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Boxes-and-Bullets Argument Essay Structure

Define/explain what the debate is.
Some think.but others or
An issue that is hotly debated
Make a clear claim.
Its clear that
Research shows that
If one had to choose, then
Briefly explain/forecast your reasons.
_______________________ because (reason 1), because(reason
2), and because (reason 3).
Body Paragraph 1
(Reason 1) One reason that OR The most important
reason that
For example (evidence a) OR The most important example
of this
Also (evidence b)
In addition (evidence c) OR Furthermore
Body Paragraphs 2 and 3
(Reason 2) A second reason OR Another reason
For example (evidence a) OR The most important example
of this
Also (evidence b)
In addition (evidence c) OR Furthermore
Acknowledge both sides, and re-defend your claim.

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