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World 1st


Harriet Tubman
She was born:
March, 1888
She died: March 10,
She has one child
named: Gertie

Harriet Tubman was...

an African- American abolitionist,
humanitarian, and a Union spy
during the Civil War. Born into
slavery, Tubman escaped and
subsequently made some thirteen
missions to rescue approximately
seventy enslaved family and
friends, using the Underground

Why is she important..?

She was a conductor of the
"Underground Railway", she was a leader
in the community of people helping
escaped slaves escape to the north.
Harriet Tubman played a more hands-on
role by personally leading slaves where
to go, and taught them to follow the stars.
She led them to safety and then would go
back down south to help more slaves.

He was born:
February 15, 1564 in
He died: January 8,
1642 in Arcetri,

Galileo was...

an Italian astronomer,
physicist, engineer,
philosopher, and
mathematician who played a
major role in the scientific
revolution during the

Why was he important?

First off, he invented the telescope.
He had worked with Copernicus
and helped him prove to everyone
Earth was round. He was a great
Astronomer, discovering Jupiter's
four main moons. (Europa,
Callisto, Io, and Ganymede.) He
also discovered Saturn's rings, and
thought they were hands.

13 Amendment
The 13th amendment
called for the total
abolition of slavery. It
was the primary piece of
legislation that
permanently ended the
institution of slavery in
the United States, and it
was passed in 1865.

Why was it important?

December 6, 1865

The 13th Amendment was important

because it created a constitutional
amendment that banned slavery in ALL of
the American states.

1st Amendment
Prohibits the making of any law
respecting an establishment of religion,
impeding the free exercise of religion,
abridging the freedom of speech,
infringing on the freedom of the press,
interfering with the
right to peaceably assemble or
prohibiting the
petitioning for a governmental redress o
f grievances

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