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Candidates observation


Sheet number of _____

Student name: Fadwa Jassem Alakasheh Student number: 00310414

Place inspected:


Hazards and consequences
1. Location: Parking area
People are working in open
area (Hot environment) to
construct parking lot.

Control Measures
Immediate and Long Term
Immediate measure:
People should be provided
with sunglasses to avoid
harmful effects on eyes.

Date of inspection 11/12/2015



Long term measure:

Rest shades; adequate cold
water should be provided in
Risk of Heat stress leading to the work area.
ill health.

1 day

2. Location: Parking area


Dust is generating during
excavation to construct
parking lot.
Risk of Inhalation of dust
leading to ill health
3. Location : Parking area

Immediate measure:
People should be provided
with correct type of dusts
masks/ respirators.
Long term measure:
Competent person should
supervise the task.

1 day

Immediate measure:
1 day
People should maintain the
distance from the Excavator
Excessive noise is generated and provided with personal
with back hoe which is in
protective equipment such as
improper maintenance during ear muffs or ear plugs.
excavation to construct
Long term measure:
parking lot.
Proper maintenance should
be done and tool box talks to
Risk of excessive noise
be conducted on hazards of
Within 1 week

leading to hearing loss

noise exposure.

4. Location: Parking area

Immediate measure:
Operator should be provided
with Anti vibration gloves and
proper respirators.

Operator observed not
wearing Anti vibration gloves
during drilling the earth
surface with Jack hammer.
Risk of Neurological

5. Location : Parking area

Long term measure:

Jack Hammer to be
inspected and maintained as
per manufacturer
Immediate measure:
Barricades should be

No barricades are found near
Long term measure:
the excavation.
Excavation hazards to be
controlled by the valid work
People may fall into
excavation leading to severe
injuries and fatalities.
6. Location: Ground floor
Hazard: Damaged slings are
found in use while lifting

Immediate measure:
Damaged slings should be
replaced by new ones.


Within 1 week


1 day


Long term measure:

1 week

Leads to severe injuries and

Inspection by a competent
person is needed before
starting the work.

7. Location: Main entry

(Ground floor)

Immediate measure:

Welding performed in wet
conditions to fix the entry
Risk of electric shock.
8. Location: Main entry
(Ground floor)


Welding cables to be laid

away from wet conditions.
Long term measure:

Within 1 day

Working Surface should be

kept clean and dry.

Immediate measure:
Welders should be provided
with required PPE. E.g.


Welders are found without

PPE during welding.
Risk of burns for welders due
to the burning slags and
sparks evolved.

9. Location: Ground floor

Observed people lifting a
heavy load manually.

Gloves, Apron, and Boots

Long term measure:

1 day

Welding hazards should be

controlled by permit to work
Immediate measure:


People should be provided

with proper PPE (Safety
shoes, coveralls, gloves etc).
Long term measure:

Leads to musculoskeletal
disorders (Joint and Muscle
10. Location: First floor

1 day

Lifting machines should be

provided to lift heavy load.

Immediate measure:
Suitable respirators must be
provided to the people.


Long term measure:

Effective ventilation should
be done to reduce the

1 day

11. Location: Second floor

Immediate measure:


Observed accidental start up
of grinders while replacing
the discs during floor
smoothening activity.

Discs should be replaced

after unplugging the power

Leads to electrocution,
laceration and abrasion.

A competent person should

supervise while performing
the task.

12. Location: Second floor

Immediate measure:

Sparks are flying while
performing grinding

Area should be isolated and

people should be provided
with face shields, coveralls,

Observed release of toxic
vapours during painting
activity on the worksite.
Risk of asphyxiation and
health problems.

Long term measure:

1 day


Leads to eye injury and skin
Long term measure:

1 day

Training should be provided

to the workers on safe
grinding activity.
13. Location: Second floor

Immediate measure:

Incompetent and
unauthorised workers are
working on electrical

Only competent and

authorised workers are
allowed to work on electrical


Long term measure:

1 day

14. Location: Second floor

All electrical jobs to be

carried out under valid work
permit system.
Immediate measure:


Hazard: Cement plastering

to walls is done without PPE
and proper tools.

Right type of Hand tools,

coveralls, safety goggles,
safety shoes to be provided.

Risk of eye injury and skin

Long term measure:

Risk of Electrocution and

Within 1 week

Risk assessment should be

performed by a competent
person to reduce possible
15. Location: Third floor
Observed excessive loads
on scaffold
Scaffold may collapse
leading to fractures and

16. Location: Third floor

Risk of falling material on the
people working near the

Immediate measure:
Carrying of heavy loads
(welding machines, materials
and etc) at a time and
allowing excessive personnel
on scaffold to be prohibited.

1 day

Long term measure:

Load should not be
exceeded as per sound
engineering practices and as
per specifications.

Within week

Immediate measure:
Screens should be placed on
the guardrail system and
area under scaffold should
be barricaded.

1 day

Within 1 week

Long term measure:

Leads to serious head


Training in fall protection

should be provided by a
competent person.

17. Location: Third floor

Immediate measure:
Personal fall arrest system
should be provided to the
people on scaffold.


Falling from height may
cause severe head injury or

Long term measure:

Proper supervision and
training is needed.

1 day

18. Location: Store room

Immediate measure:
1 day
Explosion proof motor pumps
should be provided in the
store room to transfer liquids.

Risk of workers falling from
the scaffolds.

Hazard: Chemicals are

being transferred from
primary container to
secondary container

Long term measure:

Grounding should be done to
primary container.

Spillage of chemicals leads
to inhalation of toxic
19. Location: Store room
Hazard: Damaged insulation
on electrical wires
Leads to short circuit.
20. Location: Store room
Hazard: Chemicals are
stored in bulk quantities with
Poor ventilation.
Risk of Fire and explosion.

21. Location: Store room

Hazard: Welding gas
cylinders are stored without
adequate protection.

Within 1 week

Immediate measure:
Electrical wire should be


Long term measure:

1 week
Regular inspection should be
done by the competent
Immediate measure:
Sufficient ventilation should
be provided to reduce vapour
Long term measure:
Risk assessment should be
conducted to reduce possible

1 week

Immediate measure:
Cylinders should be stored in
upright positions in the racks
and securely tie with chains.


Long term measure:

Explosion may occur due to

fall of gas cylinders.

Competent person should

inspect and give training to
the workers on safe storage.

(2011 specification)

Within a week

Candidate report template



Student number: ______________________________

Location: _____________________________________

Date of review:

Introduction including overview of area inspected and activities taking place

I inspected a site which is being constructed by HYUNDAI Construction,Abu Dhabi for
finding occupational health and safety procedures adopted, on 11/12/2015 from 10 A.M. to 4
For over 18 years, Hyundai Constructions has been synonymous with quality construction.
The site is a 10 storied building under construction. Two floors have already been built and
roofing activity for third floor is going on. There are 30 foremen, 2 Supervisors, a Site
Engineer, and a Site manager.
The working site consists of:

A Crane, a Concrete mixer, a hydraulic excavator, a tractors and welding machines.

A storage area for construction material (cement, wood, paints, solvents, etc).
A cabin for Site engineer and manager to supervise the work activities often.

The work being carried out is construction of retaining walls in the ground floors, constructing
parking lot, welding activity, electrical wiring installations and painting of constructed floors.

Executive Summary

This report identifies the important areas which need modifications as listed below. These
are listed in the order of importance.
Fire safety
Fire risk arises from damaged electrical wiring and storage of flammable substances like
welding gas (oxy acetylene) cylinders, paints, wooden materials, solvents, wooden materials
are stored with inadequate protection. Proper segregation of these materials is needed with
adequate labelling and safe storage.

Machinery safety

Machines like cranes and excavators are not used and maintained according to the
manufactures recommendations. Injuries can be controlled by removing damaged slings
from the workplace and proper procedures should be adopted while using machinery.
Working practices
Appropriate PPE is not used while painting and welding; allowing excessive personnel on
the scaffolds; Barricades are not installed after excavation, etc, are some of the unsafe
practices found during the inspection. Proper inspection, training and supervision are

Welding hazards
Risk of electrocution and burns founded from welding activity which is performed wet
conditions and workers not wearing proper PPE. The welding hazards are controlled by
adopting work permit system and providing training and required PPE to the welders.
Fall hazards
Several fall hazards are identified in the work site. Workers are found on the heights
(scaffolds) without personal fall arrest systems. Equipment and tools are placed on the
scaffold under which no barricades are provided.
Sufficient protective equipment and guarding systems should be provided which reduces the
risk of accidents in the work site.
Improvisation of job activities by adopting the safe work practices will reduce the risk of
accidents in the work site. This in turn improves the efficiency and productivity. A lot of time
and investment is saved in connection with staff training, accident investigation, and
compensation claims.

The suggestions made in this report can be exercised directly by the staff only and at
relatively little cost.
Failure to implement the suggestions made will cause damage to reputation and negative
publicity. This in turn will make a difference to the financial success. Management should
also view the issues in terms of humanity and moral dimension.
Main findings of the inspection
This report identifies the important areas which need modifications as listed below.
Fire hazards (observations 19, 20, 21)
A number of fire hazards were present on the worksite specially inspecting store room:
Damaged electric wiring and components, chemicals are stored in bulk quantities without
proper ventilation and welding gas cylinders are stored under poor condition without security.
These conditions may lead to major fire explosion and also to huge property damage, severe
injuries or death.
These conditions are violation of rules stated in Article 16 of ILO Convention C155 and more
specifically the obligations mentioned in ILO Recommendation R164 for the employer are
Electric wirings and components to be replaced by authorized persons and welding gas
cylinders should be separately stored in blocks in upright position and secured with chains.
Store employees should be trained in segregation and proper storage of materials, regular
inspections should be conducted by a competent person.
Machinery and equipment (observations 3, 4, 6)
Several items of machinery and equipment are identified to be in dangerous state due to the
poor use and maintenance:
Excessive noise was generated by backhoe during excavation to construct parking lot in
open area of the worksite.
Damaged slings of Cranes are found in use for lifting heavy objects (gas pipes) to be fitted in
the second floor.
Jack hammer which is been used to drill the concrete for pipe laying in the ground floor is
found physically damaged.
These conditions may result in severe injuries or deaths leading to significant fines or
prosecutions and also to large compensation pay outs.
These conditions are violation of rules by the employer mentioned in ILO Article 10 (a) of
Jack hammer should be repaired; Backhoe should be under regular maintenance, damaged
slings should be immediately replaced.

Proper training should be provided for the operators of carne, backhoe and staff and regular
inspection should be conducted by a competent person.

Working practices (Observations 1, 2, 11, 15)

Due to the lack of safety awareness by workers on the site a number of unsafe practices are
noted, which includes:
Failure to wear sunglasses for avoiding hot temperature exposure (direct sunlight).
Respirators are not found in use to avoid dust from excavation activity.
Operator fails to unplug the power source while replacing the discs of grinder during floor
smoothening work.
Supervisor allowing excessive load and workers on scaffold.
This is a possible breach of requirements to provide training to the workers in their
respective job activities. These indicate the violation of rules stated in ILO Convention C155
and R164.
Suitable sunglasses and respirators should be provided to the workers who are exposed to
direct sunlight and dust.
Proper training should be provided to grinding operator and scaffold supervisor to identify the
possible hazards of equipments.

Welding hazards (Observations: 7, 8)

Due to the lack of safety awareness among the workers and supervisors welding activity is
performed in wet conditions which pose a great risk of electric shock and electrical burns.
Welders are at great risk of radiation and skin burns as they are not wearing proper PPE.
These conditions represent the violation of rules stated in ILO Article 16 of ILO Convention
Management should implement the work permit system where hot work (welding) is
Suitable Personal protective equipment i.e. Face shields, respirators and gloves are
provided to the welders.
Proper training should be provided by a competent person to welders on hazards of welding.

Fall hazard (observation 16, 17)

Falling of materials has been identified in the working area under the scaffold, used for
roofing work of the third floor.

Workers are identified without fall protection on scaffolds while carrying out the roofing
activity. This may cause their fall from height leading to severe head and body injuries and
sometimes even fatality.
This condition may result in severe injuries or deaths and give out compensation apart from
possible sanctions from authorities.
This indicates the breach of rules mentioned in Article 16 of ILO Convention C155.
Management should provide screens for placing on the guardrail system and area under
scaffold should be barricaded.
Management should allocate a full time supervisor to monitor the task and to restrict the
Proper fall protective equipment should be provided to the people working on scaffolds.
Training in fall protection should be provided by a competent person to the staff.
Little attention towards safety issues are found to be paid in implementation. Due to poor
maintenance and lack of safety knowledge employees are working under hazardous
conditions. Lot of energy is found to be put in for carrying out easy tasks. Stress and strain
are the immediate consequences. Property damage, loss of reputation and bad publicity are
the issues that rise later.
The five areas mentioned in the report need immediate attention. Appropriate suggestions
have been made for some observations. Implementing these practices assumes very little
cost and can be actioned by in house staff only. It is certain that costs required for facing the
consequences of the hazards resulting due to these mentioned will be more tham their
implementation cost.
Damaged Electric
wirings and
components in the
store room should be
replaced by the

Likely resource
25 meters of double
insulated electrical
wire and 2 switch
boards which includes
the cost of 200 Aed.


Target date

High priority

1 week

Separate blocks and

chains should be
purchased by the
management to store
the welding gas
cylinders in the store

2 nos of storage
blocks and 10 meters
of steel chain which
includes the cost of
1750 Aed.

1 week

Store room staff should

be trained in
segregation and proper

Classroom and
practical training to
store room staff


storage of materials.

(approx. 2 hours)
should be conducted
by Safety officer.

Regular inspections
should be conducted
by the competent
person in the store
room to prevent
Excavation work
should be stopped
immediately and
backhoe should be
sent for maintenance.

A safety officer should

conduct regular
inspection in store

Site engineer should

take responsibility to
sent backhoe for
regular maintenance.
Cost implication is
5000 Aed.

1 week

High priority


Damaged slings should 2 nos 3 width of

be removed from the
slings of 10 meters
should be purchased
cost includes 4000

1 day

Jack hammer should

be repaired.

Repair should be done

by an authorized

1 week

Training to the
operators and staff to
be provided by a
competent person on
regular maintenance
and inspection of
equipments and

Classroom and
practical training to
operators and staff
(approx. 3 hours)
should be conducted
by Safety officer.

1 week

Workers exposed to the

direct sunlight (UV
rays) and dust to be
provided with
sunglasses and
suitable respirators.

1. Procuring 10 nos of
UV protected
sunglasses includes
the cost of 400 Aed.

Proper training should

be provided to scaffold
supervisor on hazards
of scaffold.

Classroom and
practical training to
supervisor (approx. 2
hours) should be
conducted by Safety

1 day

Classroom and
practical training to
operator and
supervisor (approx. 2
hours) should be
conducted by Safety

1 day

Proper training should

be provided to grinder
operator and activity
supervisor on
inspection of equipment
and hazards related to
the specific task.


2. Procuring 10 nos of
particulate cartridge
respirators include the
cost of 800Aed.

Permit to work need to

be implemented by the
management when
welding is performed.

Activity supervisor to
control the task
according to work
permit checklist.

Check for wet

conditions, Electrical
cable connections and
welding machine
conditions before
starting the work.

Grounding the
machinery and use of
GFCI cost implication
500 Aed.

Ensure use of suitable

PPE i.e., face shield,
particulate air purifying
cartridge respirator and
hand gloves.

High priority

Procuring 4 nos Face

4 nos of particulate air
purifying cartridge
respirator and 8 nos
insulated hand gloves
which includes cost
600 Aed.

High priority

1 day

1 day

1 day

Management should
allocate a full time
supervisor to monitor
the task and to restrict
the entry with

Procuring 10 meters
of Guardrail screen
includes the cost of
1500 Aed.

Screens should be
placed on the guardrail
system of scaffold.

Placing of 25 feet of
barricade procure cost
800 Aed.

Fall arrest systems

Procuring 15 nos of
should be provided to
fall arrest harness
the workers on scaffold. costing 800 Aed.

Training in fall
protection should be
provided by a
competent person to
the staff.

Classroom and
practical training to the
staff on potential fall
hazard (approx. 2
hours) should be
conducted by Safety

High priority

1 day



1 week

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