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Thoracic Cavity Dissection

1. taking cat out of the bag
2. take picture of cats thoracic cavity before we begin with sign
3. starting to make a longitudinal incision passing anteriorly from the diaphragm
along the side of the sternum
4. cutting again through the neck muscles to the mandible
5. making a lateral incision on each side along anterior surface of diaphragm
6. cutting the diaphragm loose from the thoracic wall
7. spreading sides of wall outwards
8. making a longitudinal cut along each side of the thinner wall of the rib
9. this will weaken the ribs
10. cutting deeper through ribs
11. spreading as we are cutting
12. pushing flaps open
13. taking image once thoracic cavity is completely open
14. locating the trachea and esophagus
15. taking an image of it attached to the posterior of the trachea
16. separating the esophagus from the trachea
17. looking at the branching of the bronchi
18. locating external nares and taking image
19. locating nasal cavity - approximately - behind nose
20. locating pharynx- way up top - cartilage
21. locating larynx
22. locating trachea
23. locating left bronchus
24. left and right pulmonary veins location- dark red- taking image
25. left and right pulmonary arteries location- dark blue- no stain- taking image
26. getting help from Mrs. Gilbert
27. starting cardiovascular system procedures
28. noting location of heart and large blood vessels associated with it
29. slitting the parietal pericardium- with scissors on midventral line
30. the membrane is connected to the visceral pericardium- attached to the surface
31. locating the pericardial cavity - space between two layers of pericardium
(potential space)
32. aortic arch blood vessels are different from humans
33. locating right and left atrium
34. locating right and left ventricle
35. locating pulmonary trunk
36. locating aorta (brown)
37. locating coronary arteries
38. opening the heart chambers
39. cutting along the frontal plane from its apex to the cats base
40. removing remaining latex
41. examining the valves between the chambers- thickness of walls
42. separating lungs and heart from thoracic cavity wall
43. cutting the trachea close to the pharynx

1. getting cat our of the bag

2. removing organs from thoracic cavity
3. cutting gently with scalpel
4. removing heart from lungs with help of gilbert
5. taking image of the lungs
6. removing dried blood from heart
7. taking a close up picture of heart chambers
8. locating pulmonary arteries and cutting them close to their start from pulmonary
9. locating pulmonary veins again and cutting them close
10. mrs gilbert is demonstrating the inflation of the lungs- taking image

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