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Owl Pellet

Warm Up: Previewing Questions
Hypothesize what the role of the barn owl might be in the ecosystem in
which it lives. Apply concepts that you have learned about from
Chapter 18 to cute evidence for your answer. (DOK 3 and 4)

Hypothesize where you think the pellets we are going to be dissecting

came from. If pellets come from different areas of the country assess
whether or not you think the contents of those pellets will be different
from one another. Cite evidence as to why you believe the contents
may or may not differ.

Owl Pellet Dissection Video Questions

1. Summarize the role of the owl in its ecosystem. (DOK 2)

2. What types of ecosystems do owls normally inhabit? Support your

statement with details and examples from the video. (DOK 3)

3. List the things owls need in order to raise their young. (DOK 1)

4. Draw a conclusion as to what might happen to the owl if one of the

items required for nesting were missing. (DOK 3)

5. Cite evidence to prove a barn owl is nesting somewhere. (DOK 3 &4)

6. Assess what it would be like to be the last owl sibling hatched. (DOK 3)

7. How do owls hunt? Do they need to see? (DOK 1)

8. Barn owl have ears that are not parallel to one another. Analyze how
this anatomy helps the owl hone in on its prey. (DOK 4)

9. What other adaptations do owls have for hunting? (DOK 1)




Summarize the process of an owls digestion. (DOK 2)

Analyze why owl pellets are important to biologists. (DOK 4)

Summarize appropriate laboratory behavior. (DOK 2)

13. Infer how you will identify the barn owl prey inside the pellet. (DOK


How should you divide your paper to identify the bones? (DOK 1)

Wrap Up: Post Viewing Revisions

Has your hypothesis of the role the owl takes in its ecosystem changed
after viewing this video? Cite evidence to demonstrate how your
hypothesis may or may not have changed. Be sure to restate your
original hypothesis.

Has your hypothesis of where the owl pellets come from changed after
viewing the video? Cite evidence to identify how your hypothesis may
or may not have changed. Be sure to restate your original hypothesis.

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