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1. When did the modern idea that mental disorders were diseases not spiritual afflications begin?

2. Why was Elizabeth Packard committed to an asylum?
because she would not agree with the religious beliefs of her husband.
3. What was Sigmund Freud's contribution to mental illness treatment?
founder of psychoanalysis, a set of psychological and therapeutic theories and associated techniques
4. What types of drugs were introduced in the 1950's to treat mental illness?
chlorpromazine, antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs, tranquilizers and stimulants.
5. What did Dr. Thomas Szasz think about mental illness?
said there is no such thing as mental illness, it's simply people trying to get a free ride, they're just
6. What were some of the issues surrounding closing asylums?
The asylums dumped their inmates onto the streets of cities.
7. How were antidepressant drugs discovered?
A drug for Schizophrenia was trying to be developed, it failed, so a researcher decided to try it on his
severely depressed patients, and it worked.
8. What seems to drive the modern social view of mental illness?
The shift has often been based on the interests of the people who can earn a living out of treating the
9. Why are there disagreements about the perception and opinions about mental illness?
Agreement is possible where specific causes can be identified, whether they are environmental like
lead poisoning or neurological like Alzheimer's. There will continue to be debate over people who may
have spectrum disorders or a mild forms of depression which allow them to function.
10. What two things define us as humans that mental illness can destroy
Mental illness is illness, it's pain, it creates in people an inability for them to love and work. In this
world, loving and working, having relationships with human beings and having a productive way in the
world are the things that define us.

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