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Vox Populi

The Voice of the People

In the face of recent disaster, we have formed this new society in

order to assemble what remains and rebuild our civilization. As such, we
as the people of this community are given the responsibility of protecting
the rights of our people, maintaining stability and safety within society,
and working towards the common good of our society, that is, the welfare
and survival of everyone.
Our government will take the form of a Representative Democracy;
the citizens have the power to make decisions, and have the ability to
participate in the process of lawmaking and government decision.
All great governments are proven not experiments. The ideas of
many great minds and philosophers are supported in the structure of our
government. Baron de Montesquieu thought that government should be
based on checks and balances causing no branch to become too powerful.
Voltaire believed that man had the freedom of speech and should never
stop fighting for tolerance, reason, and freedom of religion and speech,
saying, I dont agree with a word you say, but will defend your right to say
it. While Jean-Jacques Rousseau stated the importance of direct
democracy, John Locke was confident that people can use reasoning to
reach compromises. The democracy is built upon these tried-and-true ideas
from these philosophers.
Citizens make up the base of government, and if there are no citizens,
then there is not much of a government. Because of this, citizens have been
given the right to have an active voice in our government. The majority of
decisions made in our reinstituted government are based on voting. The

people of this society can participate by meeting up with their

representative from the section of the city that they are in, and share and
decide on ideas for rules. Those representatives meet up and decide on
which proposals would work. Citizens are also involved in the government
because they can vote when they are 17 years old. Citizens would vote on
things such as laws, acts, etc., that are proposed by the government.
On the subject of the peoples involvement in the making of
decisions, we believe that every person in the society possesses the
following rights:
People have the right to express their ideas and have the freedom of
The people have a say in what things should be done.
Representatives can share the opinions and proposals of the people.
People are able to have ultimate power.
Everyone will be educated equally.
Everyone will be treated fairly.

Additionally, in order to ensure the welfare and survival of the

population taken under our care, we have set these following these
following agreements:
No violence.
Each person has the right to religion.
Each person has the right to peace.
Each person is entitled to exercise fundamental human rights of
marriage, privacy, education and property.
Each person has the right to freedom of speech.
Extortion, bribery, corruption, theft, slavery, etc. are forbidden.
Prioritize the common good. Decisions should be made for the
benefit of the whole state.
Crimes are not permitted. Crimes disrupt peace.
It is unlawful to abuse purposely, starve or mistreat animals. Animals
are valued as they provide food, which sustains life.
Each person must follow laws. If laws are broken consequences will
follow depending on the severity of a crime. Following laws cause
everything to be morally correct.







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