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Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C)


Lesson 1
Healthy Eating: Nutrition


November 16th 2015

de Level

Grade 1


40 minutes




Miss. Benson



Students will make responsible and informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others
W-1.5- Students will recognize the importance of basic, healthy, nutritional
choice to well-being of self; e.g., variety of food, drinking water, eating a
nutritious breakfast.

1. Students will discuss the importance of healthy eating and what it means to be healthy.
2. Students will investigate variety of foods.
3. Students will differentiate foods based on if they are healthy or not.


Key Questions:


Students will explore different food in everyday life and determine what is
considered healthy and unhealthy.
Students will be discussing different foods and what healthy foods they
like or would buy at the grocery store.
Students will be able to describe what it means to be healthy and
Can students determine what it means to be healthy and what it means to
be unhealthy?
Can students determine, based on the food that is given, what is healthy
or unhealthy?
Are students able to explain their reasoning?
Is it okay for us to have unhealthy foods once and a while?
Can people have different views on healthy and non-healthy food?
Students will explore everyday food and determine if it is healthy or not.

Students know to stay well behaved and show respect during the lesson.
Students will be on task and engaged when discussing different foods and
exploring the grocery store


Alberta Program of Study- Health


Food that represents healthy and
Complimentary handout
Looking After Me- Eating Well by Liz
Gogerly and Mike Gordon
Whiteboard Marker

Prior to lesson
Attention Grabber

Assessment of

Have materials ready for students to look at for the grocery store.
Have worksheet printed out and story over at the reading corner.
Start the class off with a question: What does it mean to be
healthy? What do we do? If students need more guidance, ask
them what do they eat? What does it mean to be unhealthy?
1 minute
This sets the tone for todays lesson and also assesses the
students prior knowledge in this subject area.
The attention grabber acts as an assessment of prior

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe

Prior Knowledge
Expectations for
Learning and


Transition to Body
Learning Activity

Teacher Notes:

Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C)

knowledge, as I will be able to see what students already know
about healthy eating and nutrition.
Today is very focused on exploration and discussion
while learning about healthy and unhealthy foods.
Students are expected to have their listening on and
showing respect towards whoever is talking.
In addition, when students are exploring it is important
for them to know to not misuse the manipulatives and
that when Miss Benson is talking or when she says red
light that we are not using manipulatives and that all
eyes and ears are on Miss Benson.
Daily agenda is on the board at the beginning of the day. This
allows for students to have prior knowledge on what is
expected which allows them to get into the health zone.
Food will be on the side table and when students are finished
the story, in order for them to go back to their desk they will be
given a food item.
Can I have everyone go sit at my chair, we are going to read a
story about healthy eating.
Reading a story: Looking After Me- Eating Well
Ensure that students are engaged when reading the story.
This story will get students minds into healthy eating and
why it is important.
Before reading: ask students if they can tell me why healthy
eating Is important? This allows for the students to share
what they already know about healthy eating, and will lead
into the discussion of the story afterwards.
During the reading, inform students of words that they
might not understand, and ensure that students are paying
attention and are focused on the story.
Ask students to focus on what the character does in the
story. What does he do that is unhealthy and what does he
do that is healthy?
When the story is finished, ask students to discuss what the
main character did in the story and what were unhealthy
foods and healthy foods that he ate.
Can we list some of the healthy foods that were in the
story? What about some unhealthy foods?
To add to the discussion, inform students that is it okay for
us to have these foods once and a while? Yes, but we just
cant be having them for every meal. Ensure that it is okay
that your mom packs these snacks as they are treats and its
okay to have treats once and a while just not every day.
Today we are going to be looking at different food, so in
order to go back to your desk, I am going to give you an
item of food and you will take it back to your desk. Ensure
that students are aware of the expectations (we can not be
wrecking the food and we set our food on our desks and we
dont play with it)
When students are back at their desks, introduce to them
what we will be doing: going to the grocery store.
At this point in the lesson I will be formatively assessing the
students on the discussion we have while reading the book. The
book acts as an introduction to what we will be doing for today,
A story tends to be a great transition for the students between
lessons as it allows their brains to switch to a new subject

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe

Learning Activity

Teacher Notes:

Learning Activity

Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C)

without causing too much confusion. The learning activity
almost acts as an assessment of prior knowledge too as I am
touching on things that students should be aware of but have
not been explicitly taught it yet.
Differentiation: In order to differentiation this lesson activity,
students may require some guided questions when discussing
during the story.
Exploration: A trip to the grocery story without leaving
the classroom.
Explain to students that we are going to be going around
the room and looking at all the different food.
The classroom is turning into a grocery store and we are
going to look for healthy foods and for unhealthy foods.
Show students the complimentary handout that we will
be working through when we go to the grocery story.
They will have to write the number that is on the box of
food in the column that says healthy or unhealthy. Lets
do an example.
Many students may have different answers, and this is
where the discussion will come into effect. This does not
mean students are wrong; this activity is simply for
Students will be given 10-12 minutes to work through
their grocery store, and try to figure out what they think
the food is.
Explain the instructions that we will be going around the
desks to see what food there is and we have to find it on
our paper and write what we think and then we go to
the next one. Do we have to go in order of number? No
we dont. We find the number on our paper and we write
down what we think.
When students are done the activity, have them sit back
down in their desks. If they think their food is healthy, I
want them to stand up and put it on the side table. IF
they think their food is unhealthy, I want the students to
put their food on the back counter.
Then have students sit back down at their desks.
Students will be formatively assessed on their findings within
their food and if students are on task or not while walking
around the classroom. This will be an informal assessment, and
will judge my assessment on ensuring that students can label
2-3 objects in each category. This will allow for me to see that
students are on the right track to what they should be learning.
This activity allows for students to have hands on learning
experience and have the ability to actually look at different
foods that they would see in everyday life. This allows students
to find knowledge on their own rather than me spoon-feeding
them the knowledge. This gives them a chance to figure things
out and have a chance for discovery. Students will be
formatively assessed on their participation within the discussion
that links to the next activity but it is crucial that students are
gaining information in this activity so they can do well on the
Having a discussion and creating a word wall.
During this learning activity we will be having a
discussion of what we think their food is, healthy or
unhealthy. We will go through the worksheet quickly.

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe

Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C)

Teacher Notes:

Consolidation of
Feedback From
Feedback To
Transition To Next

This will lead to a discussion, as some students may

view things as different.
Ensure that either student may be right and we just
have to remember that if it is unhealthy we may not
want to have the snack all the time right?
When the students have gone through the paper, have
them put their papers on their desks and come sit at the
front of the classroom so we can have a discussion.
During this discussion have students think of healthy
food and unhealthy food that we havent looked at
Start off the discussion, with If I was going to the
grocery story, what types of foods would I get if I wanted
healthy food? Unhealthy food?
When students have created our chart, reinforce that we
can still have these unhealthy foods, just not for every
Students will be formatively assessed on what they have
learned from healthy foods and unhealthy foods. Since this is
an introductory part of what we will be learning so I will be
ensuring that students are not completely off base and
ensuring that they have learned the importance of healthy
In order for students to know what the difference is between
healthy and unhealthy food, I will call out a food and they have
to give me a thumbs up if it is healthy and a thumbs down if
the food is unhealthy.
With students answering the questions from the consolidation
of learning and taking part in discussion, I will be able to gain
feedback from students as to how much they understand.
Great work boys and girls, you are all very smart about what it
means to eat healthy. You are all very healthy.
Students will begin to look at specific food good groups and
what foods fall in with that food group.


A sponge activity should not be needed, if there is, we can go through the
food that we sorted in the lesson and see if we agree.

Reflections from the


Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe

Lesson Plan Template ED 3501 (Version C)

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe

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