edit (small book on right side)
11. You are in the edit mode of PIC. Name of pic you can change or leave as it.
12. You can add additional info for picture, but it is not needed.
13. IMPORTANT: Next field Map will be filled automatically and we will correct it little
14. IMPORTANT: Scroll down till you see your picture. NOW ATTENTION! Use your mouse
and click one time on each device in the center. Follow the order click R1 then R2, R3,
R4SW1FR. IN THE middle of icon. Do not click anywherebecause each of clicks are
saved in map field! After click on all devices scroll back to field MAP.
15. Now you see the lines with coordinates with each of your click. And if you followed
order you know that firs device is R1second R2SW NOW all is what you need is
correct manually console port for each device. (By default all are 2000).
First line looks like <area shape='circle' coords='375,254,30'
href='telnet://{{IP}}:2000'>. Just change console port to 2001 for R1, in the next line
change to 2002. Save.
If your console port are different use numbers what you have for each device.

Written by UldisD
16. Now you go to LAB edit mode and uncheck Display diagram box, because you have your
own active diagram. Save.
17. Clear cache of your browser!!! Close browser, open itand your lab with new face
should work

Cloud connections in IOU WEB.

1. Amazing thing is Clouds in IOU WEB. You can connect your lab to real Internet, GNS3, vm
hosts, Servers or even create terminal access server to access remotely your LAB. IOU
web with VM ware workstation supports up to 8 clouds.
2. If you are using my vm v17 it is tuned to use up to 3 clouds. VM has 4 Ethernet adapters.
First is used to be as web management interface. All other can be used to connect
3. Lets create the Real Internet LAB. R1 e0/0 connected to Cloud. Syntax for this lab is:
1:0/0 900:0/0
I use 900, 901, 902 numbers for cloud.
4. In the field NAME 901 write Cloud or as you wish.
5. Menu IOS leave as it empty
6. IMPORTANT: in the field Ethernet write eth1.
For cloud 902 Ethernet field will be eth2, for cloud 903 eth3.
In the iou web eth0 is used for web management interface
eth1 is interface on your VM Network Adapter 2
eth2 is interface on your VM Network Adapter 3
eth3 is interface on your VM Network Adapter 4
Those can be bridged mode or NAT. By default in my vm Network Adapter 2 is NAT.
Bridged mode the best is use for GNS connection or to your real Inside LAN.
7. The Picture menu choose Cloud MANDATORY!!!

8. NAT mode you cloud will give IP from NAT pool of your vm. You can configure ip dhcp
address on Ethernet connected to cloud.
9. Bridged mode is much better. You can connect your cloud and iou routers to your real
LAN. In my case I have VM Network Adapter 2 bridged with my PC NIC, and router in
IOU getting IP address from my LAN and real Router.
10. Using bridged interfaces you can connect GNS topology, ASA, IDS, and Juniper to iou
web. Tested it works!
11. Dont forget that Network adapters on vm settings can be unchecked to start on boot. If
you want to use them, check connect on start up, and connect.

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