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Indonesian Study Tour: political governance


Indonesian Study Tour: political governance structure

Meggan Bain s2854743
1 December 2015


Indonesia or more specifically, The Republic of Indonesia is a

sovereign state that entered into a Constitution on July 5, 1959. This
was preceded by Dutch colonial rule and Japanese occupation. This
report will outline political governance in Indonesia according to the
1945 Constitution, including the legislative, executive and judicial
powers, as seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Basic graphic representation of the Republic of Indonesias

political governance structure. Source: ABC Australia, date unknown.

3915ENV Special Project A

1 December 2015

Meggan Bain S2854743 2

Indonesian Study Tour: political governance

The 1945 Constitution & the National Motto

The Constitution was implemented in 1959 and was developed as a

response to a revolutionary sovereign power that flourished in
Indonesia during WWII. This Constitution outlines the role within the
executive, legislative and judicial systems whilst regulating the
rights and responsibilities of citizens.
The 1945 Constitution is currently in the process of the 5 th
amendment, which will feature some important changes to the tasks
and relations between state institutions. The Constitution also
outlines a set of five mottos that underline Indonesias political
Indonesia has developed a set of five national beliefs that
encompass the Governments values. The mottos is as follows:

Belief in the one and only God

Just and civilized humanity
The unity of Indonesia
Democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity

arising out of deliberations amongst representatives

o Social justice for all of the people of Indonesia

Legislative Branch: People's Consultative Assembly

The legislative institution outlined in the 1945 Constitution consists

of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), and a House of
Representatives (DPR).
The main function of the MPR, being the highest political institution
is to uphold the Constitution and to decide the guidelines of state
policy and appoint or dismiss the president and vice president. More
specifically, it also regulates the position and responsibilities of
officials and the tasks and relations between state institutions i.e.

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1 December 2015

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Indonesian Study Tour: political governance
legislative, executive and judicial. The DPR works similar to the MPR
but contains a different set of responsibilities.
The DPR is the institution that is responsible for overseeing the
direction of the Government and in conjunction, assists in drafting
regulations and laws.

Executive Branch: The President & Vice-President

The executive contains the President who carries out his/her tasks
with the assistance of a Vice President and Cabinet. In the
Indonesian political system, the President is the Head of State at the
same time as being the Head of Government and occupies a
position that is equal to that of the other high-level state
institutions, including the DPR and Supreme Court. The President
and Vice President are appointed for a period of five years via
majority vote, after which there must be a new election.
The President issues Government regulations and submits bills to
the DPR and also carries out the mandate of the MPR. They also
responsible for executing the guidelines of state policy, and appoints
ministers and heads of non-ministerial institutions.

Judicial Branch: Supreme Court & Regional Court

The Supreme Court is the judicial arm of the State and exists beside
the legislative and the executive branches. The judicature consist of
the Supreme Court, the highest judicial institution, along with other
lower legal bodies. It was not until 1968 that the restructuring of the
Supreme Court was completed to meet the conditions set out in the
1945 Constitution, i.e. to be free from Government intervention in
the exercise of justice.

Regional Government

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Indonesian Study Tour: political governance
There are 30 provinces and 354 regencies in Indonesia. A governor
heads a province, whilst a mayor heads the municipal Government.
Relations between the legislative, executive and judicial bodies on
the provincial and regency/municipal levels are similar to those on a
national level.

Supreme Audit Board: BPK

The principal function of the State Audit Board is to inspect the

Government's finances. The findings of the State Audit Board are
reported to the People's Legislative Assembly - the body that
approves the estimated State Income and Expenditure.

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1 December 2015

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Indonesian Study Tour: political governance

3915ENV Special Project A

1 December 2015

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