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Jake Nolan

Mr. Gutaj
U.S. Government & Politics

Class Reflection

Politics class this year with Mr. Gutaj has been a really great experience for me;
the learning that I have been taught through the knowledge in this class has been
exponential. Mr. Gutajs politics class has expanded my knowledge through wonderful
conversation and has enlightened me to things in our government that I would have never
known. Just by the conversation set by Mr. Gutaj I have learned about the politics in
America and the economics in our country.
Going into this year I didnt expect much learning through my politics class but
when I came to this politics class I really found an interest in the conversation and topics
presented. It is really interesting learning about the current politics in the country and
how things are going to happen for our country. Learning about the new candidates
running for election and how the voting process works was amazing. The knowledge that
is expressed in this course has revealed a lot of things to me, one thing that sticks out to
me is a fact expressed by Mr. Gutaj that big corporations control the media. This fact was
a little surprising for me and super interesting to learn, the way our media and
government is influenced by interest groups.
Mr. Gutaj has helped me get back into learning in the classroom, taking online
school for the past two years and being introduced back to physical school has been a

easy transition in this course. Politics has been a wonderful course to take with Mr. Gutaj.

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