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Modern Day Artic Exploration

(Title: Target Arctic)

Dakota Hayes
Senior Division
Individual Website
Process Paper: 365

How I Choose My Topic

I decided on my topic because I am a history and military enthusiast and I love to research
anything having to do with history or the military. Recently the Arctic has become a huge topic
on the news due to Russias activity in the region. Due to the recent melting of ice in the Arctic
Circle many nations have taken high interest in searching for oil and many precious natural
resources in the area. The region has also become a region of high scientific interest. Countries
from around the world have been increasing their production of icebreakers and Arctic research
vessels in order to increase their presence in the Arctic. Russia has always had a presence in the
Arctic for many reasons and in many different forms. During the Cold War the Russians used the
Arctic for the placement of Submarine Listening Stations used to monitor U.S. submarines in the
area. The Arctic as also been the host of many military exercises for Russia due to its immense
Tundra conditions and lack of presence from other countries. Russias most recent interest in the
Arctic is oil drilling, the development of Floating Nuclear Power Plants (NPP), and even the
construction of a military base which is currently under construction. I choose this topic due to
its immense military and history qualities which are what I am interested in.
How I Conducted My Research
I conducted my research by using various internet sources (such as the Central Intelligence
Agencys website) and written works of literature (such as books).
How I Selected My Presentation Category and Created My Project
I selected my presentation category because I thought a website would be a good way to present
the large quantity of information related to my topic.
How My Project Relates to the NHD Theme
My project/topic related to the NHD theme due to the fact that the main focus of my topic is
exploration, countries have encountered each other many times in the Arctic, and in many cases
the exchange of scientific data occurs between Arctic research teams.

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