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1, Complete the following statements 1 Waves ae produced by —_ 2, The speed af a wave depends on 13 Thedistance between two consecutive compressions / rarefaction i : 4. The pe of wave to which Blectromagnetic wave be longs to 5 In a Jongitudinal wave, The vibration of particles, and the Airection of wave are ML Match the folowing ape a B 1. Longinainal wove creat and troughs 2, Transverse wave ‘oscillation ofa simple pendulum owcilations i spring ‘motion slong crclar path ‘motion ofan arow released from bow 3. Sipe harmonic motion coewlng ae 1. Give the aiferencesbewee 12. Doct the particles ofthe roe im which a wave moves travel ‘long with the wave? Explain with an example 3. Itwe double the frequency ofa vibrating object, what happens toits me period? 4. I the fequeney of transverse wavels 10 Hz, And the distance between the two consecutive wave eres lo 2m. Calculate the 5, Define simple harmonic motion 6. Give to practical applications of simple harmonic motion 1 Give two examples ofthe cee CHAPTER 9 HEAT ENGINES Air aeaping tale chapter “define tne meaning ofhest engines. ‘atingishbercen a sicam engine nd an internal pbton gies, ta digram of steam engine ae the Bsitatons oa steam ge, ‘explain the wrkng ofa perl engine. raw the diagram of pete engine, tpn he fnedoning «desl engine ‘menton the applications fet engines ‘nealate the eisiency of eat el (= Earlier you have studied that heat i «form of energy. you have alo te that ei ean be tre fom one other for example electrical energy can be oonverted into heat, hight ‘mechanical energies by using suitable devices How do we make use of heat eneray? ‘Wie can use heat energy for cooking, fo carrying out experiments in the Inboratory. These examples are applicatony of eects of heat. The fects of heat ean be summarieed a | | | 1) Increase in the temperature a «body, 1) expansion ofthe body |i) change of state of matter. Ih) hemieal change inthe body Increase in the temperature of « body dovs not lead us to the | designing ofa device which convert heat energy into tiechanical enetey Expansion ofsotds, guide and gases by heat wll be t very low pace to make se of tin developing @ heat engine, Change of gud to gaseous state of matter is most significant in designing hen engines, Ife small ‘quantity of water is converted into steam, otcuples more vohane te texpansion and exerts pressure. Approximately the volume ofetcans wa be 700 times more at STP than the volume of water trom whch iis obtained by heating. The pressure exerted by the large volume of stear 's the basis of working of steam engine. Chethical chenge oflguia fle ke petrol and diesel when undergo combustion, predcs lige volume of gases and exert pressure, Tals the basis of workingofpetelcogice. | or diese! engine Air carrent has two types of movement, random movement of molecules within the system, ———— 4) enmass laminar ow along the direction of Bow. ‘The second lype of movement of molecules is applicable to the ‘working of heat engines, ast results in developing presause, What ia heat engine? A hent engine isa device which converts heat ‘neray into mechanical energy. There ace two types ot heat engines steam engine i internal combustion engine aoe this z The conversion of stesin presoure into mechaalea! movement was] known ia Roman Eyypt in the frst century. Hetod of Asana Jerepered one such yorking model, The following dlagreze trae the carly form ofa heat tine. Can you prepare sich a modal? A hollow rubber ball kept at rest on table doesnot show any movement ‘Thekneticenergy ofthe random motion ofall the gaseous molecules precent ‘aside the ball can not male the ball ‘ore eventhough the molecule inside | the ball are at the order of several ‘thousand mettes per second. Can jou give reason for tia? Recall Balanced forees'that you have stdied im eighth standard First commercially useful steam engine mas constructed by Thomas ‘Savery James wat improved upon by asng ender and valve tystess Steam locomotives helped to bring shout instr revolution. Lets consider the working of steam engine pe fi ei oat fee Wioters heated in a boiler, to generate steam ofhigh pressure which | is passed into cylinder fitted with a piston. Ay steam cctupies sch | | | | | larger volume than the same amount of water, it exerts great pressure ‘nthe walls of the container in all dtections As the nteun expends te the xlinder, i pushes the piston forward, Crankshaft eonmceted tt piston also teves, Crank shaft converts linear movement Into calog ‘motion, The wheel ofthe crank shaft imakes half rotation dese te | casesion soak Retiieg OF Sb tay ct. Te ngs of he puppet siting onthe ace moves | and don whee asthe hoes of the ce makes a crear mato Ooser lon Th ramon ay of escent nen te Aer the forward movement ofthe piston, the steam expands and loses Some ofits kinetic energy. Ava result then pushed back ito the ender due to low pressure region. Buc f2 inerda ofthe ernie, the whee! makes another half roiation and completes one cyte. Tha is exhaust stroke, The condensed water it fsxpetied out an fresh steam it in totrepeat the process, In steam engines, the ful mainly col is burt outside’ the engine In steam engines there are special sbters calcd valves, Valves ‘pen in one direction only to let in arto let out Steam wt sppropeits stage. Steam engines were used to design cars in eater deve ey were also used trun tains. But the use a steam engines for easy ok vehicles ie outdated today becnee oftheir low efleney, imitations of Steam Engine 1, Construction of seam engine e not as simple as shown in the diagram. The fel chamber isnot shows inthe agra The bale ged {the hey weight ofthe englne i not sulable for saul vehicles, Cet yu imagine a scooter tuning ona steams caging? 2. The eliciency ofthe engine Is very ow. Thee is mote loos of heat inthis ype of engine. Much a the hest i lost in the batig ofan {o increase the temperatare of water to is Sling pains, 3, Heating water, to produce steam, takes time and the engine annot sart instantly. 1b hep the sleam ready the fuel shoul be ‘burnt continuously even the engine eat test The linitations oes, engin ead tothe discovery of internal combustion engin, dt cay and Nikolaus to were the two pioneers inthis ela. Today tnteraal ombustion are used in all ransport vehicles, Scooters, casa; Meret lorries and tains all wrk using ntenalcombustson copies Deen upon the fel used internal combustion engines are of two pee oe, ‘te petrl engine and dese! engin. Aang Sa, ee ms petrol engine thee isan airtight piston that can be moved smoothly inside oe ‘Gllnder. The evinder is provided with two J#~ Smee valves, inlet vaive and outiet valve. There isa” So spark plug. The piston is linked with a ( Bh, sownm crankshaft, The engine is linked with a \_/” Sawa Fig 0.5 parts ofa Carburetor. tn the carburettor petrol a at fare mixed in proper proportions before eting Figure number 9.5 shows the main parts of «petrol engine. | | lotus consider the working ofa petol engine. There ae ve stages ints operation. Figure numbers 9.5 (A.8,C,D and &) indicate the stages, A) Intake stroke : The vspourised mixture of petrol and sicisletin through the inlet ave. The alt valve remains loved, Piston moves awry fom the spark plug B). Compeession stroke: Both the values ae closed andthe 5 mixture of alr and petrol is compressed by the piston ‘moving towards the spark plug, Though the compression 4h ‘increases the temperature of the mixture, itis not ‘ulicent to ignite the petro 2) ©) Ignition stroke : The compressed airand petrol miture 9 ‘ignited by the sparks produced by the spark pug. 5) D) Rxpansion stroke : The fuel bums quickly producing “Bf heat and gaseous products such as, carbon dioxide, carton monoid and water apmirarformed alongwith) fatbon parties, The gaseous preductsexpand suddenly, (2) Piston is pushed outwards with great free Rese ') Bhasst stroke: The outlet valve opens, Piston moves back, The products of combustion gases are pushed out ‘ofthe cylinder through the exhaust valve ‘The above cycle is repeated. Paton moves to and fro Sis 2 ‘ley. Pushing the cranleshaft and maling the whee otate ‘pdly. The ignition stage and the expansion sage are together called Power stoke. Its interesting to note that the inital kinetic energy needed to start the cjle is provided by starter motor or kik stare Rote : The motion of piston fom one end to another end is usta called the stroke of the heat engine. Stoke may slo reer to the stages of working heat engine Petrol engines are used in ight weight vehicles ike cars, sooters sand motoreyeles. The cost of the petri very high when compared fe ‘iets like diesel oi. The continuo sappy of ptt also results fe wastage of small quant of petrol, aaa pat petol docs nt ura ombustion completely. On the ather hand diese al, has high igntlon temperature and is-not ignited by spark plug. Some mostfeatons in the intemal combustion engines are necessary diesel, which ie comparatively cheaper than peta, eo be sed i iaternad combustion engines ‘The construction of a diesel engine is similar to that of « peteot ‘engine except the sparkplug. Im the pace of spark plug there wil Be ‘compressor in which reverse intake si compression takes pace, adal Diese was a german Invenio? and mechani engineer Hes tamu or te investion of Diesel engine. He deugmed many heat engines, inciuding a solar Powered sr engine. 1603 he plished Eccrcriagenceewtncoion aa thin a cylinder. His engine wae the fret hat proved that fuel ould be ignited Li thot spark plug He operated ne art i uccessral engine in Tea. He aloo experimented wt vegetable ol 8 fl in internat combustion engine. Usually sient inventions and selec lve are med after the scientot like Newion’s Kaws, Raman effect, But the name of Rudolf Diesel is given to svdrccarbon fel We eal the fac ws dese! o The compression rato of ac sto fein the diesel engine ie 4:2 ta 25:1, a8 compared to petrol engine ratio of4 "1010-1 Aya result of ‘compression high temperature af around 1000 Ks prodiced inside the fengine. A controled quantity of diesel in the form ef cele injected into the cylinder, The micella burn on compresion heat tang to @ Drebure impulse. The working of diesel engine also coaste ofthe five Etrokes of petrol engine. During intake stoke, fered ai lone ia sent into the eylinder and compressed, The compression generates enough ‘nea tigate the fuel. At the en of compression stroke dice! inthe form af mel is njected into the cylinder. Diesel trte into fame instantaneously. The produsts of combustion are high pressure gtaes, Due tothe expansion of gases the piston f pushed. Spent gasen re ected out ofthe eyinder during exhaust stsoke | [ise engines re best suited fr Rear vices, a erucks, away engines and ships why ? = Diesel engines ate aot oly used in transport yehiles, but leo in sgnerair produce city You might hve suc the worl EF such generators ear shops whenever theres no power supyy Sound ofthe erg andthe ane of spent oar aw he etion of eee eens Some sugarcane juice vendors also use diesel engines to crush the || sugarcane. Some oenent conerete istry work using diac engine, You Inigit nave also scene diesel engines a the eght of tad constuction, |e Tere ik wih used oes! Can you tink of ny oes STS, Vis nearby atomadle arg. Cate formation abe arbre, er spar pl carbon monoride released hy the vehicis. Periodically (he vehiles| Ihave to undergn Eriesion Test which i test or earbon mune [The exhaust gaeee released bythe vehicles should not eros the it sed, during the test. : [Some cars and sutorikshame se LAG 98 fe: LPG. je also used in stoves. When itis ued in stoves emission testi not necessary. Why?| [Fe eairal e pliation of ar theres eovtain Unicon tha anicuni of] rea SA z ‘rom the internet find out the meanings of i) unleaded petrol i anttock ae of petro) NG as fet Visi petrol unk an fi tthe meaning of premiam quality petro (Comparative stir of petrol engine and desl engin ‘Diesel Baise Diese engines are ‘Spare plug is ot rere 2, Micels of dese are used as |2 fue. 3. The cout of diel 3 comparatively tas Petrol vapour is used as fuel ‘The coot of petrol is 4, Expansion of gaseous products with pressure Impulse, Eficieney is comparatively 6. Expansion against constant 5. wieeney ie comparatively |, Any engine can convert nly part of energy into mechanical ner The eficieney ofa heat engine is defined as the rato ofthe actel work done tothe heat energy consumed, Percentage ofthe ratio stake for Actus! Work done Etceney = 100 Test ey consumed w n= Bxt0 a -smceney | W sWrk done by the engine H = Heat energy input (Cn is gree alphabet and is pronounced as Bet. fis a symbol for ‘ficiency! Worked ex: ‘The efisieney ofa eat engine i 25 percent. $0,000 Joule of heat ‘is supplied tothe engine, calculate the useful work done by the engine sotetion a-Bato 1225 " H = 50,000 as-is x 100 w25% 500 = 12500 Joules. (The St nit of work paso joutes) Exercise 1. Four alternetives are given to each ofthe following statement or question, Select the correct alternative 1. The enengy transformation in a heat engine s, 4, mechani! into het. i heat into mechanical mechanical into potenti, 4, mechanical inte chemical 1} —____ 2. Forward movement ofa piston in steam engine scaled, ‘expansion stoke, exhaust stroke. 6 Intake stroke, anion stoke ‘3. tm a steam engine the steam cylinder is connected to the condenser by, ston. crankset . © cutlet vave 4 nk valve 4 oth the valves of petrol engine are closed during, tate stroke, >, exhaust stroke © compression stoke. d, fel intake stroke 5. An engine is designed to convert 20% of heat energy into work. Whe steam in the engine hes 80 KJ of heat eneray, the usefal work done by the engine A 10K B100KI c40KI asoKY 6. tn temporary forest camp, the best way to generat eletecity for several hours i, to use the following engine petro engine hand operated dynam, 4. diene engine inthe blanks. 1. the part ofa petrol engine in which petrol vapour and air are sie is 2. Linesr movement ofthe piston n a hea engine is converted nto ‘lreular motion by 3. The stoke of « heat engine in which outlet valve opens fa

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