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Devin M.

Period 1

Lincoln wins by popular vote

Justification: I picked the election of 1860 because I wanted to know more
about the candidates. Also I picked it because it was the election Abraham
Lincoln was in.
Election of 1860: The election of 1860 was important because Abraham
Lincoln was a candidate. The democrats met in South Carolina and
selected Stephen Douglas as a candidate. Southern democrats opposed
Douglas and choose Breckenridge as a candidate. The republicans met in
chicago to choose a candidate. They needed someone who would be
popular enough the win the northeast states. They ended up choosing
Abraham Lincoln as a candidate. Lincoln was seen as a self made man,
frontier man, hard worker, and living the american dream. The
constitutional union party picked John Bell as a candidate. Bell was a
wealthy slaveholder from Tennessee. Lincoln won 40% of the popular vote
and 180 electoral college votes which made he the 16th president of the

Devin M.
Period 1

North Perspective: The northerner's perspective would have been

delighted because they have a president with their views. Also they would
have liked that he was seen as self made man and etc. They would be glad
that the other candidates didnt win because things would completely
different. Also since some of the other candidates were in favor through
slavery, there would probably be slavery more toward the north. Slaves
would be excited because there could be a chance of slavery been

South Perspective: The southerner's perspective would have been

disappointed and outraged. Which why they started seceding from the
Union creating the confederate states. They would have been mad
because the president wasnt supporting their views. They would also fear
having slavery being abolished. Slave would have a chance of being free
by slavery being abolished. Also with people would think slaves might start
gaining more equal rights & liberties. Next, southerners might feel that
everything they build such as the superiority complex, social status, etc
against slaves and blacks will crumble.

Devin M.
Period 1

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