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Service Learning Experience (SLE) Description/ Approval Form

Student:Destiny Rorie
Date: 10/8/15
Topic of Service Learning Experience: Gender Inequality in the Workplace
1. What type of SLE will you complete?
I will create a meal that school lunches could create instead of the slop they serve to us

2. What materials will you need?

I will need the food I will be cooking, a tray, measurements of each serving.

3. What expenses do you anticipate?

Yes, there will be the food that I will have to buy.

4. What timeline will you follow to complete this project?

In the beginning I will find the measurements and quota of each food they have to serve in school and then
creating my meal based on what I have found

5. How does the SLE demonstrate application of research and synthesis of new knowledge?
I shows me how much is meant to be served and what is meant to me served in school, so helps me expose
that all schools are not following the quota.

6. What artifacts do you plan to use in your portfolio and present to judges?
Just my food i created.
Student signature




Teacher signature

______Not Approved



Parent/guardian signature

______Not Approved



Mentor signature

______Not Approved

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