English Test: Obligation, Prohibition or An Ability

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1- Complete with must/ mustnt or can/cant and write if its an
obligation, prohibition or an ability.
a- You run 1 km. .. You CAN run 1 km.
b- He . play basketball. ..
c- We .. be on time. ..
d- She ... jump from that tree. ..
e- We play the guitar. .
f- They . shout to other people. ..
g- I . talk when someone else is talking.
h- My parrot say my name.
i- He .. stay at home if hes ill. ..
j- She .. sing. .
k- I . obey my grandparents.
l- We run in the classroom.
m-You .. help people when they need it. ..

2- Re-write the sentence and put the verbs into the correct verbal
tense: Present Simple (PS) Present Continuous (PC) Immediate
Future (IF) Past Simple (PAS). Answer the questions.
a- I am /study/ english next year. (IF) I am GOING TO STUDY english next
b- I /write/ a lot of vocabulary. (PAS)
c- I am /listen/ the radio right now. (PC)
d- Cattle stock /grow up/ last year. (PAS)
e- Cars /produce/ pollution. (PS)
f- He /has lunch/ at 12 oclock. (PS)
g- Beekeepers /take care of/ bees regularly. (PS)
h- The Argentinean football team is /play/ against Brazil on September. (IF)
i- Bees are /disappear/ around the world. (PC)
j- We are /go/ to a school trip next weekend. (IF)
k- She /swim/ in the river. (PAS)
l- Its /go/ to rain. (PC)
m-Are you /play/ tennis this afternoon? (IF)
n- Did you /hire/ bicycles last weekend? (PAS)
o- Is he /go/ fishing the next weekend? (PC)
p- Do they /go/ to school on Saturdays? (PS)

3- Answer the questions


Are you going to play football tomorrow?

Yes, I am.
Did they go to school yesterday?
Did you stay at home last weekend?
Does she go to school form Monday to Friday?

e- Are they going to travel to San Lorenzo?

f- Is he studying right now?

4- Write in Spanish the meaning of these words


School trip:

i- Issues:
j- Beekeeper:
k- Scientists:
l- Park:
n- Pollination:
o- A third:
p- Honey:

q- Electricity/Utility
r- Fungus:
s- Hives:
t- Cold:

5- Read the text and write (in Spanish) and make a summary of the

Cattle Stock grew up in about 2 millions

Although there arent have been published official numbers, it transcended that at the last march the cattle
stock grew up in about 2 millions, of which 800.000 are cows. But what call most the attention is the
increase of the number of weaned calves, a million more than in the last autumn said the specialist Ignacio
This indicate that the productivity experimented an improvement, even though with levels far away from
the United States or Australia weaning index, said Iriarte. According to SENASA, there were 23.7
millions of cows with about 14.28 millions of calves.

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