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Civil War & Reconstruction Project Sheet

8th grade ELA

Mrs. Cralidis-November, 2015
Civil War & Reconstruction Project
You will work individually investigating ONE of the following
essential questions. Your project will include a title,
illustration of chosen topic, and essay of 3-5 paragraphs
discussing why you choose your topic. I have attached a
writing rubric for you to follow.

#1: What happened to the South after the Civil War? Create your own
Document Based Question by selecting 8 10 primary sources,
photocopying/noting them, creating questions for each; develop a
historical context and task as if you were designing the final exam DBQ
for the 8th grade state assessment.


Analyze primary source documents such as the

Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil War Amendments: draw or
create a multi-media presentation that reflects 3 primary sources of
the Civil War. Describe each source in your written essay.


Investigate the 3 plans for Reconstruction.

Using the Internet, textbook and other sources of information,
research the three plans for reconstruction and prepare a
comparison/contrast essay. Which plan was most viable? Discuss the
best plan and discuss why reconstruction failed.


Compare the impeachment of Andrew Johnson

To the impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton by researching and
creating a timeline of events for both cases, defining impeachment and
explaining the process, include all relevant people and events.
Compare and contrast the two-impeachment trials and discuss the
outcomes. Design a colorful poster-size Timeline of Events & Venn
Diagram displaying your research.

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