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In part two I have read, listened, interacted with and watched material mostly
based around the subject of Journeys however that is not all that has been
highlighted; with the gathered eclectic information of many different styles of
photography to be inspired by it was the work of Ian Brown and Idris Khan that
inspired the style I chose and influences such as John Davis and even Timothy
OSullivan (and Carleton Watkins) that helped with the input and composition.
Timothy Osullivan was brutal in his deliverance of his work for Kings expedition
but his counterpart Carleton Watkins was known and popular for his
romanticising of a scene and this spiked an interest and an understanding with
me as I often follow Watkins lead because I love to bring the best out of the
place that Im in but I admire Osullivans unconventional (for the time)
approach and how he (although some staged and dramatized) was determined
to show a situation in its truest light however uninviting it looked for those at
home; the work of these two photographers planted the initial seeds for my
assignment and how instead of going of one way or the other what I should
actually do is give a thorough good bad and the ugly interpretation of my
journey. As I said above it is the work of Ian Brown and Idris Khan that helped
give clarity to my idea and how it would finally look, inspired by the idea of
mapping a journey with google maps (OCA work folder) that is exactly what I
decided to do, this allowed me to thoroughly go through my surroundings and
partition it in order for me to choose views and scenes that will give the contrast
and overview of the area in order to combine and create one picture for each
part. Each image has been made from 2-4 images, I did not use all the views
that I found as the views did not always work as well as originally hoped
(sometimes things were not there that were in google maps, other times I could
not get the height of the car camera to get the exact view so these image grabs
were just a guide).
Going through my assignment images I decided that although many were going
to plan and where making the statement I wanted or showing what I wanted
them to, there was something missing in some and I went back over some
photographers/artists and exercises from the folder to see where I could make
some alterations to improve my assignments outcome and that is when I took a
clear look into Mark Titchner and decide to use text in my work this is only
present in three images and works well when viewed as enlarged images the
messages are for and based on the image they are blended with however they
also work as a larger message Neighbours not gone but still forgotten what
now?? this message is based on the mostly re-renovated area after the town
stopped being industrial and lost their main source of income (the mills), but
even after many years passing there are still buildings left unchanged does it
have to be another 25 years before these buildings are given a new lease of life?

Given a larger time scale and I think probably all of Glossop I could develop this
style further by following more in the footsteps of Ian Brown and layering more
and more images together as mine resemble double exposures more than the
images of his and Khans; the views I picked and how they were placed were
based on the area and what it had to say but also on the compositional values of
a conjoined images and how they worked together some were meant to be
have more but looked to cluttered and then had one removed in order for it to

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