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Tyler Card//Darren Zufelt//Remix Analysis//16 November 2015


This is a video
remix analysis on the
YouTube artists
Victor01ifys remix of the
Looney Tunes titled
Cartoon Network
Groovies - Wascally
Wemix. This video was uploaded to YouTube on April 12 2008. The
video is 1 minute and a 14 seconds long and it is paced full of Looney
shenanigans. TheVictor01ify has 250 subscribers, 161,799 views and
joined August 3, 2009. TheVictor01ify made this remix by using video
and music clips from the 85-year-old cartoon The Looney Tunes. He
then changed the clips by reordering them to make a new entertaining
video that is different. In this video Elmer Fudd is trying to hunt Bugs
Bunny and Daffy duck. But just like in the cartoon The Wascally Wabbit,
Bugs Bunny outsmarts them. The video shows many scenes of Bugs
tricking Elmer And Daffy. It also has audio clips of Elmers voice to
create a groovy beat that plays while he hunts for wabbits.

Remixing Pop Culture

The Wascally Wemix shows signs of being an idiom because this
video has taken the original content and used it in a way that is
unusual or not the same as the Looney Tunes characteristics. The

concept is also shown because Looney Tunes content is an example of

remixing pop culture. Pop culture or popular culture is defined as the
entirety of ideas, perspectives, attitudes, images, and other
phenomena that are within the mainstream of a given culture. Looney
Tunes is pop culture because the characters are iconic. Everybody
knows who Bugs Bunny is and he is most likely referenced every day.
Remixing pop culture is taking something that is popular and well
known like the Looney Tunes and turning it into something new and
unique. The Wascally Wemix would be a perfect example because it
took the Looney Tunes and turned it into a remix of its characters

Along with remixing pop culture this video is also an example of
a transformation. To be more specific it is an example of a video and
audio mash up along with having some original Looney Tune content.
You can tell this video transforms because it is clearly not the same as
the content that was used to make it. It takes original scenes and audio
and turns it into a new interpretation. Clips have been reengaged and
cut up to turn it into a mash up. A mash up takes multiple pre existing
videos that may not be related to each other and turned into a unified
video. In the video TheVictor01ify takes many different scenes from the
Looney Tunes from different episodes and used them to make a unified

video of Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny, And Daffy duck. Even though the
scenes are from different episodes, all the clips that were used feel like
they belong together. The video is able to show us Looney Tunes
different characteristics because the clips are from different episodes
and that creates a new way to view these characters. Video mash ups
are also protected from copyright clams because it is a derivative work
and protected under the fair use doctrine under the copyright act 17.
This video is derivative because it is an expressive creation that has
been substantially altered from the original source.

3 Main Elements of Remix


Being protected by
the act allows the artist to
use cuts of video and audio
to create a creative new
media. The content of
TheVictor01ify video has
been arranged and edited
in a way that has given it a very fast pace. Even though he uses some
slower short clips of video in this remix, his use of repetition and the
fast rate of that repetition makes the flow of this video seem faster.
The video has a lot going on and that allows the people viewing this
video to see a lot of content in a short amount of time.
This video is primarily about video remix but it does have audio
that plays along with the video. The audio in this video is what McCloud
would call associative applications because it enhances what is
happening in the video. It is also background and mood enhancement
audio. This can be identified in the video because music is playing in
the background and there is audio that makes the mood much more
wascally. The music also sounds like it is from the Looney Tunes, but
TheVictor01ify doesnt provide a source so you cant be 100% sure.

The video and audio make up the entirety of this remix. The third
element of the remix (typography) is not even present in this video,
but there was no need for it. The video works well without text because
we still receive the message this video is trying to convey without the
use of it. There may have been new elements that could have been
derived by using text in this remix but all it would have added was
more content for the view to absorb. It would have probably made the
remix too busy since it already has a lot going on.

The audience of this video is people on YouTube looking for
entertainment. This video can appeal to anyone who may just want a
good laugh. You can tell this is the case because it is a funny video that
was made to entertain. Youtubers may also be interested in this video
because it contains content from the Looney Tunes. Any one who is a
fan of the Looney Tunes might enjoy this remix because it is a different
way to see Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny, and Daffy Duck than the original

Ethos, Pathos, Logos

I dont think that he really has much credibility other than being
a YouTube artist. He does not provide any sources to show that he is

credible and he doesnt need it. It may be difficult to evaluate who is

even credible to make a video like this because the content and
technology is almost
available to anyone
who has a computer. It


just a video to make

people who watch it
laugh so no one would


concerned about his credibility. Is credibility even relevant to produce a

video like this? He doesnt provide any sources to show that he is

This remix is very upbeat and makes the viewer upbeat as well.
It is entertaining and funny so the viewers might also feel entertained
and happy because of this remix. Entertainment and happiness are
probably the main emotions viewers receive from watching this remix,
but since this remix is of the Looney Tunes some of the viewers might
feel nostalgia. A lot of people grew up watching the Looney Tunes and
this brings back those memories of Bugs besting Elmer.
This remix doesnt have much a reason on to why it was made
other than appealing to You Tubers and Looney Tune fans looking to

watch a funny video. It was made to be entertaining, but it could be

speculated as being a example of how Elmer Fudd gets tricked by Bugs
Bunny. Another reason it may have been made is just because
Victor01ifys is a fan of the Looney Tunes and wanted to make a fan
parody using Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny, And Daffy Duct. This could have
been his way of expressing how much he enjoys the Looney Tunes.
With more information we could have learned more reasons of why this
video was made and what its purpose was, but Victor01ifys did not
provide any information that we could make any conclusions on.


I think this video had great content but it had poor video quality.
The image of the video was a little fuzzy and it could have been a lot
crisper. Victor01ifys probably didnt utilize all the technology he could
of to make the video higher quality.
On the other hand I was glad that
he used the Looney Tunes. It was
nostalgic and refreshing to see the
wascally characters in a new way.
The clips that he used were put
together very well, even though
they where from different episodes,
he did a good job keeping the video about Elmer getting tricked. I think
this video did exactly what it was meant to do, which was to entertain.
TheVictor01ify did a great job overall and I think this was a successful
video remix of the Looney Tunes.

Work Cited
McLuhan, Marshall, Quentin Fiore, and Jerome Agel. The Medium
Is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects. Berkeley, CA: Gingko, 1996.

TheVictor01ify. ""Wascally Wemix" (Featuring Bugs E

Daffy)." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.

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