Cep Lesson 9weebly

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Either...or and Neither...

Teacher/s: Vincent Phinouwong
Level: Advanced 4
Goal: Introduce students to grammar focus for unit 2 (eitheror and neither
nor). Give students controlled and free practice with both structures.
Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To
1. differentiate between the uses of eitheror and neithernor.
2. identify mistakes in sentences that contain target grammar structures.
3. complete sentences using the target grammar structures.
4. create their own meaningful sentences using the grammar structures.
Theme: _______________________________________________________
Extensions: ____________________________________________________



Review or Preview (if


Linking & Transitioning to rest of


(for example:

Activity 1:
Introduce grammar

1.1 Pre-Stage:
T writes on the board This weekend I SS-SS
can go to the movies. This weekend I
can also go to the park. T asks SS to
work in pairs and talk about ways they
can combine the two sentences. After
5-10 minutes, T asks SS to share their
Transition to #2:
thoughts. If none of the students
Now that weve talked how mention the structure either...or T
to produce these structures
can ask SS to combine the sentences
and when we use them, lets using the words either and or.
do an activity to check out
1.2. During Stage:
T introduces the structure eitheror
and the meaning/use of the structure.
Following that, T introduces the
meaning/use of neithernor.



1.3 Post-Stage:
Last, T will break down the structure,
highlighting the importance of using
parallel grammatical structures and
how to determine subject verb
agreement. T then asks SS think of one
sentence for each of the structures. The
sentences should be about their plans
for the weekend. If needed, T can put
some model sentences on the board.
Once, SS each have their own
sentences, T opens up the class to let
SS volunteer and share their sentences.


Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer

Activity 2:
Listening dictation.

2.1 Pre-Stage:
I would like everyone to take out a
piece of paper. I am going to read 8
Find mistakes in sentences. sentences aloud. I would like each of
you to listen carefully and write down
these sentences as accurately as you
can. T reads sentences aloud to SS,
giving SS time to write after each
sentence and before starting the next
Transition to #3:
sentence. After reading all the
now that you can identify
sentences once, T can read the
incorrect sentences, next
sentences again depending on how
were going to test your
well SS were able to write down the
ability to complete sentences sentences.
using these structures.
After reading the each of the sentences
one (or two) times, T brings up the
power point slide with each of the
I would like you to look at the
sentences and compare them to the
sentences your wrote. If there are any
differences between the sentences you
wrote and the sentences you see on the
board, please make changes to the
sentences you wrote so that they are
exactly the same as the sentences on



the slide. T gives SS about 3 to 5

minutes to make the appropriate
2.2. During Stage:
Each of these sentences has a
mistake. I want you to work alone and
identify and correct the mistakes you
see in each of the sentences. You have
about 5 minutes.


SS work individually to correct the

mistakes in the sentences. After
roughly 5 minutes, T then breaks SS up
into groups to compare their answers.
2.3 Post-Stage:
T nominates SS to share their answers.
Students are asked not only to identify
and correct the mistake, they must also SS-T
give a reason as to why the original
sentence was incorrect.


Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer

Activity 3:
Fill in the blank worksheet.

3.1 Pre-Stage:
T hands out worksheet and brings up
the corresponding power point slide..



For this next activity Im going to

have you complete the sentences on
this worksheet. For each blank, you
Transition to #4 or Wrap-up: will write in either/or/neither/nor,
Now for our next activity,
using only one word per blank. I would
you will practice making
like for you to do this task alone and
sentences yourself.
you have about 8 minutes.
3.2. During Stage:
SS begin filling out the worksheet
alone. T monitors and provides
assistance to struggling students if
3.3 Post-Stage:

Once all SS are finished, T nominates

SS to read their sentences aloud. Class
corrects errors together.


Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer

Activity 4:
Group practice using
eitheror and neithernor

4.1 Pre-Stage:
Before we begin our next activity, I
would like everyone to write two
sentences about themselves. For one of SS
the sentences you will use eitheror,
and for the other sentence you will use
neithernor. Here are some ideas
you could write about

Transition to Wrap-Up:

When SS are finished, T breaks SS up

into groups and has them share their
sentences to their group members. T
then nominates SS to share their
sentences to the class.


4.2. During Stage:

T instructs SS on what theyll need to
do for the next task. After T has read
instructions to SS, T models the task in SS-SS
order to reinforce students
understanding of the task. At the end of
each slide, writers are asked to come
up and write their sentences on the
board. The class then reads these
sentences and provides feedback. After
giving feedback, T then goes on to the
next slide. This continues until class
has gone through all slides or until
about 20 minutes has passed.
4.3 Post-Stage:
T brings the class together and opens
up the class for students to ask any
lingering questions. T writes down
correct and incorrect uses of language
on the board for SS to judge. Class
goes over what they think is




Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer


Lesson Evaluation Procedures:

T assigns homework and hands out
take-away slips

Power point, fill in the blank worksheet, whiteboard, markers, eitheror and neither
nor cards.
Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:
Given the amount of speaking and group speaking throughout the lesson, it may
be difficult to ensure that learners are on task and not simply having conversations
o T will have to closely monitor SS production and give time stamps so that
learners know how much time left they have to complete a task.
This lesson spends a lot more time on practicing/producing the target language
structures rather than learning about said structures. This may prove to be an issue
if students are asked to partake in the activities before they have sufficient
knowledge of the grammar structures
o When teaching the grammar structure/use, T should try to use
comprehension check questions to ensure that SS are keeping up with the
content and that no SS are falling behind.

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