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Eric Gray
Professor Hull
English 2010
3 December 2015
Evaluating Zoos
Zoos have been known to be one of the best sources of entertainment, given that they
provide such a unique kind. Looking at a collection of wild animals on display in person is
something you really cannot find anywhere else. Unless of course you went to an African safari
tour, but I want to say that most of us cant exactly fit that into our budgets. So how have zoos
been able to stick around? Today we are going to take a look at the good and bad of zoos.
We should first start out with the evolution of zoos. Now, no one can put an exact date
when zoos officially started but according to Ann-Marie Macdonald, an author, a playwright, and
an actor, who has won awards like the Oprah book club selection and was a Giller award finalist
in 1997 and 2003, believes that zoos go all the way back to the Egyptian days. Obviously it was
not precisely how we imagine zoos today, but she believes
that animals were captured by the Egyptians and put on
display to show intimidation, power, and wealth. A little bit
down the road in 1752, The Tiergarten Schonbrunn was built,
which is actually the oldest zoo still around today. Keep
going and we reach the Bronx Zoo, opened up in 1906, and
Figure 1: Ota Benga in the
monkey exhibit

when it initially opened had a lot of controversy because they

had a human, Ota Benga, displayed with the monkeys to show evolution. We cant stop there,
almost to present day, the Toronto Zoo

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opened up in 1974 and was the first zoo to have seven different geographical regions. This made
it a lot easier to display the animals and zoos still use this idea today. It is pretty crazy how much
zoos have changed.
Now lets take a look at the good. First, we need to look at the economic point of view.
Do we recognize how much zoos do for the economy? Dr. Stephen Fuller wrote in The
Economic Impact of Spending for Operations and Construction by AZA-Accredited Zoos and
Aquariums, If all visitors to AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums) member zoos and
aquariums reflected this level of before and-after visit spending, total spending associated with
the days visit to AZA member zoos or aquariums would have generated $2.232 billion in 2010
to the benefit of the local economy. Having an attraction like a zoo gives all the local economies
(hotels, restaurants, retail shopping) extra customers, which gives them even more profit. Also
having the extra attention can cause these areas to need extra help providing more jobs available.
Continuing on with the economic view, in 2011 zoos contributed over 16 billion dollars
to the economy. When zoos decide to renovate they usually spend a large amount of money. That
16 million was solely on what was spent for projects and operations. That does not include how
much money they spent to pay the workers to make the projects happen. So not only does a zoo
contribute 16 billion to the economy, they spend another 4.7 billion in wages and salaries. Zoos
create many jobs, they generate a lot of money, but they also spend a lot of money.
Another positive impacts zoos make is on the animals. Yes they do actually make a
positive impact despite what is believed today. Did you know that the AZA has a program
designed to help the animals that are struggling to exist? It is called the Species Survival Plan.

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The main focus is to obtain endangered species and control the breeding of these species, that
way they can grow up healthy and begin to sustain a population. This program was established in
1981 and has been around ever since. Now, 1981 goes a while back which appears to be before
the major controversy among zoos. They are not only a great place for entertainment; they are
also helping the shrinking species.
Alright now lets take a look at what all critics love, the
bad. The easiest way to start is to talk about the big things like
what is the major controversy that zoos have with neglecting
animal rights. Is it true? Do they really neglect animal rights? Its
tough to say. Its a real sensitive subject because nobody wants
to see animals struggle. We all change the channel when that

Figure 2: Animal showing signs of


Sarah McLachlan song comes on with the abused animals, because who wants to see that? Well
for some, it is the same thing but with zoos. People see animals locked up in their exhibits and
can argue that that is neglecting the animals and their rights. Especially when they can argue that
animals in zoos have the possibility of getting diagnosed with zoochosis. Zoochosis is basically
the way animals act in zoos compared to how they act in their natural habitat. They show a
repetitive behavior such as excessive grooming, bar biting, head bobbing, pacing, or even
extreme vomiting. The causes of zoochosis is pretty basic like direct control by humans, being
cut way from social groups or siblings, drugs, or even just being in a cage. So yes, you could say
animals own free will is being neglected by zoos.

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One thing I think that a lot of people forget about zoos is that these are wild animals. We know
that some animals develop zoochosis, some are content with zoo life, but for the frustrated
others, they make the news. Now it does not happen often, but more and more animals are
breaking out of their exhibits. Stephen Messenger a senior writer for The Dodo, a digital brand
for the well-beings of animals and they often voice for PETA, has listed some of the smartest
animal breakouts over the years. Some these notable breakouts include: a tiger scaled a 20 foot
wall to escape back into the wild, a group of monkeys had used rocks to break locks and eight
monkeys escaped, and an orangutan had not only escaped three different times but taught other
orangutans how to escape. Although its not an everyday occurrence, it happens and these are
wild animals that get out. It can put many people in danger and cause panic. What is a family fun
entertainment can turn very bad with these inexcusable mistakes.
To sum it all up, zoos are not perfect. Just like anything they have problems but they try
to mask the problems the best they can. I think the good zoos do outweighs the bad. Between
how they affect the economy and how far they have evolved over time, to have controversy over
animal rights isnt enough to say zoos are bad. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I am sure
some will disagree with me. I evaluated zoos looking at the good and bad and I feel that zoos are
good over bad.

Works Cited
"Wildlife New Zealand." Zoochosis. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.
Messenger, Stephen. "10 Of The Greatest Zoo Animal Escapes." The Dodo. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.
Fuller, Stephen. "American Zoos and Aquariums Contribute $16.0 Billion
to Economy. - Association of Zoos and Aquariums. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.
MacDonald, Ann-Marie. "Zoo Revolution: History of Zoos - Doc Zone." CBCnews.
CBC/Radio Canada, 10 Apr. 2013. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.

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