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Over the years immigration has caused a significant decline in the U.S. economy.

many Americans face the problem of unemployment because opportunities of becoming
employed are taken by illegal immigrants who are willing to work for a much lower wage. Not
only do these immigrants work for a lower wage but they also deflate the wages of American
citizens already employed in that company. The employers providing these immigrant with a job
are also contributing to this problem by not doing their job correctly. Today about 8 million illegal
Immigrants are employed and deflate the wages of Americans that are already employed.
These illegal immigrants make up about 13% of the U.S. population and pose potential threats
to the U.S. economy
The amount of illegal immigrants in the United States has risen a significant amount over
the last decade and will keep continuing to increase if nothing is done to prevent it. Most
immigrants come to America looking for work, but if they are denied the right of employment, the
population of these immigrants could gradually decrease. If employment opportunities in the
U.S. became scarce for immigrants they would seek employment elsewhere. These 8 million
immigrants account for about 5.7% of the U.S. labor force, which is a growing issue in the
economy. American citizens should have first priority at all times when it comes to employment,
but since some employers hire immigrants without legal documentation, a good amount of
Americans are being robbed of potential job opportunities. Illegal immigrants are only stealing
from unemployed Americans, but they affect lives of working class citizens as well.
Americans may not know it, but a good portion of their yearly wages are shared with
illegal immigrants. It is estimated that about 14.7% of the American wage belongs to
unauthorized illegal immigrants employed in the United States ("Immigration Issues." Illegal
Aliens Taking U.S. Jobs (2013). N.p., n.d. Web. 17 October.2015). Although more than 80
percent of this wage is owned by Americans the immigrants portion can increase if no action is
taken to help avoid this issue from proceeding any further. About 97.8% of Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) profit goes to legal and illegal immigrants in the form of wages (Undocumented
Immigrants Taking Jobs From US Citizens? Most Americans Believe Immigration Is Bad For
Economy." International Business Times). This seems to be a very large portion and rightfully
belongs to the working class citizen, not an illegal immigrant. Employed immigrants may not be
affecting the economy directly, but over time it will cause many problems.
The number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. continues to grow at an astonishing rate
and low-paid American workers are forced to pay the price. Over the past two decades
immigrants have caused the wages of low-paid American workers to deflate by about 20%. Lowpaid workers are receiving the majority of the consequence because of illegal immigrants
becoming employed. Citizens with an average yearly wage are also affected by immigrants and
it is estimated that these wages are deflated by about 10%. Although these workers may not be
suffering as much as low-paid workers, their pay is still being deducted by a sufficient amount.
If nothing is done to protect the the income citizens deserve, the economy could end up
Throughout the last few decades immigration has caused the United States to suffer
through multiple economic crisis. Although they may have not made a huge impact on our
country, if nothing is done to keep illegal immigration from taking place then these small impacts
can add up to make one very big problem for the U.S. to have to face later.

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