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Muhammad and the Holy Quran

Muslims believe that during the ninth month of the Muslim

calendar, the month of Ramadan, the Holy Quran "was sent
down from heaven, a guidance unto men, a declaration of
direction, and a means of Salvation".
One day Muhammad was sitting alone in the wilderness near
Mecca. He often spent time alone in the cave called Hira. The
Angel Gabriel appeared to him. The Angel commanded
Muhammad to read. Muhammad responded "I am not a reader."
The Angel Gabriel then taught Muhammad some verses from
the Quran, which Muhammad memorized.
These revelations continued for 10 days. Islamic scholars
believe that the first revelation occurred on the night of the
27th day of Ramadan. This night is called the Laylat-al-Qadr
(Night of Power). And according to the Quran, this is when
God determines the course of the world for the following year.
The receiving of the Holy Quran is to the Muslims what the
receiving of the Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai is to the
Jews and Christians

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