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Derrick Rose

Professor Hamlett
English 102
9 October 2015
Child Abuse: An Annotated Bibliography
Afifi, Tracie O., et al. "Substantiated Reports Of Child Maltreatment From The Canadian
Incidence Study Of Reported Child Abuse And Neglect 2008: Examining Child
And Household Characteristics And Child Functional Impairment." Canadian
Journal Of Psychiatry 60.7 (2015): 315-323.
This source includes different types of child abuse or maltreatment, including
physical abuse, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse against a child. This source
looks at the characteristics of the child as well as the home during abusive
environment. This source studies the environments of different children that have
gone through abuse of some sort. All to determine if a specific type of child abuse
was associated with a particular aspect of the home environment. Using statistical
analyses, Afifi was able to show the correlation between children who have been
abused, and the fact that their environments will contain unsafe housing. Or
perhaps that their household is overcrowded. Or usually they only have one parent
in their lives. The point of this article is to draw attention to, as well as show the
correlations between different household aspects of the environment, and different
types of child abuse. Keeping this in mind I can explain to my audience about the
different types of child abuse.
This source is reliable, because I found it on ebsco host on the section for
Scholarly articles. However, it is not the newest in formation, in a seemingly new
line of study, but it is not old or outdated by any means. Having been produced
during 2008, I would deem this information very trust worthy. The author is Tracie
Afifi; Dr. Afifi received her Ph.D. in the Department of Community Health
Sciences at the University of Manitoba. So this doctor is well credited to speak
about this source. The goals of this source are to show the dangers of child abuse
later on in life, and to correlate the potential threats to society to problems that
occurred within the homes of abused children. As a matter of fact, this article even
goes as far as to list out what type of child abuse is taking place judging by the
characteristics of a dysfunctional home. All of the facts are well documented,
complete with statistical charts and graphs to back them up. This source is different
from most other sources in my bibliography because it looks at the aspects of the
home and mathematically attributes them to the types of child abuse taking place
by using statistics.

This source fits into my research because it looks into the origins of child abuse,
and where it all begins, within the home. This article, instead of looking at the
harsh effects of child abuse, it shows what type of child abuse is most likely to
occur in any given environment. Much like the article that Ive read earlier written
by Stein, abuse is passed down, in a vicious cycle, and when we can look at the
beginning of the cycle, it would provide more information on how to stop the
cycle. This source will benefit me by allowing me to give my audience some
background information when I am listing all of the different types of child abuse,
I can tell them something about it, and in which environmental factors that
particular form of abuse is most likely to be found.
Amado, Brbara G., Ramn Arce, and Andrs Herraiz. "Psychological Injury In Victims
Of Child Sexual Abuse: A Meta-Analytic Review." Psychosocial Intervention /
Intervencion Psicosocial 24.1 (2015): 49-62. Academic Search Complete. Web. 9
Oct. 2015.
This source dove way into the statistical aspect of the subject of child sexual abuse.
This source focused on two main groups, victims of child sexual assault, and
victims of adolescent sexual assault. Those two main groups were then stratified
into male or female. This source was extremely clear and explicit in its description
of sexual abuse (on a child). The source defines this as, involvement of a child in
sexual activity that he or she does not fully comprehend, is unable to give informed
consent to, or for which the child is not developmentally prepared and cannot give
consent. In other words, this covers sexual assault on a minor from any sort, from
groping, to forced rape, to statutory rape. In the source, Amado (the author) then
proceeded to compare the different types of sexual assault and link them to direct
correlations to mental illnesses, from depression, to developing irrational fears, all
complete with the statistical numbers to prove it. After she says that any particular
group will develop a mental illness, she will then write down the percent of the
time that that will occur. After being taken through all of the statistical studies, you
are presented the final outline of what the study has achieved. With straightforward
facts, aligned with hard statistical evidence, it is very apparent that this source
offers clear-cut information and statistics on the sexual abuse of children and teens.
I can use this to give solid evidence backing my claim that child abuse causes
mental issues.
This source is reliable because it is still relevant, as it was created very recently,
earlier this year in fact. Evidently, the source lists its year of production as 2015.
There are three authors of this source; they are Barbara Amado, Ramon Arce, and
Andres Herraiz, all of which have degrees in psychology. Therefore all authors are
qualified to speak on this subject. Everything that is said in this subject is research
based, and all of the facts are well documented, as this entire review is filled with
differing grids and displays showing the reader the statistical research that backs
up all of their claims. The goal of this source is most likely to expand the field of
research and prove that there is a link between child sexual abuse and the victims
developing mental illnesses as a result of the abuse. This source compares well

with other sources in my bibliography because it backs up my statement that not

only is child abuse bad, but it leaves lasting negative effects on the victims. This
source sure does a great job at statistically connecting child abuse to mental illness
and issues later on in life.
This source fits into my research because it addressed my main point of child
abuse. However this source was a ton narrower in that it only focused on the
sexual aspect of child abuse. However it still gave excellent information that I feel
will benefit my paper. This helps me shape my argument because it provides the
valid connection that I need between my thesis saying that child abuse leads to
mental complications later on in the lives of the victims, and my essay. It provides
the solid, statistical, proof that I would need to be able to make that statement
irrefutable. Further, this helps me shape my argument by giving me a clearer,
mathematical understanding of types of mental illnesses that a child is most likely
to develop, as a matter of fact it even speaks about how often the child will
develop the issue. It went into the detail of how the children were sexually abused
and what they ended up developing. It all comes down to the mathematical studies
and how often these occurrences take place. At some point, once you realize that
70% of childhood sexual abuse victims develop depression and anxiety, you realize
that these are no longer just drawn out correlations. That in fact it is causation. In
short, this source will benefit my paper because it will help me provide much
needed mathematical proof to back my statement.
Colbourne, Margaret. "Child Maltreatment, Part 1: Recognizing Child Maltreatment And
Communicating Concerns." British Columbia Medical Journal 57.7 (2015): 284.
Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 Oct. 2015.
This article is about a healthcare provider voicing her concerns for working with
youth. The author, Colbourne, expresses that when she is working with the young
people, she is with them when they are at their most vulnerable. She asserts that it
is important to be aware when speaking to them, and not to let anything slide, if
you see any suspicious bruising, you should investigate deeper. Because, in her
own words, Recent advances in our understanding of
Child maltreatment suggests relatively minor trauma in some situations can be a
marker for more devastating and potentially lethal outcomes. In other words, if a
child shows signs that he or she has been abused in any way, you should not let
that slide, and you should investigate that, as they could have a serious injury
without your knowledge. The added perspective of this article
The author of this entry is Dr. Margaret Colbourne; Dr. Colborne is qualified to
speak on this subject because she has trained in the emergency department, as well
as the fact that she completed her pediatric residency at McGill University. The
facts are not well documented. However I will take her word because she is an
expert in her field, and this is a medical journal. Due to this being a medical
journal, this source is very scholarly. This source contrasts from my other sources

because it does not look at the events that are most likely to cause child abuse in an
environment, and it also does not speak of what an abused child is likely to do.
Instead, this article focuses on the healthcare providers perspective.
This source fits into my research because it shows that child abuse is bad. Much
like what doctor Colbourne said, the smallest bruise can be evidence of devastating
and lethal outcomes. This is helpful to me because I can add to my argument the
moral dilemma faced by healthcare providers when they come across a child with
suspicious markings or bruising. Thus adding another viewpoint contributing to
my claim. This has not changed the way that I think about this topic. However, it
does add a new perspective to look at it.
"The Consequences Of Childhood Abuse." Pedijatrija Danas: Pediatrics Today
9.1 (2013): 24-35. Academic Search Complete. Web. 9 Oct. 2015.
This source is about the summarization of the health as well as the psychosocial
issues of child abuse. This source does this mainly to bring awareness to other
scholars in this field, as well as the normal public. The authors of this source were
especially careful to look deep into the seemingly most dominant forms of child
abuse, which happen to be emotional, physical and sexual. This source gives a
great overview of the long term as well as the short-term effects of abuse. Of
course the effects of child abuse are genuinely bad, and there are many effects. If
you look at an abused child, in comparison to a child who has never been abused,
you will notice that people who have been abused show more psychological issues
later on down the line. Usually these issues come like depression, posttraumatic
stress disorder, and anxiety. These people have a hard time communicating due to
their weak ability to form relationships. Victims of abuse are often far more
vulnerable to stress, they usually end up participating in risky activities in their
lives and they have a hard time handling their emotion.
This source is reliable because it was produced in 2013, so all of the information is
still new. There are multiple authors who compiled this entry; lets take a look at
Swea Jelic Tuscic. Tuscic received her M.A. in the department of Psychology at
the University of Zagreb. She was trained to specialize in cognitive behavioral
psychotherapy, the treatment of abused children, and many more areas. The goal of
this source is to give experts, as well as just the populous of people a good
understand of the mental and physical issues that stem from child abuse. This
source is objective, because it is research based and the people that carried out this
research had no incentive to lie about anything. All of the facts are well
documented in the works cited page at the bottom of the article, this source was
found under the scholarly section of Ebsco Host. However, the authors say that
they intend to teach both those that work in this field, as well as the general public
about the effects of child abuse. This research agrees with all of my other sources
so far.

This source fits into my research because it also deals with the harmful effects of
child abuse. Similar to most of my other research articles, it deals with the mental
issues that take place long after the abuse has finished. However, I have read
something within this source that I havent seen before. This source says that if a
child has been sexually abused in some way other than rape, and they have only
endured this abuse only once, and the live in a stable home environment with good
family support, these children will not experience any mental issues later on in life.
That grabbed my attention because none of my other research sources said this, so
as you could imagine I was slightly taken back by it. It seemed a tad weird to me,
but at the end of the day I am not the professional in this field. Outside of that
particular statement, this entire article goes to help me formulate my argument that
child abuse leaves lasting effects on the victims.
Knight, Zelda G. "Some Thoughts On The Psychological Roots Of The Behavior Of Serial
Killers As Narcissists: An Object Relations Perspective." Social Behavior &
Personality: An International Journal 34.10 (2006): 1189-1206. Academic Search
Complete. Web. 9 Oct. 2015.
This article studies the behavior and origin of serial killers. This
source broke down the general term of serial killers into three
different strata: mass murder, spree murder, and serial murder.
All of these different types of murders come from backgrounds of
abuse. Mass murder is the killing of three or more people at one
time and in one place. Murder sprees are the killing of three or
more people in thirty days or less, and finally, serial killing is
defined as the killing of three or more people over a period of
more than 30 days, with a significant cooling off period. This
source is not argumentative, so I cant give the sources main
argument. However, this source does document information and
observations. The main observation that I will be taking from this
source is that serial killers often display troublesome signs as
children, like mutilating animals. Another main observation that I
was taken back by is the fact that serial killers come from abusive
homes, many of which sons of prostitutes. The point of this article
is to study serial murderers, see why they do what they do, and
try to understand what can be done to prevent this phenomenon.
This source is reliable and current, as this subject is not
something that now information is constantly being discovered,
like anatomy, or astronomy. The Author is Zelda Knight, she is not
well known in this community, as far as I know. However, she is a
professor in the department of Psychology at the University of
Johannesburg. So she is well qualified to speak on the subject of
the psychology of serial killers. The goal of this course is to draw
close attention to and awareness to the conditions that make a

serial killer. The research is objective, and the author cites all of
her sources. This is scholarly, and it compares with the rest of the
research in my bibliography because it mentions the fact that
serial killers come from abusive environments.
This source fits into my research because it looks at the serial
killers as well as the causes of why they do what they do, many
times it comes down to the fact that they come from abusive
homes, and have developed tendencies. This is a key aspect to
my argument, because now I can argue that child abuse isnt only
bad for the child but it is bad for everyone involved. Because
abusive environments spawn menaces to society. This source has
changed how I think about this topic, because now I understand
that even if the victim does not become a murder, abuse is a
cycle, they will most likely abuse their family when they grow up
and have one.
STEIN, ABBY. "From Their Cradle To Your Grave: How Child Abuse And Dissociation
Drive Violent Crime." Journal Of Psychohistory 36.4 (2009): 320-327. Academic
Search Complete. Web. 8 Oct. 2015.
This Source covered the dangers of child abuse, and it explicitly lists the
consequences of different types of abuse while giving examples. Ranging from
little girls who were touched growing to hate men, to twisted pedophiles who were
molested as children, and now believe that the children enjoy having sex with
Everything ties back into the fact that the criminals who committed the crimes had
disassociated themselves from the crime, much like how they had disassociated
themselves from the abuse that they received as a child. When a child goes through
abuse, whether sexual or physical, and someone is harming them or taking a shot
at their life, the childs mind dissociates from what is taking place, because to take
all of that in, would simply overwhelm the mind. Therefore, the child will not be
able to ponder or learn from the experience that they have endured. Likewise,
many violent offenders dissociate as well when committing violent crimes,
because they would not have been able to do those same crimes had they been
fully aware of the consequences on their life, or the lives of their victims.
This source is a 10-page excerpt from the Journal of Psychohistory. Essentially,
this journal handles the study of human behavioral practices in every sense. When
considering that this field of study was founded in 1879 this very new information
was discovered in the year 2009. Dr. Abby Stein wrote this particular article. Dr.
Stein was a renowned researcher, who dug deep into the fields of criminal
psychopathology, child maltreatment, and other issues in sociology, anthropology,
and psychology. Dr. Stein earned her Ph.D. in psychology and later became a post
doctoral member at the William Alanson White institute of Psychiatry,

Psychoanalysis, and Psychology. All of the sources are well documented. This is a
scholarly article.
Looking at how this article fits into my research, I flash back to the conference
when my teacher suggested to me that I should give my reader a better perspective
on why they should care, so what, child abuse is bad, boo hoo. What does that
have to do with me? well now hopefully this aspect of my essay should be
satisfied due to the fact that this article directly links child abuse to violent crimes.
This is helpful to me because it will grab the publics attention, as well as interest.
This source helps me shape my argument by providing me with many valuable
facts and even statistical studies. I can use this source in my paper by explaining
how child abuse is bad, rather than just saying that it is morally unsound, I can
now give solid facts and reason to back my point up. Linking it to mass murders,
and the dissociation from their crimes. This also entails serial rapists, and how as a
result of their child abuse, they truly believe that the children that they have raped
seduced them, and that the children wanted it. Hopefully everyone can agree that
mass murders and serial rapists are bad, and they dont help society at all. This
source has not changed how I think about my topic at all, as a matter of fact; it
strengthened my position that child abuse is bad.
X, Malcolm. Coming to an Awareness of Language. Coming to an
Awareness of Language. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2013. 6769. Print.
This source briefly covers some of the challenges faced by
Malcolm X due to the fact that he was illiterate. As he sat in jail he
realized that he could not easily write to those who he associated
with. The aspect of this excerpt that I really want to focus on is
the fact that Malcolm held a deep resentment and hatred against
the white man. This is because of the way that white Americans
treated him for all of his life. I can correlate this to the victims of
abuse who grow to hate those who resemble someone who has
abused them. Just as Malcolm was abused verbally for all of his
This source needs no real evaluation, because the writer of this
source is Malcolm X himself, Malcolm X was a historical figure
within the African American community before, and after he was
assassinated. The way he feels is biased. However using this as a
subject for research is not biased at all because his emotions
resemble many who have been abused.
This fits into my research because in an earlier source, I read
about a little girl who was abused sexually by a man. Doctors
watched as the little girl played with dolls, the doctors then gave
her a man doll, she grabbed it, slammed its head against the floor

and yelled at the top of her lungs, you bastard! interestingly, we

may find that this situation was all too familiar with Malcolm X, as
a result of repetitive verbal abuse at the hands of white American,
he grew to hate them all, just like how that little girl grew to hate
all men. This will be a perfect tie in with the fact that victims of
abuse tend to have long term effects mentally.

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