Henderson Individualized Decoding Instruction

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Lesson Plan for Isaiah

Name: Ashley Henderson

Grade: First Grade
Area of Reading: Decoding (Phonics) with Writing
Lesson Title: Working through Words in Reading and Writing
Essential Questions (What question(s) will students grapple with as they learn through this

How do I break apart sounds to write down a word I do not know?

How do I tell the difference between long and short vowels?
Why do some letters make different sounds in different words?

Primary Content Objectives:

Students will know (facts/information):

Written text consists of letters, words, and sentences.

Oral language can be written and read.
Each spoken sound correlates with a letter or combination of letters when reading.
Combining the sounds of letters when writing will help to spell an unknown word.

Students will understand (big ideas):

Knowledge of phonetic principles can be applied to read and spell words.

There are different types of word patterns and these patterns can be used to figure out
unknown words.

Students will be able to do (skills and behaviors):

Demonstrate concept of word by tracking print from left to right and top to bottom, following
print from one line to the next line (return sweep), and matching spoken words to print.
Identify letters, words, sentences, and ending punctuations.
Differentiate between letters and words by recognizing spaces between words in sentences
and recognizing that a sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a period, question
mark, or exclamation point.
Read their own writing.
Apply knowledge of letter sounds in single-syllable words by:
o Recognizing beginning, medial, and ending phonemes;


o Segmenting the phonemes in a word into their complete sequence of individual

phonemes; and
o Blending phonemes to decode or spell a word.
Accurately decode unknown unfamiliar, orthographically regular, single-syllable words and
nonsense words, using letter-sound mappings to sound them out.

Related state or national standards (Examples include State Standards of Learning, Common
Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards or National Curriculum Standards for
Social Studies):

o Reading
1.5: The student will apply knowledge of how print is organized and read.
a. Read from left to right and from top to bottom.
b. Match spoken words with print.
d. Read his/her own writing.
1.6: The student will apply phonetic principles to read and spell.
a. Use beginning and ending consonants to decode and spell singlesyllable words.
b. Use two-letter consonant blends to decode and spell single-syllable
c. Use beginning consonant digraphs to decode and spell single-syllable
d. Use short vowel sounds to decode and spell single-syllable words.
e. Blend beginning, middle, and ending sounds to recognize and read
f. Use word patterns to decode unfamiliar words.
g. Read and spell simple two-syllable compound words.
h. Read and spell commonly used sight words
o Writing
1.12: The student will print legibly.
a. Form letters accurately.
b. Space words within sentences.
c. Use the alphabetic code to write unknown words phonetically.
1.13: The student will write to communicate ideas for a variety of purposes.
a. Generate ideas.
b. Focus on one topic.
c. Revise by adding descriptive words when writing about people, places,
things, and events.
d. Begin each sentence with a capital letter and use ending punctuation in
final copies.
e. Use correct spelling for commonly used sight words and phonetically
regular words in final copies.
f. Share writing with others.
Common Core Standards
o Reading: Literature


CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.1: Ask and answer questions about key details

in a text.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.2: Retell stories, including key details, and
demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.3: Describe characters, settings, and major
events in a story, using key details.
o Reading: Foundational Skills
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.1: Demonstrate understanding of the
organization and basic features of print.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.1.A: Recognize the distinguishing
features of a sentence (e.g., first word, capitalization, ending
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.2: Demonstrate understanding of spoken
words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.2.A: Distinguish long from short vowel
sounds in spoken single-syllable words.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.2.B: Orally produce single-syllable
words by blending sounds (phonemes), including consonant blends.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.2.C: Isolate and pronounce initial,
medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in spoken single-syllable
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.2.D: Segment spoken single-syllable
words into their complete sequence of individual sounds (phonemes).
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and
word analysis skills in decoding words.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.3.A: Know the spelling-sound
correspondences for common consonant digraphs.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.3.B: Decode regularly spelled onesyllable words.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.3.C: Know final -e and common vowel
team conventions for representing long vowel sounds.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.3.D: Use knowledge that every syllable
must have a vowel sound to determine the number of syllables in a
printed word.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.3.E: Decode two-syllable words
following basic patterns by breaking the words into syllables.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.3.F: Read words with inflectional
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.3.G: Recognize and read gradeappropriate irregularly spelled words.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.4: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to
support comprehension.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.4.A: Read grade-level text with purpose
and understanding.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.4.B: Read grade-level text orally with
accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.


CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.4.C: Use context to confirm or selfcorrect word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.

Materials and Resources (List here all materials that you will need in order to successfully
teach this lesson. Include technology and website links, texts, graphic organizers, student
handouts, physical manipulatives, etc.):

Leveled Fiction and Non-Fiction Books: https://www.readinga-z.com/books/leveled-books/

Writing Notebook
Pencil for Writing
Magnetic letters
Dry Erase Board
Dry Erase Markers

Lesson Procedures:
1. Introduction and goal orientation: Each day of instruction will begin with the reading aloud
of a fiction book. Before reading the book, the teacher and Isaiah will flip through the book
to notice the pictures and make predictions about what will happen in the book. This is a
way to provide Isaiah with a chance at success the first time he reads the book. After looking
through the book, Isaiah is to make a prediction about something he thinks will happen in the
book (it might be a good idea to avoid looking at the last few pages of the book). Isaiah
should write down this prediction in his notebook (each page should be dated). The sentence
should be written entirely by Isaiah, who should work through any words that he does not
know by sounding them out (using his blending and segmenting skills) and doing his best to
spell the words. After he is finished with his sentence, he will begin reading the book aloud.
It is important that he reads the book so that the teacher can see what he is reading. The
teacher should record words that he struggles with because these will be the words that are
worked through in a later section. At the end of the book, ask Isaiah what happened in the
story. Was it the same as his prediction? What was different? What would he have done if
he were in the story? Isaiah should write down a sentence with the answer to one of these
questions. This is assessing his comprehension, allowing him to use his imagination to think
through books (which helps him to appreciate the retreat and adventure books can provide),
and gives him practice with writing complete sentences about a topic using his established
2. Connecting to prior knowledge and experiences (Questions or activities that help students
make links): The next section is all about working through the words that Isaiah struggled
with when reading. Today we came across some new words in our reading. I like how you
worked through them when you were reading. You did a really good job breaking up the
sounds in each word and combining them to read the word. Since these words are new, we
are going to work with them for a little bit, so that you will know them on sight next time you
read this book. At this point, you are going to work through the words on the white board
with the magnetic letters. Spell out the word for him before you begin (unless you think he
will remember how to spell the word after seeing it earlier). Isaiah, lets sound out this word


together! Dont forget to use your finger to move along the word and use the push and say
method. We are both going to point to a letter and you are going to say each sound and then
we will move our finger across quickly and put all of those sounds together. Do this twice.
Isaiah, do you know what this word means? Have him give you a definition, if he says yes.
If not, give him a student friendly definition. Isaiah, can you think of an example where you
might use this word? That is a perfect choice. I like how you thought of an incident where
you could have used that word in your life. Will you write down a sentence using that word
for me? (Only do this with one of the words he struggles with. Chances are he will struggle
with a long vowel sound word. If so, you can use this moment to work through that sound on
the white board. If not, choose an age appropriate long vowel word and a similar short vowel
3. Tasks and activities (What challenging tasks and activities will students engage in as they
construct knowledge, learn new skills or behaviors and develop understandings?): Isaiah, it
is your turn to work with the magnetic letters. Can you spell [chosen long vowel word] for
me? Lets sound it out! This is a long vowel word! Long vowel words have two types:
words with an e on the end and words with two vowels together. What type do you think
this is? This is [this type] of long vowel word! Lets work with some other words that have
long vowels like this one. In this type, there is a silent e on the end of the words that makes
the vowel long (or the two vowels combine and the first vowel says its name). In long vowel
words, the first letter always says its name. Work through about 5-10 words (come prepared
in case he does not struggle with this type of word). (Note: The short vowel word will be
used next time as a comparison.) Next, Isaiah will read a book that he read in the previous
session and you will complete a running record. This will allow you to monitor his progress
and determine if he needs additional more intense instruction.
4. Closure (How will you wrap up the lesson and reinforce key ideas? Closure may include
some form of assessment or exit slip): Isaiah, I am going to read a non-fiction book to you
now! Do you know the difference between a fiction and a non-fiction book? This is
designed to provide him an example of fluent reading. If you see any long (or short
depending on the day) vowel words that he may struggle with ask him to help you sound
them out because he is working so well with those type of words. At the end, Isaiah will
write down one fact that he learned in the new book.
Matching Instruction to Student Needs (How did you select this lesson for the specific student.
Be sure to address any accommodations you would make for the student.): Isaiah is a first grader
reading at the first grade reading level. I do not know at what point of the semester Isaiah was
given this graded word list and graded passage to complete, which means I am not exactly sure
how far he is behind in his reading ability. I assumed that he was tested toward the middle to
end of the school year. His graded word list revealed that he is on a first grade level for
vocabulary instruction, which is approximately where he needs to be at this point in time. I
know his biggest struggle is not vocabulary and this can be improved through working with the
parts of different words and teaching him strategies on how to work through these types of
unknown words. In reviewing how Isaiah performed on the Graded Passage Pat and the
Kitten, I was able to see that Isaiah often makes assumptions about the words in a sentence
based on the letters he sees. He is recognizing the letters and the sounds they make, but he is


doing this on an individual basis that does not combine the sounds into the proper word. For
example, he guessed at the word leg with the word eggs and the word eyes with the word ears.
In one case, the word ears could have applied in the sentence, but the word eggs was entirely
different and could not have fit into the context of the sentence. The Visual Discrimination test
proved that he could recognize letters and small words and phrases presented in multiple
locations, which shows that this problem could have been a result of being overwhelmed or just
an anomaly. His auditory discrimination of word pairs shows that he can clearly decipher the
sounds of individual phonemes and can blend and segment words to a certain degree. His
blending and segmenting assessment went perfectly, so he can do that when provided with
individual words. He just needs to apply these skills to his everyday reading of passages. He
showed the most difficulty on the phonics test, which is the main reason I chose that type of
instruction rather than phonological awareness (because he had proven these skills). Finally, he
showed the most problems with short and long vowels, which is a skill he is supposed to learn as
a first grader. For this reason, his instruction focused on gaining understanding of those words
through the type of word patterns, which were applied to both his reading and writing.

Evaluation (How will you determine whether children have met objectives/goals of the activity?
How will you identify students for the next tier of instruction?): The purpose of working through
the long and short vowel words is to help Isaiah develop a framework for decoding those words
while reading. If he continually misses those type of words, he needs more intense
individualized instruction with these types of words. Additionally, the running record will tell
you whether or not his reading level is improving. Finally, you will have the opportunity to view
his writing journal after every session to see how his sentence writing is improving. As
sentences are not the focus, you will be looking at how he is applying his knowledge of
decoding, especially long and short vowels, to his writing.

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