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Granillo 1

Karina Granillo
Camie Schafer
English 1010
December 12, 2015

Gender Roles
The fight between which gender is better is still a big predicament that we are all in. Even
though sometimes we cant realize, what is actually going on around us. Is the male or the female
better? I personally think both genders are equal in their own unique ways. Many people still
debate about who is the better leader, who is better at sports, etc. Is there a wrong or right
answer? No, there is no wrong or right answer to which is better, everyone is allowed to have
opinions on the topic. We should all realize in the end, both genders are equal because we are all
human beings who are unique in our own ways.
Why do women limit themselves? They should not be afraid to ask for things, or
whatever it is that they want in life. If a women wants something, she should go for it. Even if it
seems like something only a male can do. People expect each gender to play a specific role
because of who they are. When in reality that is not the truth. A women can do just as good as a
man in anything. We can all change the world for the better, in our own ways. Showing our
upcoming generations that we are all equal, there is no need to put down one another because of
our gender.
Whether we decide to go to college and further our education, we are all the same. Yes,
some may be smarter then others, but there is no need for thinking less of someone because of

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there education. If us as women, are afraid to ask or to do specific tasks, how do we expect
society to think we are just as smart as the men? Women need to learn to respect themselves first,
and not put themselves down. They need to realize, we should not be afraid, we just have to go
for it.
Women feel they get judged a lot more than the men do. Why? Because everyone is a
hypocrite and cant see the reality that is actually going on around them. Everyone has different
opinions, especially when it comes to if they are gay or straight. As Stephen Mays says, The gay
man could act more like a women, but it doesnt make him one. No matter who you are, or what
you feel about your sexual orientation, you can do whatever you set your mind to do. Many
people dont do what they actually want to do in life because they know they will get judged by
This is why we all need to show equality towards each other. We cant make someone
feel bad because of their sexual orientation. That is wrong, and we are no one to judge. Everyone
makes mistakes, and does things they never thought they would do. But it doesnt make us bad
people. As I have said before, we all need to realize that we are just different. Yes, we may all
have things in common, but in reality, we are all unique, and always will be.
Both genders should not be afraid of what others will think of them with the choices they
make in life. Women can be just as good leaders as men, men can be just as good cooks as
women can be. Both genders can be great parents, whether that child has two moms, two dads, or
a mom and a dad.
Women and men do not have specific, roles that they need to do because of their
gender. Everyone can be a good, loving, and caring family whether your family may seem a bit

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different then what is commonly known as a, normal family. The only thing that should matter
is that you have someone who loves you for who you are, and always will. It is how we should
all be in society. Loving and caring of each other, arguing is okay about gender roles, but in the
end, no one wins if we let them. Opinions are okay to have, even if you dont always agree with
the situation going on.
Throughout the years, women have been treated like they are servants, like they have an
obligation to do specific tasks. Some people cant see what is actually going on in society. They
need to open up their eyes long enough to see the situation they are actually in. Leadership roles
are still being debated in politics. Children in school, should not have to learn that, while
growing up. We should be showing them, equality.
Joel Peterson talks about gender equality. He is all for everyone being the same, and
treated the same. He says, that in schools, these kids should be learning that no matter how you
potray yourself, you are still a man or woman. I strongly agree with him. No one should feel less
of themselves because they think they should be doing, or acting a certain way. Everyone has the
freedom to do, and say what they want.
Everyone should learn about gender roles, and the importance of being who are no matter
what. Whether you learn it in school, or out of school. It is an important topic that should be
taught. Many people get bullied because of the way they act, when everyone else think they
should be acting a specific way. When in reality, that is not okay. Nobody should be bullied
because they are, out of character. Not doing what they should be. People kill themselves
because of being bullied, we need to stop suicides, and instead of bringing people down, we
should be raising them up. Letting them know that they can whatever it is they set their mind to.

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As long as you have the knowledge, and the education for the job, they have no reason to
not hire you at a high position job. Some people may think otherwise, and see only men as good,
strong, independent leaders. Women are the exact same, doesnt matter where they got their
education from or how, they know the exact same things a man does and everything they can do.
We dont know eachothers lifes to just assume we know, or even have a reason to judge. Men
and women can both be strong, independent leaders. No gender is better then the other as a
certain task. It us up to ourselves to be better then we were yesterday. We have the power to
make this world better. If gender equality is the issue, then we dont see the bigger picture.
Women still dominate in education and many other things like being a mom, working,
giving advice, having more sympathy about things, etc. Because it is just something that comes
naturally, its a passion they have for these things. Men still dominate in engeneering, because
again, its just something that comes naturally. Richard Dorment says that, It could go both
ways, stay at home mom, working dad; stay at home dad, working mom.
Both genders can do these things. It all just depends on their situation. So no matter
which situation you could happen to be in, there is nothing wrong with the way you decide to
live your life. It is your life, support yourself even if no one else does. As long as you know what
your worth, nobodys opinion matters. Being a man, or a women doesnt matter, we are all here to
do the same thing, live our lifes to the fullest and be happy with the choices we make.
As you can see, everyone has a different opinion on gender equality, and what roles we
should take as a male or a female. Everyone is different and they all have the ability to change
society, and the world for the better. Being a female does not mean you cannot take on Manly
tasks in your everyday life. Maybe even one day women will dominate men in their abilities to

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be strong, independent, and be respected. In the end, we are all equal no matter what role we
decide to play as a male, or a female.

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Works Cited
Dorment Richard."Why Men Still Can't Have It All." Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein.
Third ed. They Say I Say: The Moes that Matter in Academic Writing. New
York: W.W: Norton, 2010. 697-717. Print.
Mays, Stephen. "What about Gender Roles in Same-Sex Relationships?" Gerald
Graff, Cathy Birkenstein. Third ed. They Say I Say: The Moves That matter in
Academic Writing. New York: Norton, 2010. 718-720. print.

Peterson, Joel. 5 Reasons to Teach Gender Equality. 16 Ocotber 2015. Web. 15

November 2015.

Sheryl, Sandberg. ""Lean In: What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid?"." Gerald
Graff, Cathy Birkenstein. They Say I Say: The Moves That matter in Academic
Writing. New York: Norton, 2010. 642-658. print.

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