Tranae' Conard Anne Malone English 1101 5/4/2015

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Tranae Conard
Anne Malone
English 1101

April fools Joke Gone Wrong

According to the Daily Mail a prank happen at Grand Valley State University where things did
not go as plan. A female college student decide to throw a lit firecracker at her roommate which
was part of an April fools prank. The firecracker ended up in the laundry hamper and the fire
ignite. The four girls that were involved in prank knocked on dorm rooms around them to try to
get everybody out safe, which they manage to do. No one was hurt and the girl who threw the
firecrackers was not charged but should she be charged? The fire happened in the upper levels of
the building. The campus did not have any fire extinguishers because there housing were town
house. (April fools Day Prank)
On April fools day there should be three rules that should be applied. The first rule the joke has
to be funny, the second rule the joke should not hurt anyone and the last rule no authority should
be involve. The firecracker prank was not a good April fools joke because the prank broke all
the rules.

Starting with the first rule, the joke has to be funny. This prank was not all funny for these four
girls where they thought it will be funny but it was not. The prank was to throw a lit firecracker
at her roommate but it ended up landing in the laundry hamper, which it set the whole hamper on
fire. This fire ignited to the upper level of the dorm rooms. The girls manage to get everyone out

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in time so no one got hurt. There was nothing funny about this April fools joke someone could
have gotten killed or severely injured. There was no fire extinguisher for the girls to use, but
should there have been? For the girl who threw a lit firecracker should she be charged?

The second rule for a good April fools joke is that it should not cause any damages. When the
fire happen it damaged there rooms and rooms next to them. Allison Mitchell the girl that lived
right next door experience some damages she said, This was April fools joke gone wrong and
said that this prank was stupid (College Apartment Evacuated). She realized that she had things
she need in her room and she was worried about what the firefighters were going to throw out
and what things were ruined. Her room experienced smoke damages which left tar all over her
room. These are college students who lost things that she need for college, whos going to pay
for things to be return? When this joke happen no one was injured. Everyone inside the complex
managed to escape unharmed, Peter said (Wolcott). The girl who threw the lit firecracker did
not face any charges for the incident and damages that happen. She wasnt hurt by the chargers
and no one was hurt by the fire. This joke was very dangerous. The firefighters arrive at around
9:30 am and the building was evacuated (April fools Day). These firefighter had great response
where they were able to get there on time to stop the fire and save anyone that needed to be
rescued. The firecracker should had never been thrown none of this stuff what have every

The third rule for a good April fools joke is that no authority should be involve. There were
police and firefighter involve. There should be no authorities involve, it should be a smooth joke

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where it can just happen without damaging anything. There were multiple fire crews that were
alerted to the fire (Wolcott). Capt. David Pelton of the Allendale Fire Department said that the
fire was the first he knew of to be started by April fools prank (Wolcott).

I think that this joke could go either way, it can be a good prank because no one got hurt and
everybody got out safe from the fire. But this is joke was a bad joke things were damages the
dorm rooms were damaged and the people who were living there couldnt stay there until things
were repaired also there were things lost in the fire.
In conclusion, I believe the girl who threw the firecracker at her roommate should have gotten
charged for the damages she caused. I think she should have been charged because o0f what she
did this wasnt the brightest prank to throw a lit firecracker it doesnt even make since. This
prank did not have any meaning to it, where I couldnt understand why it happened and what was
the point. The prank was supposed to be funny but nothing was funny about it.

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