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Shannon Molander

Arrivaling part 1-2

R. Andrew Brown
UWRT 1103-029
October 21, 2015
Part 1
1. The Arrival was extremely interesting. At first I was quite skeptical but the story proved
me wrong. I enjoyed all of the illustrations because of the details that made the meanings
so much clearer. Also, I enjoyed the story being told by the pictures. The tale of a man
immigrating to America for the sake of his family.
2. I really enjoyed when the main character first made it to Elis Island and was tested
multiple times. The succession of pictures seems very accurate to what real immigrants
actually went through.
3. I didnt enjoy the side plots of the main character meeting other immigrants. Overall their
stories were interesting, but I believe there were too many side stories.
4. The coloring of the pictures gives the story an older mood. It helps set the story back in
time. The shading in the illustrations also helped to show the ominous feel throughout the
main characters home in his country.
5. I believe that this story could be the actual true memories as they were recorded. Because
of the foreign symbols all over the new world I am lead to believe that this is an actual
retelling because just like this was a foreign language to the main character it is a foreign
language to the reader. This could be the authors way of sharing the confusion of the
writings, animals, and sculptures in the new world.

6. In my opinion the lack of words in the book helped me understand the meaning of the
story more. I could empathize more with the main character and his confusion, because I
was confused with the animals, food, and words as well.
7. Honestly, no I would personally not be able to leave my home like he did. The travelers
life was not absolutely guaranteed to be better in the new world, and that uncertainty
would stop me from leaving my home.
8. The beginning of the story when the traveler leaves his family. Being an out of state
student coming to UNCC from New York was a far journey. Certainly not as far as the
traveler, but I can relate to the main character because I had to say goodbye to my parents
and family. I still have my cellphone, and facetime to see them so its not as extreme as
what the traveler went through.
Part 2
I chose my broken finger, my graduation cap, and the UNCC stairs. My broken
finger has affected me by making my finger crooked for the rest of my life. Graduating
has affected me by boosting me closer to my goals in life. Lastly, the UNCC stairs have
affected my claves.
I believe that everything happens for a reason.
I believe hard work pays off.
I believe what doesnt kill you makes you stronger.
What animals and food did those objects and creatures represent?
What country is the main character from?

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