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Report on Professional Portfolio

Competency Number

Major Competency Area E

Competency - E 10
E-10-3 Demonstrate knowledge and ability to perform wound

Description of one

care: surgical wounds.

On this course, wound care for a good prognosis in a patient with

significant learning

surgical wound was tackled. It was also stressed the importance of

experience in this course

What I learned

performing it according to the principles of asepsis.

Clients after surgery are at risk of infection due to the break in the
skin integrity. The responsibility of the nurses to prevent patient
from incurring infection is very crucial. I learned the proper

Proficiency Rating

techniques on proper wound care considering the aseptic technique.

Excellent the skills are being taught excellently for me to be

Why it was

reminded of the proper ways to perform it.

This was very significant because we are should always consider our


clients welfare every time we do care to them. The things I learned

from the opening a sterile package to the dressing of the wound that

How I will apply this

helps prevent infection will yield to a good prognosis for the client.
I will develop a sterile conscience. A personal honesty and integrity

learning in nursing

to maintain the supplies and the technique sterile is very important.


Our client are vulnerable at these moments therefore, we should be

very professional to perform any procedure according to the

Student Name: Eileen Lirio B. Palad

Course: NFDN 2003 - Nursing Foundations III
Date: July 23, 2015
Instructor: Jasmine Guanlao Sagun

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