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Date: Week 134th December 2015

Crucial Crew

Coming Up This Half Term

14th18th DecMaths and Enterprise
Year 6 had a fabulous day out at Crucial
Crew this week, learning how to keep themselves safe in lots of different scenarios.
They learned about cyber bulling, peer pressure, fire safety and even what happens at a
youth court. They stretched their listening
and questioning learning muscles and had a
fabulous day of learning.

14th & 15th DecY1 & Y2 Nativity performances at 10am and 2pm
16th DecCC Christmas Performances at
9.30am and 1.30pm
16th DecEYFS Christmas performances
at 9.45am and 1.45pm
16th DecChristmas Dinner
16th DecDaycare Disco 4pm-6pm
17th DecemberKS2 Christmas Concert
at 9.30am and 2.30pm
17th DecemberChristmas fair
18th DecemberChristmas Jumper Day
18th DecemberBreak up for Christmas
4th JanuaryINSET
5th JanuaryBack to School

KS1 Nativity
Please could all children in KS1 classes bring
in their nativity costume by Tuesday 8th December. If you need help organising a costume, please let us knowwe will be happy to

Junior Warden Presentations

Last Thursday our Junior Wardens attended
a special presentation event at Dodworth
Holiday Inn, where they received certificates to celebrate their learning as junior
wardens. Thanks to all parents and carers
who came to celebrate with us and a special
thanks to Miss Wogan who has led the Junior
Green Flag Award
Wardens and even gave a speech at the celeThis week we received our Green Flag Award
bration event!
certificate and green flag in the post. This is
Cinema Trip
a great achievementnot many schools reach
the green flag eco standard. A massive well Both KS1 and KS2 have been invited to see
The Good Dragon at the local Cinema in
done to our Eco Council and to Miss Wogan,
who has worked with them towards this for town. Please complete and return your letter with payment of 4.00 by Monday 7 Dethe last two years.
cember. See letter for further information.

Flu Vaccinations
Due to Flu Vaccine shortage, some pupils did
not receive their vaccination today. School
nurses will return on Monday 7 December to
complete the vaccination programme. Any
problems please contact School Nurse or
School Office. If your child did receive
their vaccine they have an information leaflet.

Dont forget to visit our school website

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