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S - Substitute something

I can substitute the colour black with the colour purple or green, or
substitute the text for an icon within the outline by utilising white

C - Combine it with something

I could combine some of the elements from my other designs to

create a more interesting and playful look, for example I could add
cat ears to the pumpkin and add an icon of a broomstick behind the
pumpkin shape to further convey the theme of halloween. I could
combine a colour variation of the icon with the original and
another to make three pumpkins that give an example of halloween

A - Adapt something to it

I could, by taking away the text or use of white space, and

replacing those finer elements with block colour to use it as a
simple icon of a pumpkin itself.

M - Modify or Magnify it

I could modify the outline and give it a more realistic pumpkin

shape by giving it more dips and curves. I could invert the white
space, so that the letters are orange and the white space black, and
vice versa. I could make the text bigger or smaller to give it more

P - Put it to some other use

I could use the logo as the actual menu itself, with pages shaped
like the logo if there was no lettering or white space, the logo
would be the cover for the menu, and the pages whole (no white
space etc), apart from the similarity of the page shapes. I could
also use the pumpkin as a serif within the restaurants name, for
example I could place the pumpkin above the A or the I.
E - Eliminate something

I could eliminate the stalk from the outline and shape, so that the
focus is mainly on the body of the pumpkin.

R - Reverse or Rearrange it

I could place the text within the centre of the pumpkin icon instead
of to the side, Ie. Centre aligned and opposed to left aligned. I
could also re-arrange the text so that it fills the width of the icon
instead of the height of the icon with text, ie. Place text
horizontally as opposed to vertically.

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