Concrete Bridges: Section OR Supports

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Frame Concrete Bridges

The follow
may thus be possible to proceed at once to the final analysis.
ing procedure for determining the frame dimensions is applicable to right
rigid frames of the type illustrated in Fig. 1 ; the empirical rules given are
for heavy highway loading.

(a) Lay out the top of the deck
(b) Determine

the clear span,


according to the roadway re


(c) Lay out BC equal to about L/35. This value may be reduced to
L/40 when the frame is founded on a practically unyielding foundation;
it should be increased where the footings rest on highly compressible soils.

Lay out AD and DE equal to about L/15.

Draw the soffit curve DCD'.

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(f) Determine the elevation of

ments and foundation conditions.


and G from the clearance require

Lay out FG equal to about 1 ft. 6 in. for 30-foot spans, about
in. for 60-foot spans, and about 3 ft. 4 in. for 90-foot spans.

(h) Connect E and F with a straight line.

The essential frame dimensions have now been determined
designer can proceed to the detailed analysis.


and the


The footings of a rigid frame bridge exert a horizontal thrust upon the
foundation, as well as a vertical pressure. If the footings are free to rotate,
the frame is said to have hinged supports; the corresponding soil reactions,
V and H, and the deflection of the frame axis are indicated in Fig. 2 (a).
An additional moment reaction, M, is required for a frame in which
rotation of the footings is prevented, as illustrated in Fig. 2 (b) ; the
supports are said to be fixed. Actually, the supports are rarely hinged or
fixed, but the foundation conditions lie somewhere in the range between
these two extremes; that is, the supports are restrained.

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