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Federal Communications Commission

Washington, D.C. 20554

December 16, 2015

Robert W. Quinn, Jr.

Senior Vice President - Federal Regulatory
1120 20th St, NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20036

RE: AT&T's Sponsored Data and Data Perks programs

Dear Mr. Quinn,

I am writing to inquire about AT&T's Sponsored Data and Data Perks programs. As we
understand it, Sponsored Data and Data Perks are services available to certain AT&T customers that
subscribe to data plans (i.e., customers who purchase mobile broadband Internet access service from
AT&T).1 According to AT&T's website, Sponsored Data allows customers to "browse, stream and enjoy
content from our data sponsors without impacting their monthly data plan allowance."2 Similarly, under
the Data Perks program, "when [a customer] browse[s] pages within the Data Perks application including all menu, category, transfer, and help pages - the data used does not count against [the
customer's] wireless data plan."3
As you may be aware, concerns have been expressed about these programs, for example, some
have argued that sponsored data unfairly advantages incumbent content providers.4
We want to ensure that we have all the facts to understand how these services relate to the
Commission's goal of maintaining a free and open Internet while incentivizing innovation and investment
from all sources. We would also appreciate any additional perspectives that you may have about changes
in the Internet ecosystem as a whole. To assist us in this review, we request that AT&T make available
relevant technical and business personnel for discussions about these services with FCC staff no later than
January 15, 2016.

'Sponsored Data FAQ, AT&T, https://www.att.comlattlsponsoreddata/enlindex.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2015);

Data Perks FAQ, AT&T, https://www.att.comlatt/dataperks/en/index.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2015).
2 Sponsored Data FAQ.
Data Perks FAQ.
"John D. McKinnon, Net Neutrality Proponents Warn ofLoopholes, Wall Street Journal (Dec. 13, 2015),
http://www.wsj .comlarticles/net-neutrality-proponents-warn-of-loopholes-1450053 858.

Please contact me with any questions and to arrange mutually agreeable times for conversations
on this topic.


Roger C. Sherman
Chief, Wireless Telecommunication Bureau
Federal Communications Commission

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