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Speaking Activity

La Familia

Designed by David Balmaceda

Cmo es

Describe a tu familia:

Paragraph (15 pts.):

-Write a paragraph describing your
family members.
-Do not forget to use descriptive
adjectives. This can mean quantity,
physical and personality traits, etc.
-Use the verbs SER and TENER.
Technical Requirements:
-Write 8 complete sentences in a
-Use double or 1.5 space
-Turn in this assignment at the
beginning of class.

Bring a minimum of two family photos (personal

ones, or taken from the internet or a magazine). You
can have them on any electronic device.
In groups of 5:
-Wait to get a number.
-Show the family photos to your classmates in the
-All the students in the group will ask you at least 2
questions about the people on your photos.
Quin es l/ella?
Cuntos aos tiene? Cmo se llama?
Podras describir dos personas de tu familia?
-While you are answering the questions, the members of
the group make notes to share her/his information with
the class later.
-The activity goes on until all the members in the
group have had a chance to show
their photos and talk about their family.

Share something about someone elses family:

It is now time to share with others about any of your classmates family.
Numbers 1, 2, and 3 from each group would stand up and change groups.
Use the notes you made about your classmates family and share it in the new group.

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