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Fire Poem

My name is Jose Flores. I'm in fire 1 class with Mrs. Glover. I really enjoy being in the
class because it helps me get a better understanding of fire. When I was little I
would like to play with fire, even now I still do, but having this class helps me by
giving me ideas if I should go to fire academy before I go into the military. it also
gives me a bonus, I've learned different ways to tie rope and what its used for, same
thing with tools I've learned about all the different types of tools example, pointed
pickaxe, flat axe and the pry bar. I've learned about the uniform and how to properly
put it on, the different layers of the uniform like the inner core and the outer core,
and the facemask. I really like this class not only because of that but because of
everybody that class always have a good attitude, and Mrs. Glover is a fun teacher.
She interacts with her students. Its a fun class to be in, and maybe when I go into
the military I may be a fireman.

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