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Grading Criteria

Format for Oral Exam and Grading Criteria

Intermediate adult Spanish leaners.
For this oral exam students are going to be making paired interviews and
recording themselves to answers questions in different situations, based on
the reading and writing lesson they had about el Leador.
It is important to mention that in the cards for this oral exam the students
have the questions in Spanish already. It would be too difficult for their level
to come up with the structure of those types of questions. So, I have decided
that I am not testing their ability to ask questions, in this particular case, but
the ability to answer them based on the reading, and writing they have done
previously about the topic.
This activity is worth 30 points.
The students are going to be provided with the following rubrics before they
are tested. The 30 points are going to be divided as fallows:
Topics handled adequately; ideas clearly conveyed; requires little effort to be
Makes some grammar mistakes that do not affect meaning.
Normal, thoughtful delay in formulation of thought into speech.
Vocabulary mistakes that generally do not affect meaning. (Wrong gender,
wrong preposition)
Some mispronunciation; meaning still clear.
Gave at least 2 sentences per question.

Oral exam

1).Ya hemos ledo y escrito sobre la historia del Leador. Es hora entonces de comentar u opinar al
Con un compaero de clase seleciona una de las tres tarjetas con preguntas y situaciones. Lee las
situaciones, pregunta y graba tus respuestas y las de tu compaero. Luego tu compaero hace lo mismo.
Situacin 1
On your way to your Spanish class you find a bag filled with $5,000. What would you do?
La entregas a las autoridades, o te la quedas? Por qu?

Situacin 2
Your best friend in your Spanish class is asking for some answers to complete the test. What would you
do? Lo reportas al profesor, o das las respuestas? Por qu?

Pregunta 3.
Crees que el ser siempre honesto trae buenas consecuencias? Por qu?

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