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Integration Plan
Jerry Lightfoot

Lesson Plan
Grade: 6-12th
Teks: 1a,b;2a,b,c,d,e;3a,b,c,d;4a,b
Subject: Science
Objective: Students will be able to identify and understand key safety
procedures and applications.
Lesson: Students will be introduced to lab safety equipment. As a class
we will identify each item and discuss the purpose and use. Challenges
will be created to test students prior and new understanding. After
review of equipment students will create a Science Reference journal to
show their understanding of each item.
Closure: Students will discuss proper cleaning and putting away
practices to ensure safety through out the class.
Assessments: Students journals along with questions through out the
lesson will show their understanding of safety equipment.

Ell Accommodations: Slow down

discussion, Pictures, small groups, note
taking assistance.
Sped Accommodations: small group,
organizer, repeated review.

Phase 1
Technology is important in the is lesson
because of the videos that are out on
the internet. Fun science videos that
engage the students can help with prior
knowledge. Power points may be used
to show bigger examples or easy access
to videos.

Phase 2
Objective: : Students will be able to identify and
understand key safety procedures and applications.
To assess students accomplishments of the objective
students will have assignments through out the project
explaining their research, reasoning and their conclusion
of the entire egg drop.
For integration strategies students will be creating a
power point that allows them to show the whole process of
their research and designs.
To prepare my learning environment we will discuss the
project and answer any questions that arise at the time. I
will then present a power point that discusses each step
and examples of what they could do for the final product.

Phase 3
What strategies and/or instruments
would you use to evaluate the success
of this lesson in your classroom in order
to determine revision needs? Strategies
that I would use would be to walk
around the room and discuss with
students the strategies for their
project. I would answer questions and
assess what techniques they could use
to improve their projects final

Grade Level: 6th-12th
Content: Science
Topic: Force, Mass, Acceleration, Inertia
Technologies used: Power Point, Word,
ISTE Standards: Communication,
Decision making, technology operation.

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