National Geographic 1916-09

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€| Roumania and Its Rubicon With 11 Mrtlana CONTENTS 16 Pages in Four Colors ¢ °4i| Saloniki wath 28 ke é| ke Ee d QS 5 4 H %1| The Hoary Monasteries of Mt. Athos 5 With 25° Diustratians i Dwienr /| Jou ouvm Laconce | 1 PUBLISHED BY THE ig y NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY |/§? 55) HUBBARD HALL Yh Yh) NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY HUBBARD MEMORIAL HALL SUSTEENTH AND N STREETS, WASHINGTON, D.C: O.WTITTMANN «=. 0, FREEIBENT JOHN E. PILLSGURY = WiceratsioenT JOHN JOY EDSON. TREASURER ILBERT H,GROSVENOR, OINECTON AND KocTOR # F.8, EIGHELBERGER . “assvotanr rneasunen JOHN OLIVER LAGORCE . ASSCCIATE EDITOR GEORGE W. HUTCHISON, asnieTant SECAETARY 0. P. AUSTIN é secnetany WILLIAM. SHOWALTER . assiaranr enivom BOARD OF MANAGERS atan96 1915-1917 iate1816 ALEXANDERGRANAMBELL Cartes J. Belt Frankuin K. Lane Tnvente of the teteotrone c Secretary of the Interne J. Howarn Gore Henry F. BLOuNT Ponty Hsneritus Maiden + Joy Enson: Vise: Preside) Amsricun Se ‘Phi Grew, anhliezon President Weshington Loan & ‘Sani and Thast Cammany ALW, GRrerLy Lene Cc. M, CHesren ‘Andie Expiorer, Major Geny DAVID PARRCHILD Stone Adtatent Ui, SX Ts Ame 1h. Chaaren wf Acrieiltral tx* Gicamen th ‘acallnaw. (rept of Atlee Edirol C. Hart Mepatam Freprrick V. CovILLE Maas re Formerly Presifent of Wah Tngeett Acadamy of Sclemces Digecinr of U3. Gedtadienl P. AUSTIN HM, TrerMANN Suuiisician ¢ ae R. PUTNAM Navigation RUDOLPH KAUPF MANS ‘Mygncine ior The Bening Heney WHITE Vormatly U.S, Atshasiador te France, Hai, ete. Joun M. Witson . SN.D.D ah HER Chant Squines Voeeerty Chats New York eae To carry out the purpose for which it was founded twenty-seven years ago, namely, “the increase and diffusion of geographic knowledge,” the National Geographic Society publishes this Magazine. All receipts from the publication are invested in the Magazine itseli or expended directly to promote geographic knowledge und the study of geography. Articles or photographs from members of the Society, or other triends, are desired. For material that the Society can use, adequate remunera- tion is made. Contributions should be accompanied by an addressed return envelope and postage, and be addressed : GILBERT H. GROSVENOR, Epitor CONTRIBUTING EDITORS AL W. GREELY ALEXANDER GRAHAM BeLt. C. Harr Mareiam Davin Parcemp ©, HL Trrratann Hon M. Saute Roneer HOLLISTER Crrarman N. HL Dairron Watrer T. Swinone PRANK M. CHAPMAN ‘Riutevea ak Ue PO aplhice al Washtaygiom, D.C, wx Seceail-Chine atnit Mater Copyricht, asi, ky Nulinaa! Geagraphie Soclery. Washlagion, D.C. All rights Teserent There’s not a man in America who doesn’t need an EFORE, yo can ever ‘own a truly accurate wateh you must make up your mind to pay enough for it. The men you know whorarry reliable watches tid not get them for the price of a pair of shoes— they paid the price of a good uit of clothes Your jeweler will tell you that Is trie, Also, when you buy high grade watch you re guaranteed ajsinst disappointment, nat only by the maker; butevery jeweler cheer- fully gives w the buyer of a stood watch a Jot of service in the wi adjustments, ‘etc, that It would be absurd for him ta Waite on a poor movement, In fact no class of dealer’in the world gives as much service with a worthwhile Darchase as the retail jeweler. Haw much do you suppose a'railroadd com ductor, engincer or brakeman pay for hia Frequently watch? Rarely. as-high 2x $75.00. If the Wateli refuses to keep time within certain strict standards, it is taken out of service and the railroad: man has to buy himself a new one, This seldom hep Rai road men choose watches =o it wan't happen. Now docs it sisrify anythin, that railroad men who buy their own watches, prefer to buy the Hamilton Watch? The Hamilton is not the only watch ac cepted for railroad ser- vice, by any means, Yet a canvass of any 7 S00, “"Bention the Accurate Watch group of faitread men (lance « strike a nationil average) will show a majority of them carrying, Hantilten: When you aro sufficiently weary of 2 th that won't keep time, and have made Up your mind! te buy a real timekeeper to curry for the bilince of your your jeweler and! tell him 30, He will show you Hamilton Watches $2517, $32.50, $40.00, $50, up to $150.00 for the Tf anterplece P sell you Hamilton moveme: ent watch case for us law in Canada) and they are aceurs teed Watches with the price in. plain figures on the box. Hf you ‘want to know’ tore af the vitple logic of buying a good watch Write for the Hamilton Watch Book—“ The Timekeeper Be shows all Hamilton Medete for smth und woo, ekolalis the meat ins of techescal watel tertom end ‘erowran flied of light on Lhe protdern af havina and ownlag a -waich that ‘el only keer) accutasa tome Hacailien Watch Company Dept. 36 Lancarter + PennivFennia Geographle—tt identifies you."* Escape of Power How the right oil saves gasoline HE only thing that | sends powerthrough the engine is the gas ex- plosion. If the combustion chamber is sealed tight the explosion acts with full force on the piston head. But unless the combustion chamber is kept tightly sealed, part of each explosion escapes. The result is weakened power, and wasted gasoline, Right here sealing the pis- ton rings comes im as an im- portant factor, Only one thing can prevent escape of power past the piston rin That is & proper piston ring seal, Your lubricating oil must provide this seal. But piston clearances vary in different types of motors—from .oo2 of an inch to .oro of an inch. Different motors therefore de- mand oils of different body. Today thousands of cars are wasting power and gasoline with every piston stroke— simply because their Lubricating I does not properly seal the ‘on rings. Compression is lost. Part of each explosion escapes past the piston rings. his power-loss means waste of gasoline on level roads, It means also lessened power on the hills, Tn the chart on the right you will find the correct grade of Gargoyle Mobiloils for your ear. Among the many impor- *Mention the Geogriphic—tTt identifies you."* tant factors entering into: the deter- mination of the correct grade, the piston clearance in your motor was given careful consideration. The oil specified will give your cngine a proper piston ring seal, If your car is not listed, a copy of our complete Lubricating Chart will be sent you on request. Remember—a proper piston ring: seal means more power on the hills—more mileage from your gasoline, An Economical Demonstration It will probably cost you less than a dollar to fill your crank case with the core rect grade of Gargoyle Mobiloils. The results will speak for themselves. BEO%2 Mobiloils A grade for exch type of mator The {ior tidhen nf Gargerie Mulls For gaaidine pone Iabriestlan, pirton Ua trative tee cio, a Gargoyle Mobiloil "A" Gargoyle Mobiloil "B” Gargoyle Mobiloil “E” Gargoyle Mobilail “Arctic” Eine ec miter beating ‘argue Mull tram yay seaber, tt ) porehiseln uriginlgackage, Tee br view checontaine. For iniog ate VACUUM OIL COMPANY Rochester, N. Y., U.S.A. Specialiats in the manufacture of hish grade lulsicants fer every tf machiners. Obtunable everywhere iu the wosid Demese Pit Beenie: Sh 2 “Mention the Geographie—It identifies you," CHANDLER SIX ourine, $2595 f, ©, b, Cleveland NEW YORK CITy at es This Car Pleases the Most Discriminating Purchasers ‘The Type 17 Chandler Limousine combin ody design and finish with superior mechanical se an unusual de the most discriminating families manship throughout are of highest qual. zsand appointments are in k yaracter of the car. Chandler Motor Company 1409-1439 East 18tst St., Cleveland, Ohio DETRONT, MICH. CHICAGO ILL. = CLEVELAND, OH10 Ate ie i € © “tention the Geographic—It identifies you,** Puffed Wheat "<"" 12c Puffed Rice f 15c Corn Puffs—Bubbles of Corn Hearts—15e The SisskerGcle deans Sole Makers **Mention the Goographic—it identifies you,"” bias Wherever you travel, you're on the right track when your car carries Firestone equip- ment, Wise touristsarestrong for Firestones, because thoy are depandable—built for swear and tear of all kinds, Built fo stand rouRhroadsand trying climates, Built to save wear and tear of hard joing, —hboth for you and the car, Firestone Accessories Are Touring; Necessaries Flrostmie service, is everywhere. Usa it for Most Miles por Dollar. Tine andl Rubber Co, eed Dealers Everywhere Mentian the Geo tote iitentifies you, Cleveland 733 p,m. Mon. CAT ex Merrillville INDIANA 1538 mi Ay. 33m. ph Cheyenne 450 p.m Wed 2113 mi. ae Eva: WYOMING im, Thurs Lat, phy uu Av. Ely NEVADA 755 a.m. Fei. 2800 mi. Aw, 7.6 0 pb, Reno Sls. m. Sat, San Francisco 5.00 p.m. Sat 768 ml. Av 251m. phe Marmon 34 Makes CROSS-CONTINENT RECORD New York to San Francisco 5 Days—18% Hours 3476 Miles S. B. Stevens, Chairman of the Motor Reserve Division of the American Defense Society, planned this record-breaking run, He drove personally over 1500 miles of the distance. The run was made under the auspices of the Saciety to demon- strate the possible speed and practicabill'y of motor car transportation acrosi the Continent. The car was sealed at the start and checked up at the finish by the Automobile Club of America. ‘This & the most remarkable and Fastest journey ever made across the United States in. motor car. The almost equal ta that of fast Marmon 34 touring car, of regular prod “This Gal prod of the goundoess oF te. advaned principles which make up this remarkable ear, a few of which sre: Asscientifically constructed car runing boards-an!integral part of 136-inch wheelbae, 110) Theerosyeantleyer rearspring pounds lighter thancars of equal —eonstruction which protects the fee and power. A perfeely ear from roid shocisand murs lanced ear—easily exceptional riding pene an bay : comfort. center of gravi TWO VITAL The Marmon sys- papier ry pfalng Weeds ebrsks Frading Body svn’ At High speeds. tem of chassis self lubrication, which sallbutfour cups on the The paver Fapid szorlermang, six: everticad valve oy other div> ned Fenitures i ile Aluminum pieeons The new Marmen frame construction ITE vsidemembers 0 | I es decpand steel No Changes for 1917 There will be no change in the Marmon 34 for 1917 save per- haps miner refinements such as are likely to be made at any time during a season's production. NORDYKE & MARMON COMPANY Enablished 1851 INDIANAPOLIS, IND. “Mention the Geographlo—It identifies you.'* English Walnuts and Hardy Filberts for Zora Climates ‘2° Fiftieth Yenr in Business— (Our Golden Anni- verrary Souvenir Rote Free with every order 2m “Montion the Geoyraphic—Tt identities! you.’* MID-YEAR SIX $1325 Xe sha roe The Car That Experts Buy Ove: 9) men are now dri cate halle under John W, eficietiey. Michel) You xetthess standunde at th Mitchell pr ¢, the gealas in »aderful factory, It wa f, Bateto build mum tost. Ht has eut our factory ¢ When you can get'so much of exira value, don't you think thatyoa sliould ts Extras Without Cost I 25 extra feutusres They will cost ws th dealer say: ‘Magy are noted « tbo wo tle w Look for a Lifetime Car year over $2,000,000, “And each Ix hom cek. iv a lifetime ear, You would miss I see myeare In Mid-Year Mitchell you g te car, the most up- F that's shown, ctiene—pet srte | $1325 £22 Passenger Touring Car or Passe river Rowdy #-Fassenger Touring Body $85 Extra Highest ecosomical Six. 48 horn A ight ie ged or sce! ‘are th met with Cl wealtlt of it hanleal perfestions, But these tings, we argue, should appeal to every man who buys a fine ear. MITCHELT. MOTORS Ine, Mention the Geographic—tt identifiny you.'* Look for the name Yale Hess-Ives Corporation Philadelphia “Mention the Geo Two Ways of Typewriting (You can make this test yourself) z 2 as “You can’t buy a Multigraph unless you need it.”” The danger sign — Te ignore it means sure free destruction!) What Dr. Upham Says of the Hit Hard— and Hit Quick ! Dioxegen tv a hulwark wguinat infection: no home should be OAKLAND CHEMICAL Go, WW Astie Place, New York “Mention: the Geographic—ft Identifies yau.** The $12000000 Built that govern Modern Business don andl trating is bucked uy with f that ooscires yt gestiaay th rece athe Tallest tenets of the Course uffalo b wily twenty iutiuite: Ths Kiet of Men Earehed. Ain the be finding the The Modern Bu the Alexander Hari plant ‘wise would take seats of long und biter © e (0 ature Based on the Actual Experience of the Most Successful Busincas Men A thinsand men's experience, with all exroes, experiment e+ ehitninated, ite your hauls tor best aml ropa tthe M Forging Ahead in Business” ‘Theromgh this € Institute is, trarning the Alexander men in America ALEXANDER HAMILTON INSTITUTE eye ‘STB Astor Plane New York City It presents to yon = in arganigation ‘ail aml practical force Wt stunes yom th cessful ticane oF reachi m and the mit up-to-date fmisiness ear cre recounting. wilt Ir teaches the broad _fandament nd the application of these grid “Mention the Geographic—tt identiftes you.** The Oriental Siore Book of New Importations Is Sent Free Upon Request GSPMPLN forward your ame and addre ui we shall send post-p book of the Or strates—ma ors—and deserily nds of disti. ual Oriental objects for the home, for pet and presentation purposes. Vanting's, the most interesting store in the & wondrons, ever-changing exposition of unique and modern works of art and utility, from each nook and corner of China, Turkey, Persia, India, and the Holy Land. The Vantine book brir and by beautiful tual ¢ snd in onal nse, orld, is this wonderful institution to. your home, and explains how you may shop with ts hy mail, ne matter how far from New York you te- side. W w, as the edition is limited. Address Dept. 100. “A-AVANTINE-G- CO-Ine + ritth Ave. & 39th St, hit ¥. City PSESRLTHOUGH its cieator was unknown, ie a the V Mito was hulled imme EGRG diately upon its di ery as the world’s greatest sculpeu the Bale win Piano w hilt Expolition was the product of compara tively unknown makers but 1 wax awarded Troe genus proclaine its. It heeds no pedigree. Send far The Book of the Batduin ¢ Baldwin Piano Co. “Mention the Geographlc—It identities you."* Once Too Often Two pa of Tire Chains were in the tool box, ut he did not stop to put them on. An evil impulse tempted him to continue over the wet pave- ments with bare tires. He ventured on for a few blocks,and then, ina flash, came the frightful skid leaving death in its wake. How strange it is that some motorists are sometimes tempted to take a chance. ‘They carry Tire Chains in their tool boxes, but they de not put them on at the first indication of slippery going. ‘wait too long once foo offen and disastrous skidding accidents result, “Put on Tire Chains at the First Indication of Wet and Slippery Streets” isa Safety First Commandment of vital importance. Itshould always be obeyed by all motorists for the protection of all road users. re em ee ee aed AMERICAN CHAIN COMPANY Inc. mM BRIDGEPORT, CONN., U. _ eo eee el TLD Mel) eae oe eer “Mention the Geographic—tIt identities you."* “Money-Made Heat” All thoughts of economy must be forgotten and the reserve capacity of the heating plant must be brought inte action many times this winter. When the thermometer touches around gore, the wind driving the cold air into your rooms, yeu will have tospee-l up the heating Plant to overcome the heat leakage, Why? ‘Simply because your windows and doorvarn nottight. There areso many ery a id around and betwee! dow am frame, that a cane of cold air in forced info the rooms et one dean an equal quantity of warm sit forced Solon the wher side, Equip every window and doar with MONARCH Metal Weather Strips and enjoy the.economy.and comfort that really belang Lo you. Thousands of build. ings all over the country huve been changed fam the “coal eating” kind to the “coal honting’’ kind by the “Monarch Licensees everywhere ready to and esumate cost of inatallat ‘abligation on your part. Write for free hoaklet describing Monarch Metal Weather Strips Monarch Metal Weather Strip Co. St. Louis, USS. AL AS ptanting prot hat wll solve thes iq THE WM. H. MOON COMPANY }4 NURSERYMEN | Yardley Road Morrisville, Pa. Bf ation ‘Tho Moon Nursery Cos White Plains, N.. prevents all odors of the body and keeps the skin and clothing fresh and sweet throughout the hottest day. “Mum does not check healthful perspiration—merely neutralizes. all odors as they come, “Mum "is economical—little needed ata time—lasts from bath to bath— no waste. A snow-white, greaseless cream— harmless to skin and clothing. i “MUM" MFG CO 1106 Cheatnut St Philadelphia “Mention tho Geographic—tTt ldentisas you."* ‘Morgan desiow SEL! ETWEEN rooms where lightand airiness are desired as dourwaya to porches, 8un pat- jora. and ‘terra French doors are They have become the mnst (| Tike French Throre hava whan Bbistrdte i] | i FRENCH DOORS are made in a Infinite variety of de- sizes and woods, Every require. ment and every taste can be perfectly satisfied. ‘Mora Doors ate standard quality what> ‘ever their price. “Theit value 4s guaran- teed by the name "MORGAN" stamped on the top rail—worth looking for— ‘worth insisting upon. Suggestions for Beautifying the Home Be,live font ison a peur 22-page. boot ‘Adding Distinction ta tha Hom It cust” ously ‘Wstrsted and shows what charming esolin can be attained ut enall expenea Uy diaary dours with Frevely Rreet Doors. A tle of tered Stbo expect to,tnikl or improve tee present bomen Seat fece oa requst’ “The Door Bewwlifal® cor £ pagn Mstrated bol nt coon cepa 102 Ee pemom Ro hime innate, ane B telele with uigredtlons-on core feterar trim ad iar |] Sreoeation. “it yu oreto eet? 3S eo-chargeto prmpective M Sash & Door Company eeeeert. A S2, Chicago Morcan Millwork Co. Bulieners Bioraan Camoany.Oukiesty Wi, 1E your dealer hacy’t Margen Dosrs, write 1s, | Keep the Hat-Rack Filled E are times when the Home wutside. allure Cararnand Pocket Billinls played at bome are diag i You should send for our free ealor-hook an Jeata the Fife |) team the “ds 6 charra of playin billiards; 2, bays und girls cht of pare | 85Bringsa Brunswick Home [Billiard Table $2.50 Monthly Soom Pays the Balance Ag the ai + prow loner, It your sons. sand daughters ente home, Det exrorn aida heighten your own leisure you pesteet h or pocket hours, and br , | How Present-Day Parents : | fa quinkeactlng Monae Cou a py tiehiy inlald-=masterludeatinct hie whom aot irpiay. Ni Brunewiek =a Homeccion regeiation thie, "Welle tar our eolom photo book today. Send This Free Coupon Doo't mutate toy limitations fe eclentifie Bomewlkss TE 3 stow cat town eapeil ee Hee Full deta ster au Pally ————=— == SS [The Bromswick Balte-Cotlender Ca, i i Dept 37 920-633 5. We Send trop, your cori pon I “Billiards —The Howe Magnet” 4 est ll cot pour oma lattes 1 " ! “

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