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Practical Temperature

Application Note 290

Introduction 2
The Thermocouple 4
Practical Thermocouple
Measurement 12
The RTD 21
The Thermistor 26
The IC Sensor 27
The Measurement System 28
Appendix A 31
Appendix B 32
Thermocouple Hardware 34
Bibliography 35
Introduction Early measuring devices For the fixed point on the low
end of his temperature scale,
Galileo is credited with inventing Fahrenheit used a mixture of ice
The purpose of this appliction the thermometer, circa 1592.1, 2
note is to explore the more water and salt (or ammonium
In an open container filled with chloride). This was the lowest
common temperature measure- colored alcohol, he suspended a
ment techniques, and introduce temperature he could reproduce,
long narrow-throated glass tube, and he labeled it “zero degrees.”
procedures for improving their at the upper end of which was
accuracy. For the high end of his scale, he
a hollow sphere. When heated, chose human blood temperature
We will focus on the four most the air in the sphere expanded and called it 96 degrees.
common temperature transducers: and bubbled through the liquid.
the thermocouple, the RTD Cooling the sphere caused the Why 96 and not 100 degrees?
(Resistance Temperature Detector), liquid to move up the tube.1 Earlier scales had been divided
the thermistor and the IC (Inte- Fluctuations in the temperature into twelve parts. Fahrenheit, in
grated Circuit) sensor. Despite of the sphere could then be an apparent quest for more reso-
the widespread popularity of the observed by noting the position lution divided his scale into 24,
thermocouple, it is frequently of the liquid inside the tube. This then 48 and eventually 96 parts.
misused. For this reason, we will “upside-down” thermometer was The Fahrenheit scale gained
concentrate primarily on thermo- a poor indicator since the level popularity primarily because
couple measurement techniques. changed with barometric pres- of the repeatability and quality
sure, and the tube had no scale. of the thermometers that Fahr-
Appendix A contains the empirical Vast improvements were made
laws of thermocouples which are enheit built.
in temperature measurement
the basis for all derivations used accuracy with the development Around 1742, Anders Celsius
herein. Readers wishing a more of the Florentine thermometer, proposed that the melting point
thorough discussion of thermo- which incorporated sealed con- of ice and the boiling point
couple theory are invited to read struction and a graduated scale. of water be used for the two
reference 3 in the Bibliography. benchmarks. Celsius selected
In the ensuing decades, many zero degrees as the boiling point
For those with a specific thermo- thermometric scales were con- and 100 degrees as the melting
couple application, Appendix B ceived, all based on two or more point. Later, the end points were
may aid in choosing the best type fixed points. One scale, however, reversed and the centigrade scale
of thermocouple. wasn’t universally recognized un- was born. In 1948 the name was
til the early 1700’s when Gabriel officially changed to the Celsius
Throughout this application note Fahrenheit, a Dutch instrument scale.
we will emphasize the practical maker, produced accurate and
considerations of transducer repeatable mercury thermometers.
placement, signal conditioning
and instrumentation.

In the early 1800’s William Thermocouple RTD Thermistor I. C. Sensor
Thomson (Lord Kelvin), devel-
oped a universal thermodynamic
scale based upon the coefficient
of expansion of an ideal gas.
Kelvin established the concept
of absolute zero, and his scale
remains the standard for T
modern thermometry.
The conversion equations for
the four modern temperature • Self-powered • Most stable • High output • Most linear
scales are: • Simple • Most accurate • Fast • Highest output
°C = 5/9 (°F - 32) °F = 9/5°C + 32 • Rugged • More linear than • Two-wire ohms • Inexpensive
thermocouple measurement
k = °C + 273.15 °R = °F + 459.67 • Inexpensive
• Wide variety of
The Rankine Scale (°R) is simply physical forms
the Fahrenheit equivalent of the • Wide temperature range
Kelvin scale, and was named
after an early pioneer in the Disadvantages
field of thermodynamics,
W. J. M. Rankine. Notice the of- • Non-linear • Expensive • Non-linear • T<250ºC
ficial Kelvin scale does not carry • Low voltage • Slow • Limited temperature • Power supply
range required
a degree sign. The units are • Reference required • Current source
epressed in “kelvins,” not de- required • Fragile • Slow
• Least stable
grees Kelvin. • Small resistance • Current source • Self-heating
• Least sensitive change required
• Limited
• Four-wire • Self-heating configurations
Reference temperatures measurement

We cannot build a temperature

divider as we can a voltage
divider, nor can we add tempera- Table 1. ITS-90 fixed points
tures as we would add lengths to
measure distance. We must rely
upon temperatures established Element Type K ºC
by physical phenomena which (H2) Hydrogen Triple Point 13.8033 K -259.3467°C
are easily observed and consis- (Ne) Neon Triple Point 24.5561 K -248.5939°C
tent in nature. (02) Oxygen Triple Point 54.3584 K -218.7916°C
(Ar) Argon Triple Point 83.8058 K -189.3442°C
The International Temperature
(Hg) Mercury Triple Point 234.315 K -38.8344°C
Scale (ITS) is based on such phe-
(H2O) Water Triple Point 273.16 K +0.01°C
nomena. Revised in 1990, it es-
(Ga) Gallium Melting Point 302.9146 K 29.7646°C
tablishes seventeen fixed points
and corresponding temperatures. (In) Indium Freezing Point 429.7485 K 156.5985°C
A sampling is given in Table 1. (Sn) Tin Freezing Point 505.078 K 231.928°C
(Zn) Zinc Freezing Point 692.677 K 419.527°C
(Al) Aluminum Freezing Point 933.473 K 660.323°C
(Ag) Silver Freezing Point 1234.93 K 961.78°C
(Au) Gold Freezing Point 1337.33 K 1064.18°C

Since we have only these fixed The Thermocouple Measuring thermocouple
temperatures to use as a refer- voltage
ence, we must use instruments When two wires composed of
to interpolate between them. But We can’t measure the Seebeck
dissimilar metals are joined voltage directly because we must
accurately interpolating between at both ends and one of the
these temperatures can require first connect a voltmeter to the
ends is heated, there is a con- thermocouple, and the voltmeter
some fairly exotic transducers, tinuous current which flows
many of which are too complicated leads, themselves, create a new
in the thermoelectric circuit. thermoelectric circuit.
or expensive to use in a practical Thomas Seebeck made this
situation. We shall limit our discovery in 1821 (Figure 2). Let’s connect a voltmeter across
discussion to the four most a copper-constantan (Type T)
common temperature transducers: If this circuit is broken at the thermocouple and look at the
thermocouples, resistance- center, the net open circuit voltage output (Figure 4).
temperature detector’s (RTD’s), voltage (the Seebeck voltage)
thermistors, and integrated is a function of the junction We would like the voltmeter to
circuit sensors. temperature and the composi- read only V1, but by connecting
tion of the two metals (Figure 3). the voltmeter in an attempt to
measure the output of Junction J1
All dissimilar metals exhibit we have created two more metal-
this effect. The most common lic junctions: J2 and J3. Since J3
combinations of two metals is a copper-to-copper junction, it
are listed on page 32 of this ap- creates no thermal e.m.f. (V3 = 0)
plication note, along with their but J2 is a copper-to constantan
important characteristics. For junction which will add an e.m.f.
small changes in temperature (V2) in opposition to V1. The re-
the Seebeck voltage is linearly sultant voltmeter reading V will
Figure 2. The Seebeck effect be proportional to the tempera-
proportional to temperature:
eAB = αT ture difference between J1 and
J2. This says that we can’t find
Where α, the Seebeck coefficient, the temperature at J1 unless we
is the constant of proportionality. first find the temperature of J2.
(For real world thermocouples,
α is not constant but varies
with temperature. This factor is
discussed under “Voltage-to-
Temperature Conversion” on
Figure 3. page 9.)

Figure 4. Measuring junction voltage with a DVM

The reference junction We use this protracted derivation look at the NIST tables and
to emphasize that the ice bath directly convert from voltage
One way to determine the tem- junction output V2 is not zero V to temperature TJ1.
perature J2 is to physically put volts. It is a function of absolute
the junction into an ice bath, temperature. The copper-constantan thermo-
forcing its temperature to be couple shown in Figure 5 is a
0°C and establishing J2 as the By adding the voltage of the ice unique example because the
Reference Junction. Since both point reference junction, we have copper wire is the same metal
voltmeter terminal junctions are now referenced the reading V to as the voltmeter terminals. Let’s
now copper-copper, they create 0°C. This method is very accurate use an iron-constantan (Type J)
no thermal e.m.f. and the reading because the ice point temperature thermocouple instead of the
V on the voltmeter is proportion- can be precisely controlled. The copper-constantan. The iron wire
al to the temperature difference ice point is used by the National (Figure 6) increases the number
between J1 and J2. Institute of Standards and Tech- of dissimilar metal junctions in
Now the voltmeter reading is nology (NIST) as the fundamental the circuit, as both voltmeter
(See Figure 5): reference point for their thermo- terminals become Cu-Fe thermo-
couple tables, so we can now couple junctions.
V = (V1 – V2) ~
= α(tJ1 – tJ2)

If we specify TJ1 in degrees

TJ1(°C) + 273.15 = tJ1(K)

then V becomes:
V = V1 – V2 = α[(TJ1 + 273.15) –
(TJ2 + 273.15)]
= α(TJ1 – TJ2 ) = (TJ1 – 0)
V = αTJ1

Figure 5. External reference junction

Figure 6. Iron Constantan couple

This circuit will still provide mod- This is still a rather inconvenient We can do this by first joining
erately accurate measurements circuit because we have to con- the two isothermal blocks
as long as the voltmeter high and nect two thermocouples. Let’s (Figure 9b).
low terminals (J3 and J4) act in eliminate the extra Fe wire in the
We haven’t changed the output
opposition (Figure 7). negative (LO) lead by combining
voltage V. It is still:
the Cu-Fe junction (J4) and the
If both front panel terminals are
Fe-C junction (JREF). V = α(TJ1 – TREF)
not at the same temperature, there
will be an error. For more precise
Now we call upon the law of inter-
measurement, the copper volt-
mediate metals (see Appendix A)
meter leads should be extended
to eliminate the extra junction.
so the copper-to-iron junctions
This empirical law states that a
are made on an isothermal (same
third metal (in this case, iron)
temperature) block (Figure 8).
The isothermal block is an elec-
trical insulator but a good heat
conductor and it serves to hold J3 Figure 7. Junction voltage cancellation
and J4 at the same temperature.
The absolute block temperature
is unimportant because the two
Cu-Fe junctions act in opposition.
We still have:
V = α(TJ1 – TREF)

Reference circuit
The circuit in Figure 8 will give
us accurate readings, but it would
be nice to eliminate the ice bath Figure 8. Removing junctions from DVM terminals
if possible.
Let’s replace the ice bath with
another isothermal block
(Figures 9a and 9b).
The new block is at Reference
Temperature TREF, and because
J3 and J4 are still at the same
temperature we can again
show that:
V = α(T1 – TREF)
Figure 9a. Eliminating the ice bath

Figure 9b. Joining the isothermal blocks

inserted between the two dis- A thermistor, whose resistance
similar metals of a thermo-couple RT is a function of temperature,
junction will have no effect upon provides us with a way to mea-
the output voltage as long as sure the absolute temperature of
the two junctions formed by the the reference junction. Junctions
additional metal are at the same J3 and J4 and the thermistor are
temperature (Figure 10). all assumed to be at the same
temperature, due to the design
This is a useful conclusion, as it
of the isothermal block. Using a
completely eliminates the need
digital multimeter (DMM),
for the iron (Fe) wire in the LO
we simply:
lead (Figure 11).
1. Measure RT to find TREF and
Again V = α(T1 – TREF) where α
Figure 10. Law of intermediate metals convert TREF to its equivalent
is the Seebeck coefficient for an
reference junction voltage,
Fe-C thermocouple.
Junctions J3 and J4 take the
2. Measure V and add VREF
place of the ice bath. These two
to find V1 and convert V1 to
junctions now become the
temperature TJ1.
reference junction.
Now we can proceed to the next This procedure is known as
logical step: Directly measure the software compensation because
temperature of the isothermal it relies upon software in the
block (the reference junction) and instrument or a computer to
use that information to compute compensate for the effect of the
the unknown temperature, TJ1 reference junction. The isothermal
(Figure 12). terminal block temperature sen-
sor can be any device which has
Figure 11. Equivalent circuit
a characteristic proportional to
absolute temperature: an RTD,
a thermistor, or an integrated
circuit sensor.

Figure 12. External reference junction - no ice bath

It seems logical to ask: If we This is accomplished by using Software compensation is the
already have a device that will the isothermal reference junction most versatile technique we have
measure absolute temperature for more than one thermocouple for measuring thermocouples.
(like an RTD or thermistor), why element (Figure 13). A relay Many thermocouples are con-
do we even bother with a ther- scanner connects the voltmeter nected on the same block, copper
mocouple that requires reference to the various thermocouples in leads are used throughout the
junction compensation? The single sequence. All of the voltmeter scanner, and the technique is
most important answer to this and scanner wires are copper, independent of the types of ther-
question is that the thermistor, independent of the type of ther- mocouples chosen. In addition,
the RTD, and the integrated mocouple chosen. In fact, as when using a data acquisition
circuit transducer are only use- long as we know what each system with a built-in zone box,
ful over a certain temperature thermocouple is, we can mix we simply connect the thermo-
range. Thermocouples, on the thermocouple types on the same couple as we would a pair of test
other hand, can be used over a isothermal junction block (often leads. All of the conversions are
range of temperatures, and opti- called a zone box) and make performed by the instrument’s
mized for various atmospheres. the appropriate modifications software. The one disadvantage
They are much more rugged than in software. The junction block is that it requires a small amount
thermistors, as evidenced by temperature sensor, RT is located of additional time to calculate the
the fact that thermocouples are at the center of the block to reference junction temperature.
often welded to a metal part or minimize errors due to thermal For maximum speed we can use
clamped under a screw. They can gradients. hardware compensation.
be manufactured on the spot,
either by soldering or welding.
In short, thermocouples are
the most versatile temperature
transducers available and since
the measurement system per-
forms the entire task of refer-
ence compensation and software
voltage-to-temperature conver-
sion, using a thermocouple
becomes as easy as connecting a
pair of wires.

Thermocouple measurement Figure 13. Switching multiple thermocouple types

becomes especially convenient
when we are required to monitor
a large number of data points.

Figure 14. Hardware compensation circuit

Hardware compensation
Rather than measuring the
temperature of the reference
junction and computing its
equivalent voltage as we did
with software compensation,
we could insert a battery to
cancel the offset voltage of
the reference junction. The
combination of this hardware
compensation voltage and the Figure 15. Practical hardware compensation
reference junction voltage is
equal to that of a 0°C junction
(Figure 14). Figure 15 shows a practical ice However, today's faster micro-
point reference circuit that can processors and advanced data
The compensation voltage, e,
be used in conjunction with a aquisition designs continue to
is a function of the temperature
relay scanner to compensate an blur the line between the two
sensing resistor, RT. The voltage
entire block of thermocouple methods, with software compen-
V is now referenced to 0°C, and
inpuits. All the thermocouples sation speeds challenging those
may be read directly and con-
in the block must be of the same of hardware compensation in
verted to temperature by using
type, but each block of inputs can practical applications (Table 2).
the NIST tables.
accomodate a different thermo-
couple type by simply changing
Another name for this circuit is Table 2
gain resistors.
the electronic ice point reference 6. Hardware Software
These circuits are commercially compensation compensation
The advantage of the hardware
available for use with any volt-
compensation circuit or electronic Fast Requires more software
meter and with a wide variety manipulation time
ice point reference is that we
of thermocouples. The major
eliminate the need to compute Restricted to one Versatile -
drawback is that a unique ice thermocouple type accepts any
the reference temperature. This
point reference circuit is usually per reference thermocouple
saves us two computation steps
needed for each individual ther- junction
and makes a hardware compen-
mocouple type. Hard to reconfigure - Easy to reconfigure
sation temperature measurement
requires hardware
somewhat faster than a software change for new
compensation measurement. thermocouple type

We have used hardware and soft-
ware compensation to synthesize
an ice-point reference. Now all
we have to do is to read the
digital voltmeter and convert the
voltage reading to a temperature.
Unfortunately, the temperature-
versus-voltage relationship of
a thermocouple is not linear.
Output voltages for some popular
thermocouples are plotted as Type Metals
a function of temperature in + - Figure 17. Seebeck coefficient vs. temperature
Figure 16. If the slope of the E Chromel vs. Constantan
curve (the Seebeck coefficient) J Iron vs. Constantan
is plotted vs. temperature, as K Chromel vs. Alumel
in Figure 17, it becomes quite R Platinum vs. Platinum 13% Rhodium
obvious that the thermocouple S Platinum vs. Platinum 10% Rhodium
is a non-linear device. T Copper vs Constantan

A horizontal line in Figure 17 Figure 16. Thermocouple temperature

would indicate a constant α, in vs. voltage graph
other words, a linear device. We
notice that the slope of the type
K thermocouple approaches a
Table 3. Type E thermocouple
constant over a temperature
range from 0°C to 1000°C. Temperatures in ºC (ITS-90)
Consequently, the type K can
mV .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 mV
be used with a multiplying volt-
meter and an external ice point 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.34 0.51 0.68 0.85 1.02 1.19 1.36 1.53 1.70 0.00

reference to obtain a moderately 0.10 1.70 1.87 2.04 2.21 2.38 2.55 2.72 2.89 3.06 3.23 3.40 0.10
accurate direct readout of 0.20 3.40 3.57 3.74 3.91 4.08 4.25 4.42 4.59 4.76 4.92 5.09 0.20
temperature. That is, the tem- 0.30 5.09 5.26 5.43 5.60 5.77 5.94 6.11 6.28 6.45 6.61 6.78 0.30
perature display involves only 0.40 6.78 6.95 7.12 7.29 7.46 7.63 7.79 7.96 8.13 8.30 8.47 0.40
a scale factor.
0.50 8.47 8.64 8.80 8.97 9.14 9.31 9.48 9.64 9.81 9.98 10.15 0.50
By examining the variations 0.60 10.l5 10.32 10.48 10.65 10.82 10.99 11.15 11.32 11.49 11.66 11.82 0.60
in Seebeck coefficient, we can 0.70 11.82 11.99 12.16 12.33 12.49 12.66 12.83 12.99 13.16 13.33 13.50 0.70
easily see that using one constant
0.80 13.50 13.66 13.83 14.00 14.16 14.33 14.50 14.66 14.83 15.00 15.16 0.80
scale factor would limit the
temperature range of the system 0.90 15.16 15.33 15.50 15.66 15.83 16.00 16.16 16.33 16.49 16.66 16.83 0.90

and restrict the system accuracy. 1.00 16.83 l6.99 17.16 17.32 17.49 17.66 17.82 17.99 18.15 18.32 18.49 1.00
Better conversion accuracy can 1.10 18.49 18.65 18.82 18.98 19.15 19.31 19.48 19.64 19.81 19.98 20.14 1.10
be obtained by reading the volt- 1.20 20.14 20.31 20.47 20.64 20.80 20.97 21.13 21.30 21.46 21.63 21.79 1.20
meter and consulting the NIST 1.30 21.79 21.96 22.12 22.29 22.45 22.61 22.78 22.94 23.11 23.27 23.44 1.30
Thermocouple Tables4 (NIST
1.40 23.44 23.60 23.77 23.93 24.10 24.26 24.42 24.59 24.75 24.92 25.08 1.40
Monograph 175 - see Table 3).

We could store these look-up table Table 4. NIST ITS-90 polynomial coefficients
values in a computer, but they
would consume an inordinate Thermocouple
type Type J Type K
amount of memory. A more viable
approach is to approximate the Temperature range -210°C to O°C 0ºC to 760ºC -200ºC to 0ºC 0ºC to 500ºC
table values using a power series Error range ± 0.05°C ±0.04ºC ±0.04ºC ±0.05ºC
polynomial: Polynomial order 8th order 7th order 8th order 9th order

t90 = c0 + c1x + c2x2 + c3x3 + ... + cnxn C0 0 0 0 0

C2 1.9528268 x 10-2 1.978425 x 10-2 2.5173462 x 10-2 2.508355 x 10-2

C1 -1.2286185 x 10-6 -2.001204 x 10-7 -1.1662878 x 10-6 7.860106 x 10-8
t90 = Temperature
C3 -1.0752178 x 10-9 1.036969 x 10-11 1.0833638 x 10-9 -2.503131 x 10-10
x= Thermocouple voltage
C4 -5.9086933 x 10-13 -2.549687 x 10-16 -8.9773540 x 10-13 8.315270 x 10-14
c= Polynomial coefficients unique to
C5 -1.7256713 x 10-16 3.585153 x 10-21 -3.7342377 x 10-16 -1.228034 x 10-17
each thermocouple
C6 -2.8131513 x 10-20 -5.344285 x 10-26 -8.6632643 x 10-20 9.804036 x 10-22
n= Maximum order of the polynomial
C7 -2.3963370 x 10-24 5.099890 x 10-31 -1.0450598 x 10-23 -4.413030 x 10-26

As n increases, the accuracy of C8 -8.3823321 x 10-29 -5.1920577 x 10-28 -1.057734 x 10-30

the polynomial improves. Lower C9 -1.052755 x 10-35

order polynomials may be used Temperature conversion equation: t90 = c0 + c1x + c2x2 + . . . + c9x9
over a narrow temperature range Nested polynomial form (4th order example): t90 = c0 + x(c1 + x(c2 + x(c3 + c4x)))
to obtain higher system speed.
Table 4 is an example of the poly- Table 5. Required DVM sensitivity
nomials used in conjunction with
software compensation for a data Thermocouple Seebeck coefficient DVM sensitivity
acquisition system. Rather than type at 25°C (µV/°C) for 0.1°C (µV)

directly calculating the exponen- E 61 6.1

tials, the software is programmed J 52 5.2
to use the nested polynomial form K 40 4.0
to save execution time. The poly- R 6 0.6
nomial fit rapidly degrades outside S 6 0.6
the temperature range shown in T 41 4.1
Table 4 and should not be extrap- Figure 18. Curve divided into sectors
olated outside those limits.
The calculation of high-order
polynomials is a time consuming The data acquisition system All the foregoing procedures
task, even for today’s high-powered measures the output voltage, assume the thermocouple volt-
microprocessors. As we mentioned categorizes it into one of the age can be measured accurately
before, we can save time by using eight sectors, and chooses the and easily; however, a quick
a lower order polynomial for a appropriate coefficients for that glance at Table 5 shows us that
smaller temperature range. In sector. This technique is both thermocouple output voltages
the software for one data acquisi- faster and more accurate than are very small indeed. Examine
tion system, the thermocouple the higher-order polynomial. the requirements of the system
characteristic curve is divided voltmeter.
An even faster algorithm is used
into eight sectors and each sector in many new data acquisition
is approximated by a third-order systems. Using many more sec-
polynomial (Figure 18). tors and a series of first order
equations, they can make hun-
dreds, even thousands, of inter-
nal calculations per second.

Even for the common type K Practical Thermocouple Analog filter - A filter may be used
thermocouple, the voltmeter directly at the input of a voltme-
must be able to resolve 4 μV to Meaurement ter to reduce noise. It reduces
detect a 0.1°C change. This de- interference dramatically, but
mands both excellent resolution Noise rejection causes the voltmeter to respond
(the more bits, the better) and Tree switching - Tree switching more slowly to step inputs
measurement accuracy from is a method of organizing the (Figure 20).
the DMM. The magnitude of this channels of a scanner into
signal is an open invitation for groups, each with its own main Integration - Integration is an
noise to creep into any system. switch. A/D technique which essentially
For this reason instrument averages noise over a full line
designers utilize several funda- Without tree switching, every cycle, thus power line-related
mental noise rejection tech- channel can contribute noise noise and its harmonics are
niques, including tree switching, directly through its stray capa- virtually eliminated. If the inte-
normal mode filtering, integra- citance. With tree switching, gration period is chosen to be
tion and isolation. groups of parallel channel less than an integer line cycle,
capacitances are in series with its noise rejection properties
a single tree switch capacitance. are essentially negated.
The result is greatly reduced
crosstalk in a large data acquisi-
tion system, due to the reduced
interchannel capacitance
(Figure 19).

Figure 19. Tree switching

Figure 20. Analog filter

Since thermocouple circuits
that cover long distances are
especially susceptible to power
line related noise, it is advisable
to use an integrating analog-to-
digital converter to measure the
thermocouple voltage. Integration
is an especially attractive A/D
technique in light of recent in-
novations have brought the cost
in line with historically less Figure 21. Isolation minimizes common mode current
expensive A/D technologies.

Isolation - A noise source that is

common to both high and low
measurement leads is called
common mode noise. Isolated
inputs help to reduce this noise
as well as protect the measure-
ment system from ground loops
Figure 22. Figure 23.
and transients (Figure 21).
Let’s assume a thermocouple
wire has been pulled through
This error is reduced by isolating
the same conduit as a 220 V AC
the input terminals from safety
supply line. The capacitance
ground with a careful design
between the power lines and the
that minimizes the low-earth
thermocouple lines will create
capacitance. Non-isolated or
an AC signal of approximately
ground-referenced inputs
equal magnitude on both ther-
(“single-ended” inputs are often
mocouple wires. This is not a Figure 24.
ground-referenced) don’t have
problem in an ideal circuit, but
the ability to reject common
the voltmeter is not ideal. It has
mode noise. Instead, the
some capacitance between its
common mode current flows Isolated inputs reject the noise
low terminal and safety ground
through the low lead directly current by maintaining a high
(earth). Current flows through
to ground, causing potentially impedance between LO and
this capacitance and through
large reading errors. Earth. A non-isolated system,
the thermocouple lead resistance,
represented in Figure 24,
creating a normal mode signal Isolated inputs are particularly
completes the path to earth
which appears as measure- useful in eliminating ground
resulting in a ground loop.
ment error. loops created when the ther-
The resulting currents can
mocouple junction comes into
be dangerously high and can
direct contact with a common
be harmful to both instrument
mode noise source.
and operator. Isolated inputs
In Figure 22 we want to measure are required for making mea-
the temperature at the center surements with high common
of a molten metal bath that is mode noise.
being heated by electric current.
The potential at the center of the
bath is 120 VRMS. The equivalent
circuit is shown in Figure 23.

Sometimes having isolated inputs Practical precautions
isn’t enough. In Figure 23, the
We have discussed the concepts
voltmeter inputs are floating on
of the reference junction, how
a 120 VRMS common mode
to use a polynomial to extract
noise source. They must with-
absolute temperature data and
stand a peak offset of ±170 V
what to look for in a data acqui-
from ground and still make
sition system to minimize the
accurate measurements. An Figure 25. Soldering a thermocouple
effects of noise. Now let’s look
isolated system with electronic
at the thermocouple wire itself.
FET switches typically can only
The polynomial curve fit relies
handle ±12 V of offset from earth;
upon the thermocouple wire
if used in this application, the
being perfect; that is, it must
Poor junction connection
inputs would be damaged.
not become decalibrated during There are a number of accept-
The solution is to use commer- the act of making a temperature able ways to connect two
cially available external signal measurement. We shall now thermocouple wires: soldering,
conditioning (isolation trans- discuss some of the pitfalls of silver-soldering, welding, etc.
formers and amplifiers) that thermocouple thermometry. When the thermocouple wires
buffer the inputs and reject the are soldered together, we
common mode voltage. Another Aside from the specified accur- introduce a third metal into
easy alternative is to use a data acies of the data acquisition the thermocouple circuit. As
acquisition system that can system and its isothermal refer- long as the temperatures on
float several hundred volts. ence junction, most measurement both sides of the thermocouple
error may be traced to one of are the same, the solder should
Notice that we can also minimize
these primary sources: not introduce an error. The
the noise by minimizing RS. We
solder does limit the maximum
do this by using larger thermo-
1. Poor junction connection temperature to which we can
couple wire that has a smaller
subject this junction (Figure 25).
series resistance. Also, to reduce 2. Decalibration of
To reach a high measurement
the possibility of magnetically thermocouple wire
temperature, the joint must
induced noise, the thermocouple
3. Shunt impedance be welded. But welding is not
should be twisted in a uniform
and galvanic action a process to be taken lightly.5
manner. Thermocouple extension
Overheating can degrade the
wires are available commercially 4. Thermal shunting
wire, and the welding gas and
in a twisted pair configuration.
5. Noise and leakage currents the atmosphere in which the
wire is welded can both diffuse
6. Thermocouple specifications
into the thermocouple metal,
7. Documentation changing its characteristics.
The difficulty is compounded
by the very different nature of
the two metals being joined.

Commercial thermocouples are conduit or strained by rough Thermocouple wire obviously
welded on expensive machinery handling or vibration. Annealing can’t be manufactured perfectly;
using a capacitive-discharge can occur within the section there will be some defects which
technique to insure uniformity. of wire that undergoes a tem- will cause output voltage errors.
perature gradient. These inhomogeneities can be
A poor weld can, of course, especially disruptive if they
result in an open connection, Robert Moffat in his Gradient occur in a region of steep
which can be detected in a Approach to Thermocouple temperature gradient.
measurement situation by per- Thermometry explains that the
forming an open thermocouple thermocouple voltage is actually Since we don’t know where an
check. This is a common test generated by the section of wire imperfection will occur within
function available with many that contains a temperature a wire, the best thing we can
data loggers and data acquisi- gradient, and not necessarily do is to avoid creating a steep
tion systems. by the junction.9 For example, gradient. Gradients can be
if we have a thermal probe reduced by using metallic
located in a molten metal bath, sleeving or by careful placement
Decalibration there will be two regions that of the thermocouple wire.
are virtually isothermal and
Decalibration is a far more
one that has a large gradient.
serious fault condition than the
open thermocouple because it In Figure 26, the thermocouple
can result in temperature reading junction will not produce any
that appears to be correct. part of the output voltage. The
Decalibration describes the shaded section will be the one
process of unintentionally producing virtually the entire
altering the physical makeup thermocouple output voltage.
of the thermocouple wire so If, due to aging or annealing, the
that it no longer conforms to output of this thermocouple was
the NIST polynomial within found to be drifting, replacing
specified limits. Decalibration only the thermocouple junction Figure 26. Gradient produces voltage
can result from diffusion of would not solve the problem.
atmospheric particles into the We would have to replace the
metal, caused by temperature entire shaded section, since
extremes. It can be caused by it is the source of the thermo-
high temperature annealing couple voltage.
or by cold-working the metal,
an effect that can occur when
the wire is drawn through a

Shunt impedance
High temperatures can also
take their toll on thermocouple
wire insulators. Insulation resis-
tance decreases exponentially
with increasing temperature,
even to the point that it creates Figure 27. Leakage resistance Figure 28. Virtual junction
a virtual junction. Assume we
have a completely open ther-
mocouple operating at a high
temperature (Figure 27).
Galvanic action Extension wire is commercially
The leakage resistance, RL can available wire primarily intended
The dyes used in some thermo-
be sufficiently low to complete to cover long distances between
couple insulation will form an
the circuit path and give us an the measuring thermocouple
electrolyte in the presence of
improper voltage reading. Now and the voltmeter. Extension
water. This creates a galvanic
let’s assume the thermocouple wire is made of metals having
action, with a resultant output
is not open, but we are using Seebeck coefficients very similar
hundreds of times greater than
a very long section of small to a particular thermocouple
the Seebeck effect. Precautions
diameter wire (Figure 28). type. It is generally larger in
should be taken to shield the
size so that its series resistance
If the thermocouple wire is thermocouple wires from all
does not become a factor when
small, its series resistance, RS, harsh atmospheres and liquids.
traversing long distances. It
will be quite high and under
can also be pulled more readily
extreme conditions RL << RS.
through conduit than very small
This means that the thermocou- Thermal shunting thermocouple wire. It generally
ple junction will appear to be
No thermocouple can be made is specified over a much lower
at RL and the output will be
without mass. Since it takes temperature range than premium-
proportional to T1, not T2.
energy to heat any mass, the grade thermocouple wire. In
High temperatures have other thermocouple will slightly alter addition to offering a practical
detrimental effects on thermo- the temperature it was meant size advantage, extension wire
couple wire. The impurities and to measure. If the mass to be is less expensive than standard
chemicals within the insulation measured is small, the thermo- thermocouple wire. This is
can actually diffuse into the couple must naturally be small. especially true in the case of
thermocouple metal causing But a thermocouple made with platinum-based thermocouples.
the temperature-voltage de- small wire is far more suscepti-
pendence to deviate from the ble to the problems of contami-
published values. When using nation, annealing, strain, and
thermocouples at high tempera- shunt impedance.7 To minimize
tures, the insulation should be these effects, thermocouple
chosen carefully. Atmospheric extension wire can be used.
effects can be minimized by
choosing the proper protective
metallic or ceramic sheath.

Since the extension wire is Wire calibration Since channel numbers invari-
specified over a narrower tem- ably change, data should be
Thermocouple wire is manu-
perature range and it is more categorized by measurand,
factured to a certain specification
likely to receive mechanical not just channel number.10
signifying its conformance with
stress, the temperature gradi- Information about any given
the NIST tables. The specification
ent across the extension wire measurand, such as transducer
can sometimes be enhanced by
should be kept to a minimum. type, output voltage, typical
calibrating the wire (testing
This, according to the gradient value, and location can be
it at known temperatures).
theory, assures that virtually maintained in a data file. This
Consecutive pieces of wire on a
none of the output signal will be can be done under PC control
continuous spool will generally
affected by the extension wire. or simply by filling out a pre-
track each other more closely
printed form. No matter how
Noise - We have already discussed than the specified tolerance,
the data is maintained, the
the line-related noise as it although their output voltages
importance of a concise system
pertains to the data acquisition may be slightly removed from
should not be underestimated,
system. The techniques of the center of the absolute
especially at the outset of a
integration, tree switching specification.
complex data gathering project.
and isolation serve to cancel
If the wire is calibrated in an
most line-related interference.
effort to improve its fundamental
Broadband noise can be rejected
specifications, it becomes even Diagnostics
with an analog filter.
more imperative that all of the
Most of the sources of error that
The one type of noise the data aforementioned conditions be
we have mentioned are aggra-
acquisition system cannot heeded in order to avoid deca-
vated by using the thermocouple
reject is a DC offset caused by libration.
near its temperature limits.
a DC leakage current in the
These conditions will be en-
system. While it is less common
countered infrequently in most
to see DC leakage currents of Documentation applications. But what about
sufficient magnitude to cause
It may seem incongruous to the situation where we are
appreciable error, the possibility
speak of documentation as using small thermocouples in
of their presence should be noted
being a source of voltage mea- a harsh atmosphere at high
and prevented, especially if
surement error, but the fact temperatures? How can we
the thermocouple wire is very
is that thermocouple systems, tell when the thermocouple is
small and the related series
by their very ease of use, invite producing erroneous results?
impedance is high.
a large number of data points. We need to develop a reliable
The sheer magnitude of the set of diagnostic procedures.
data can become quite unwieldy.
Through the use of diagnostic
When a large amount of data
techniques, R.P. Reed has devel-
is taken, there is an increased
oped an excellent system for
probability of error due to
detecting a faulty thermocouple
mislabeling of lines, using
and data channels.10 Three
the wrong NIST curve, etc.
components of this system are
the event record, the zone box
test and the thermocouple
resistance history.

Event record - The first diagnostic Zone box test - The zone box is an Thus, for a DVM reading of V = 0,
is not a test at all, but a recording isothermal terminal block with the system will indicate the zone
of all pertinent events that could a known temperature used in box temperature. First we
even remotely affect the mea- place of an ice bath reference. observe the temperature TJ
surements. If we temporarily short-circuit (forced to be different from
the thermocouple directly at TREF), then we short the ther-
An example is:
the zone box, the system should mocouple with a copper wire
read a temperature very close and make sure that the system
March 18 event record
to that of the zone box, i.e., indicates the zone box tempera-
10:43 Power failure close to room temperature ture instead of TJ.
10:47 System power returned (Figure 30).
This simple test verifies that
11:05 Changed M821 to type K
thermocouple If the thermocouple lead resis- the controller, scanner, voltme-
13:51 New data acquisition program tance is much greater than the ter and zone box compensation
16:07 M821 appears to be bad reading shunting resistance, the copper are all operating correctly. In
wire shunt forces V = 0. In the fact, this simple procedure
Figure 29. normal unshorted case, we tests everything but the ther-
want to measure TJ, and the mocouple wire itself.
system reads:
We look at our program listing
V = α(TJ – TREF)
and find that measurand #M821
uses a type J thermocouple
But, for the functional test,
and that our new data acquisition
we have shorted the terminals
program interprets it as type J.
so that V = 0. The indicated
But from the event record,
temperature TJ is thus:
apparently thermocouple #M821
was changed to a type K, and 0 = α(TJ – TREF )
the change was not entered
into the program. While most
anomalies are not discovered
this easily, the event record can
provide valuable insight into
the reason for an unexplained
change in a system measurement.
This is especially true in a
system configured to measure
hundreds of data points.

Figure 30. Shorting the thermocouples at the terminals

Thermocouple resistance - A sudden
change in the resistance of a
thermocouple circuit can act
as a warning indicator. If we
plot resistance vs. time for each
set of thermocouple wires, we
can immediately spot a sudden
resistance change, which could
be an indication of an open
wire, a wire shorted due to
insulation failure, changes due Figure 31. Buring coal seam Figure 32. Thermocouple resistance vs. time
to vibration fatigue or one of
many failure mechanisms.

For example, assume we have The resistance of the thermo-

the thermocouple measurement couple will naturally change
shown in Figure 31. with time as the resistivity of
the wire changes due to vary-
We want to measure the temper-
ing temperatures. But a sudden
ature profile of an underground
change in resistance is an indi- Figure 33. Cause of the resistance change
seam of coal that has been
cation that something is wrong.
ignited. The wire passes through
In this case, the resistance has
a high temperature region, into
dropped abruptly, indicating
a cooler region. Suddenly, the
that the insulation has failed, Measuring resistance - We have
temperature we measure rises
effectively shortening the ther- casually mentioned checking
from 300°C to 1200°C. Has
mocouple loop (Figure 33). the resistance of the thermo-
the burning section of the coal
couple wire, as if it were a
seam migrated to a different
The new junction will measure straightforward measurement.
location, or has the thermocouple
temperature TS, not T1. The But keep in mind that when
insulation failed, thus causing
resistance measurement has the thermocouple is producing a
a short circuit between the two
given us additional information voltage, this voltage can cause
wires at the point of a hot spot?
to help interpret the physical a large resistance measurement
If we have a continuous history phenomenon that has occurred. error. Measuring the resistance
of the thermocouple wire resis- This failure would not have of a thermocouple is akin to
tance, we can deduce what has been detected by a standard measuring the internal resistance
actually happened (Figure 32). open-thermocouple check. of a battery. We can attack this
problem with a technique known
as offset compensated ohms

As the name implies, the data • When using long thermocouple
acquisition unit first measures wires, use shielded, twisted
the thermocouple offset volt- pair extension wire.
age without the ohms current
• Avoid steep temperature
source applied. Then the ohms
current source is switched on
and the voltage across the re- • Try to use the thermocouple
sistance is again measured. The wire well within its tempera-
instrument firmware compen- ture rating.
sates for the offset voltage of
• Use an integrating A/D con-
the thermocouple and calcu-
verter with high resolution
lates the actual thermocouple
and good accuracy.
source resistance. Figure 34.
• Use isolated inputs with
Special thermocouples - Under ample offset capability.
extreme conditions, we can Summary • Use the proper sheathing
even use diagnostic thermo-
material in hostile envi-
couple circuit configurations. In summary, the integrity of a
ronments to protect the
Tip-branched and leg-branched thermocouple system may be
thermocouple wire.
thermocouples are four-wire improved by following these
thermocouple circuits that al- precautions: • Use extension wire only at
low redundant measurement of low temperatures and only
• Use the largest wire possible
temperature, noise voltage and in regions of small gradients.
that will not shunt heat away
resistance for checking wire from the measurement area. • Keep an event log and a
integrity (Figure 34). Their
continuous record of
respective merits are discussed • If small wire is required, use
thermocouple resistance.
in detail in Bibliography 8. it only in the region of the
measurement and use exten-
Only severe thermocouple sion wire for the region with
applications require such no temperature gradient.
extensive diagnostics, but it is
• Avoid mechanical stress and
comforting to know that there
vibration, which could strain
are procedures that can be
the wires.
used to verify the integrity of
an important thermocouple

The RTD Although this construction
produces a very stable element, temperatures. Unless the coef-
History the thermal contact between ficients of expansion of the
the platinum and the measured platinum and the bobbin match
The same year that Seebeck point is quite poor. This results perfectly, stress will be placed
made his discovery about ther- in a slow thermal response time. on the wire as the temperature
moelectricity, Sir Humphrey Davy The fragility of the structure changes, resulting in a strain-
announced that the resistivity limits its use today primarily to induced resistance change.
of metals showed a marked that of a laboratory standard. This may result in a permanent
temperature dependence. Fifty change in the resistance of
years later, Sir William Siemens Another laboratory standard
the wire.
proffered the use of platinum has taken the place of the Meyer’s
as the element in a resistance design. This is the bird-cage
Figure 35. Meyers RTD construction
thermometer. His choice proved element proposed by Evans and
most propitious, as platinum is Burns.16 The platinum element
used to this day as the primary remains largely unsupported,
element in all high-accuracy which allows it to move freely
resistance thermometers. In fact, when expanded or contracted
the platinum resistance tem- by temperature variations
perature detector, or PRTD, is (Figure 36).
used today as an interpolation Strain-induced resistance
standard from the triple point changes caused by time and Figure 36. Bird-caged PRTD
of equilibrium hydrogen temperature are thus minimized
(–259.3467°C) to the freezing and the bird-cage becomes the
point of silver (961.78°C). ultimate laboratory standard.
Platinum is especially suited to Due to the unsupported structure
this purpose, as it can withstand and subsequent susceptibility
high temperatures while main- to vibration, this configuration
taining excellent stability. As is still a bit too fragile for in-
a noble metal, it shows limited dustrial environments.
susceptibility to contamination.
A more rugged construction
The classical resistance tem- technique is shown in Figure 37.
perature detector (RTD) The platinum wire is bifilar
construction using platinum wound on a glass or ceramic
was proposed by C.H. Meyers bobbin. The bifilar winding
in 1932.12 He wound a helical reduces the effective enclosed
coil of platinum on a crossed area of the coil to minimize
mica web and mounted the magnetic pickup and its related
assembly inside a glass tube. noise. Once the wire is wound
This construction minimized onto the bobbin, the assembly
strain on the wire while maxi- is then sealed with a coating
mizing resistance (Figure 35). of molten glass. The sealing
process assures that the RTD
will maintain its integrity un-
der extreme vibration, but
it also limits the expansion of
Figure 37.
the platinum metal at high

temperatures. Unless the coef- size itself is small, which means Table 6.
ficients of expansion of the it can respond quickly to step Resistivity Ω/CMF
platinum and the bobbin match changes in temperature. Film Metal (cmf = circular mil foot)
perfectly, stress will be placed RTD’s are less stable than their
on the wire as the temperature wire-wound counterparts, but Gold Au 13.00
changes, resulting in a strain- they are more popular because Silver Ag 8.8
induced resistance change. of their decided advantages in Copper Cu 9.26
This may result in a permanent size, production cost and
Platinum Pt 59.00
change in the resistance of ruggedness.
the wire. Tungsten W 30.00
Metals - All metals produce a Nickel Ni 36.00
There are partially supported positive change in resistance
versions of the RTD which for a positive change in tem-
offer a compromise between perature. This, of course, is the Copper is used occasionally as
the bird-cage approach and main function of an RTD. As we an RTD element. Its low resis-
the sealed helix. One such ap- shall soon see, system error is tivity forces the element to be
proach uses a platinum helix minimized when the nominal longer than a platinum element,
threaded through a ceramic value of the RTD resistance but its linearity and very low
cylinder and affixed via glass-frit. is large. This implies a metal cost make it an economical
These devices will maintain wire with a high resistivity. alternative. Its upper tempera-
excellent stability in moderately The lower the resistivity of the ture limit is only about 120°C.
rugged vibrational applications. metal, the more material we
The most common RTD’s are
will have to use.
made of either platinum, nickel,
Table 6 lists the resistivities or nickel alloys. The economical
Metal film RTD’s of common RTD materials. nickel derivative wires are used
In the newest construction over a limited temperature range.
Because of their lower resistivi-
technique, a platinum or metal- They are quite non-linear and
ties, gold and silver are rarely
glass slurry film is deposited tend to drift with time. For
used as RTD elements. Tungsten
or screened onto a small flat measurement integrity, platinum
has a relatively high resistivity,
ceramic substrate, etched with is the obvious choice.
but is reserved for very high
a laser-trimming system, and
temperature applications
sealed. The film RTD offers sub-
because it is extremely brittle
stantial reduction in assembly
and difficult to work.
time and has the further advan-
tage of increased resistance for
a given size. Due to the manu-
facturing technology, the device

Resistance measurement
The common values of resistance
for a platinum RTD range from
10 ohms for the bird-cage model
to several thousand ohms for
the film RTD. The single most
common value is 100 ohms at
0°C. The DIN 43760 standard
Figure 38. Effect of load resistance Figure 39. Wheatstone bridge
temperature coefficient of plati-
num wire is α = .00385. For a
100 ohm wire this corresponds
to +0.385 Ω/°C at 0°C. This
value for α is actually the average
slope from 0°C to 100°C. The
more chemically pure platinum
wire used in platinum resis-
tance standards has an α of
+.00392 ohms/ohm/°C.
Figure 40. Figure 41. 3-Wire bridge
Both the slope and the abso-
lute value are small numbers,
especially when we consider
the fact that the measurement The bridge output voltage is an If wires A and B are perfectly
wires leading to the sensor may indirect indication of the RTD matched in length, their imped-
be several ohms or even tens of resistance. The bridge requires ance effects will cancel because
ohms. A small lead impedance four connection wires, an exter- each is in an opposite leg of the
can contribute a significant nal source, and three resistors bridge. The third wire, C, acts
error to our temperature that have a zero temperature as a sense lead and carries no
measurement (Figure 38). coefficient. To avoid subjecting current.
the three bridge-completion
A 10 ohm lead impedance The Wheatstone bridge shown
resistors to the same temperature
implies 10/.385 ~
= 26°C error in Figure 41 creates a non-linear
as the RTD, the RTD is separated
in our measurement. Even relationship between resistance
from the bridge by a pair of
the temperature coefficient of change and bridge output voltage
extension wires (Figure 40).
the lead wire can contribute a change. This compounds the
measurable error. The clas- These extension wires recreate already non-linear temperature-
sical method of avoiding this the problem that we had initially: resistance characteristic of the
problem has been the use of The impedance of the extension RTD by requiring an additional
a bridge (Figure 39). wires affects the temperature equation to convert bridge
reading. This effect can be minim- output voltage to equivalent
ized by using a three-wire RTD impedance.
bridge configuration (Figure 41).

4-Wire ohms - The technique of Resistance to temperature The exact values for coefficients
using a current source along conversion α, δ and β are determined by
with a remotely sensed digital testing the RTD at four temper-
voltmeter alleviates many The RTD is a more linear device atures and solving the resultant
problems associated with the than the thermocouple, but it equations. This familiar equa-
bridge. Since no current flows still requires curve-fitting. The tion was replaced in 1968 by a
through the voltage sense leads, Callendar-Van Dusen equation 20th order polynomial in order
there is no IR drop in these leads has been used for years to to provide a more accurate
and thus no lead resistance approximate the RTD curve.11, 13 curve fit.
error in the measurement.
T T T T 3 The plot of this equation shows
R T = R 0 + R0α[T–δ(– -1)(–)-β(– -1)(–)]
The output voltage read by the 100 100 100 100 the RTD to be a more linear
DVM is directly proportional Where: device than the thermocouple
to RTD resistance, so only one RT = resistance at temperature T (Figure 43).
conversion equation is necessary.
R0 = resistance at T = 0°C
The three bridge-completion
α = temperature coefficient at T = 0°C
resistors are replaced by one (typically + 0.00392 Ω/Ω/°C)
reference resistor. The digital
δ = 1.49 (typical value for .00392 platinum)
voltmeter measures only the
voltage dropped across the RTD β = 0 T>0
0.11 (typical) T < 0
and is insensitive to the length
of the lead wires (Figure 42).

The one disadvantage of using

4-wire ohms is that we need
one more extension wire than
the 3-wire bridge. This is a
small price to pay if we are at
all concerned with the accuracy
of the temperature measurement.

Figure 43.

Figure 42. 4-Wire Ohms measurement

Practical precautions Construction - Due to its construc- To reduce self-heating errors,
tion, the RTD is somewhat more use the minimum ohms mea-
The same practical precautions
fragile than the thermocouple, surement current that will still
that apply to thermocouples
and precautions must be taken give the resolution you require,
also apply to RTD’s, i.e., use
to protect it. and use the largest RTD you
shields and twisted-pair wire,
can that will still give good
use proper sheathing, avoid
Self-heating - Unlike the thermocou- response time. Obviously,
stress and steep-gradients, use
ple, the RTD is not self-powered. there are compromises to be
large extension wire, keep good
A current must be passed through considered.
documentation and use an
the device to provide a voltage
integrating DMM. In addition,
that can be measured. The cur- Thermal shunting - Thermal shunting
the following precautions
rent causes Joule (I2R) heating is the act of altering the measure-
should be observed.
within the RTD, changing its ment temperature by inserting
temperature. This self-heating a measurement transducer.
Small RTD Large RTD appears as a measurement error. Thermal shunting is more a
Consequently, attention must problem with RTD’s than with
Fast Response Slow Response be paid to the magnitude of the thermocouples, as the physical
Time Time measurement current supplied bulk of an RTD is greater than
Low Thermal Poor Thermal by the ohmmeter. A typical that of a thermocouple.
Shunting Shunting value for self-heating error is
½°C per milliwatt in free air. Thermal EMF - The platinum-to-
High Self-heating Low Self-heating
Error Error
Obviously, an RTD immersed in copper connection that is made
a thermally conductive medium when the RTD is measured can
will distribute its Joule heat to cause a thermal offset voltage.
the medium and the error due The offset-compensated ohms
to self-heating will be smaller. technique can be used to
The same RTD that rises 1°C eliminate this effect.
per milliwatt in free air will
rise only 1/10°C per milliwatt
in air which is flowing at the
rate of one meter per second.6

The Thermistor of the thermistor’s temperature
range, this equation approaches
Like the RTD, the thermistor a rather remarkable ± .02°C
is also a temperature-sensitive curve fit.
resistor. While the thermo- Somewhat faster computer exe-
couple is the most versatile cution time is achieved through
temperature transducer and the a simpler equation:
PRTD is the most stable, the
word that best describes the 1
T= -C
(In R) – A
thermistor is sensitive. Of the
three major categories of sen-
where A, B, and C are again
sors, the thermistor exhibits by Figure 44. found by selecting three (R,T)
far the largest parameter change
data points and solving the
with temperature.
three resultant simultaneous
Thermistors are generally not standardized thermister equations. This equation must
composed of semiconductor curves to the extent that RTD be applied over a narrower
materials. Although positive and thermocouple curves have temperature range in order to
temperature coefficient units been standardized (Figure 44). approach the accuracy of the
are available, most thermistors Steinhart-Hart equation.
have a negative temperature An individual thermistor curve
coefficient (TC); that is, their can be very closely approximated
resistance decreases with through use of the Steinhart- Measurement
increasing temperature. The Hart equation:18
The high resistivity of the
negative TC can be as large as 1 = A + B(ln R) + C (ln R)3 thermistor affords it a distinct
several percent per degree C, T
measurement advantage. The
allowing the thermistor circuit
where: four-wire resistance measure-
to detect minute changes in
T = Kelvins ment may not be required as
temperature which could not
R = Resistance of the thermistor it is with RTD’s. For example,
be observed with an RTD or
A,B,C = Curve-fitting constants a common thermistor value is
thermocouple circuit.
5000 Ω at 25°C. With a typical
The price we pay for this A, B, and C are found by TC of 4%/°C, a measurement
increased sensitivity is loss of selecting three data points on lead resistance of 10 Ω produces
linearity. The thermistor is an the published data curve and only .05°C error. This error is
extremely non-linear device solving the three simultaneous a factor of 500 times less than
which is highly dependent upon equations. When the data points the equivalent RTD error.
process parameters. Conse- are chosen to span no more than
quently, manufacturers have 100°C within the nominal center

Disadvantages - Because they are The IC Sensor
semiconductors, thermistors
are more susceptible to per- An innovation in thermometry
manent decalibration at high is the IC (Integrated Circuit)
temperatures than are RTD’s temperature transducer. These
or thermocouples. The use of are available in both voltage
thermistors is generally limited and current-output configura-
to a few hundred degrees Celsius, tions. Both supply an output
and manufacturers warn that that is linearly proportional to
extended exposures even well absolute temperature. Typical
below maximum operating limits values are 1 μA/K and 10 mV/K F
will cause the thermistor to drift (Figure 45).
out of its specified tolerance.
Some integrated sensors even
Thermistors can be made very represent temperature in a
small which means they will digital output format that can
respond quickly to temperature be read directly by a micropro-
changes. It also means that cessor.
their small thermal mass makes
them especially susceptible to Except that they offer a very
self-heating errors. Thermistors linear output with temperature,
are a good deal more fragile these IC sensors share all the
than RTD’s or thermocouples disadvantages of thermistors.
and they must be carefully They are semiconductor de-
mounted to avoid crushing or vices and thus have a limited Figure 45.
bond separation. temperature range. The same
problems of self-heating and
fragility are evident and they These devices provide a con-
require an external power venient way to produce an
source. easy-to-read output that is
proportional to temperature.
Such a need arises in thermo-
couple reference junction
hardware, and in fact these
devices are increasingly used
for thermocouple compensation.

The Measurement
Figure 46 shows a practical
method of implementing a
thermocouple reference junction.
The arrow points to an IC sensor
which is used to perform software
thermocouple compensation.
Conversion routines built into Figure 46. General purpose multiplexer module for the Agilent 34970A or 34972A data
the Agilent 34970A and 34972A acquisition/switch unit.
firmware accept B, E, J, K, N,
R, S and T type thermocouples,
2.2 kΩ, 5 kΩ and 10 kΩ thermis-
tors, as well as a wide range of
RTD’s. Results are displayed
directly in degrees C, F or
The Agilent 34970A and
34972A data acquisition sys-
tems incorporates all of the
desirable features mentioned in
this application note:

• Internal 6½ digit DMM

• Integrating A/D for
noise rejection
• Low-thermal scanning with
built-in thermocouple
reference junctions
• Open thermocouple check
Figure 47. Agilent 34970A and 34972A data acquisition/switch units.
• Built-in thermocouple,
thermistor, and RTD
linearization routines For automated testing ap- The flash memory provides ex-
with ITS-90 conformity plications, the 34970A comes tended non-volatile memory for
• Four-wire Ohms function standard with GPIB and RS-232 readings and can be removed
with offset compensation interfaces and the 34972A to transport measurement set-
includes standard, easy to use ups and data.
• Isolated inputs that float USB and LAN interfaces. Both
up to 300 V support up to 50,000-measure- Use the Agilent Benchlink Data
ment non-volatile memory for Logger software for easy PC-
stand-alone data logging. The based testing. Plus, the 34970A
34972A also supports an exter- and 34972A supports up to
nal USB flash memory drive, so three modules making it easy to
scan data can be logged directly add channels for various
to the flash memory. applications.

The Agilent 34980A Multifunc-
tion Switch/Measure Unit
(Figure 48), another example
solution, provides high-speed
temperature measurements
where point count is high. The
system offers the same desirable
features as the Agilent 34970A
data acquisition system. Some
features include:

• Up to 560 (2-wire) or 640

(1-wire) temperture meas-
urement channels per system
with a scanning rate of up
to 1000 reading/s.
• B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T thermo-
couples, 2.2 kΩ, 5 kΩ, 10 kΩ, Figure 48. Agilent DAC1000 System
thermistors and a wide range
of RTD’s are supported.
• External terminal block with This LXI-based system offers bus and Agilent BenchLink
built-in thermocouple refer- much more than temperature Data Logger software for the
ence junction and terminal measurements. It provides a PC. Agilent Benchlink Data
connections to the application. wide variety of analog/ digital Logger software is a powerful
input and output capability time-saving software used to
• Four-wire Ohms SCP with
required by designers of electro- setup, verify, and monitor data
offset compensation for RTD
mechanical products and logging routines.
and thermistor measurements.
manufacturers needing stringent
In addition to the 34980A 8-slot
• Built-in engineering unit monitoring and control of
LXI mainframe, there is also
conversions for thermocouple, physical processes. The 34980A
the Agilent L4400 instruments.
thermistor, and RTD mea- is a recommended configuration
There are single-slot LXI instru-
surements. consisting of an 8-slot LXI
ments with the same features
mainframe, GPIB, USB and LAN
and capabilities as the 34980A.
interfaces, alarms, an analog

Reliable temperature measure-
ments require a great deal of
care in both selecting and using
the transducer, as well as choosing
the right measurement system.
With proper precautions observed
for self-heating, thermal shunting,
transducer decalibration, speci-
fications and noise reduction, even
the most complex temperature
monitoring project will produce
repeatable, reliable data. Today’s
data acquisition system assumes
a great deal of this burden,
allowing us to concentrate on
meaningful test results.

Appendix A The law of intermediate metals

The empirical laws of

The following examples illustrate
the empirically derived laws of
thermocouples which are useful
in understanding and diagnosing
Inserting the copper lead between the iron and constantan leads will not
thermocouple circuits.
change the output voltage V, regardless of the temperature of the copper
All of the examples assume the lead. The voltage V is that of an Fe-C thermocouple at temperature T1.
measurement wires are homoge-
neous; that is, free of defects and
impurities. The law of interior temperatures

The output voltage V will be that of an Fe-C thermocouple at temperature T,

regardless of the external heat source applied to either measurement lead.

The law of inserted metals

The voltage V will be that of an Fe-C thermocouple at temperature T, provided

both ends of the platinum wire are at the same temperature. The two thermo-
couples created by the platinum wire (Fe-Pt and Pt -Fe) act in opposition.

All of the above examples assume the measurement wires are

homogeneous; that is, free of defects and impurities.

Appendix B Stability - The platinum-based Base metal thermocouples
couples are by far the most sta-
Unlike the noble metal thermo-
Thermocouple ble of all the common thermo-
couples, the base metal couples
couples. Type S is so stable that
characteristics have no specified chemical
it is specified as the standard
Over the years specific pairs composition. Any combination
for temperature calibration
of thermocouple alloys have of metals may be used which
between the antimony point
been developed to solve results in a voltage vs. tempera-
(630.74°C) and the gold point
unique measurement problems. ture curve fit that is within
Idiosyncrasies of the more the standard wire errors. This
common thermocouples are leads to some rather interesting
discussed here. metal combinations. Constantan,
for example, is not a specific
We will use the term “standard metal alloy at all, but a generic
wire error” to refer to the com- name for a whole series of copper-
mon commercial specification nickel alloys. Incredibly, the
published in the Annual Book Constantan used in a type T
of ASTM Standards. It repre- (copper-Constantan) thermo-
sents the allowable deviation couple is not the same as the
between the actual thermo- Constantan used in the type J
Type B.
couple output voltage and the (iron-Constantan) thermocouple.3
voltage predicted by the tables
in NIST Monograph 175. Type E - Although Type E standard
Type B - The B couple is the only
wire errors are not specified
common thermocouple that
Noble metal thermocouples - below 0°C, the type E thermo-
exhibits a double-valued
The noble metal thermocouples, couple is ideally suited for low
types B, R, and S, are all plat- temperature measurements
inum or platinum-rhodium Due to the double-valued curve because of its high Seebeck
thermocouples and hence share and the extremely low Seebeck coefficient (58 V/°C), low
many of the same characteristics. coefficient at low temperatures, thermal conductivity and
Type B is virtually useless corrosion resistance.
Diffusion - Metallic vapor diffu- below 50°C. Since the output
sion at high temperatures can The Seebeck coefficient for
is nearly zero from 0°C to 42°C,
readily change the platinum Type E is greater than all other
Type B has the unique advan-
wire calibration, hence plati- standard couples, which makes
tage that the reference junction
num wires should only be used it useful for detecting small
temperature is almost immate-
inside a non-metallic sheath temperature changes.
rial, as long as it is between 0°
such as high-purity alumina. and 40°C. Of course, the mea-
The one exception to this rule suring junction temperature is
is a sheath made of platinum, typically very high.
and this option is prohibitively

Type J - Iron, the positive element
in a J thermocouple is an inexpen-
sive metal rarely manufactured
in pure form. J thermocouples
are subject to poor conformance
characteristics because of
impurities in the iron. Even so,
the J thermocouple is popular
because of its high Seebeck
coefficient and low price.
The J thermocouple should
never be used above 760°C
due to an abrupt magnetic Type T
transformation that can cause
decalibration even when re-
Tungsten - There are three com-
turned to lower temperatures. Types K & N - Type K has long
mon types of tungsten thermo-
been a popular thermocouple.
couples. All are alloyed with
Type T - This is the only thermo- It is especially suited to higher
rhenium to make the metal
couple with published standard temperature applications due
more malleable.
wire errors for the temperature to its resistance to oxidation.
region below 0°C; however, Type G* W vs W–26% Re
The type N thermocouple is
type E is actually more suitable Type C* W–5% Re vs W–26% Re
gaining popularity as a replace-
at very low temperatures because Type D* W–3% Re vs W–25% Re
ment for type K. It has a slightly
of its higher Seebeck coefficient
lower output (smaller Seebeck Tungsten thermocouples are
and lower thermal conductivity.
coefficient) than type K, but used for measuring very high
Type T has the unique distinction an even higher resistance to temperatures in either a vacuum
of having one copper lead. This oxidation. The type N thermo- or an inert atmosphere.
can be an advantage in a spe- couple output curve is dependent
cialized monitoring situation upon wire size, and there are
where a temperature difference two distinct Nicrosil-Nisil
is all that is desired. characteristic curves published
in NIST Monograph 175, the
The advantage is that the
differences being wire size
copper thermocouple leads
and temperature range.14
are the same metal as the
DVM terminals, making lead
compensation unnecessary.

* Not ANSI symbols

Thermocouple Hardware

Connector Thermocouple well Underground junction

Composed of same • lower gradient • best protection
metals as thermo- • protects wire • electrically isolated
couple, for minimum • change thermocouple
connection error. without interrupting

Grounded junction Exposed junction Thermocouple washers

• wires protected • wires unprotected • couple built into washer
• faster response • fastest response • convenient mounting

NIST specified
Metal Standard U.S. Ω/double Seeback Wire error in °C material
color code foot@ 20ºC coefficient range*
Type + - + - 20 AWG S(µV/°C)@T(°C) Range Standard Special (°C)

B Platinum- Platinum- Gray Red 0.22 5.96 600 870 to 1700 ± 0.5% ± 0.25% 0 to 1820
30% Rhodium 6% Rhodium
E Nickel- Constantan Violet Red 0.71 58.67 0 0 to 900 ± 1.7 or ± 1 or –270 to 1000
10% Chromium ± 0.5% ± 0.4%
J Iron Constantan White Red 0.36 50.38 0 0 to 750 ± 2.2 or ± 1.1 or –210 to 1200
± 0.75% ± 0.4%
K Nickel- Nickel Yellow Red 0.59 39.45 0 0 to 1250 ± 2.2 or ± 1.1 or –270 to 1372
10% Chromium ± 0.75% ± 0.4%

N Nicrosil Nisil Orange Red 0.78 25.93 0 0 to 1250 ± 2.2 or ± 1.1 or –270 to 1300
± 0.75% ± 0.4%
R Platinum- Platinum Black Red 0.19 11.36 600 0 to 1450 ± 1.5 or ± 0.6 or -50 to 1768
13% Rhodium ± 0.25% ± 0.1%
S Platinum- Platinum Black Red 0.19 10.21 600 0 to 1450 ± 1.5 or ± 0.6 or -50 to 1768
10% Rhodium ± 0.25% ± 0.1%
T Copper Constantan Blue Red 0.30 38.75 0 0 to 350 ± 1 or ± 0.5 or -270 to 400
± 0.75% ± 0.4%

* Material range is for 8 AWG wire and decreases with decreasing wire size.


1. Charles Herzfeld, F.G. 7. R.L. Anderson: Accuracy of 14. Burley, Powell, Burns, &
Brickwedde: Temperature - Small Diameter Sheathed Scroger: The Nicrosil vs. Nisil
Its Measurement and Con- Thermocouples for the Core Thermocouple: Properties and
trol in Science and Industry, Flow Test Loop, Oak Ridge Thermoelectric Reference
Vol. 3, Part 1, Reinhold, National Laboratories, Data, NBS Monograph 161,
New York, 1962. ORNL-5401, (available from U.S. Dept. of Commerce,
National Information Ser- Washington, D.C., 1978.
2. Robert P. Benedict: Funda- vice), April, 1979.
mentals of Temperature, 15. J.P. Tavener: Platinum
Pressure and Flow Measure- 8. R.P. Reed: Branched Ther- Resistance Temperature
ments, John Wiley & Sons, mocouple Circuits in Under- Detectors - State of the Art,
Inc., New York, 1969. ground Coal Gasification Measurements & Control,
Experiments, Proceedings of Measurements & Data
3. Manual on the Use of Ther- the 22nd ISA International Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA.,
mocouples in Temperature Instrumentation Symposium, April 1974.
Measurement, Fourth Instrument Society of Ameri-
Edition, Revision of ASTM ca, 1976. 16. J.P. Evans and G.W. Burns:
Special Publication 470B, A Study of Stability of High
Philadelphia, PA., 1993. 9. R.J. Moffat: The Gradient Temperature Platinum
Approach to Thermocouple Resistance Thermometers,
4. Temperature-Electromotive Circuitry, from Temperature- in Temperature - Its Mea-
Force Reference Functions Its Measurement and Con- surement and Control on
and Tables for the Letter- trol in Science and Industry, Science and Industry,
Designated Thermocouple Reinhold, New York, 1962. Reinhold, New York, 1962.
Types Based on the ITS-90,
NIST Monograph 175, 10. R.P. Reed: A Diagnostics- 17. D.D. Pollock: The Theory and
National Institute of Stan- oriented System for Properties of Thermocouple
dards and Technology, Thermocouple Thermometry, Elements, ASTM STP 492,
Washington, D.C., 1993 Proceedings of 24th ISA Omega Press, Ithaca,
International Instrumenta- New York, 1979.
5. H. Dean Baker, E.A. Ryder, tion Symposium, Instrument
N.H. Baker: Temperature Society of America, 1978. 18. YSI Precision Thermistors,
Measurement in Engineer- Yellow Springs Instruments,
ing, Omega Press, Division 11. Harry R. Norton: Handbook Inc., Yellow Springs,
of Omega Engineering Inc. of Transducers for Electronic Ohio, 1977.
Measuring Systems,
6. Temperature Measurement Prentice-Hall, Englewood 19. R.P. Reed: Thermoelectric
Handbook 1983, Omega Cliffs, New Jersey. Thermometry. A Functional
Engineering, Stamford, Model, from Temperature -
Connecticut, 06907. 12. C.H. Meyers: Coiled Filament Its Measurement and Control
Resistance Thermometers, in Science and Industry,
NBS Journal of Research, Vol. 5, American Institute
Vol. 9, 1932. of Physics, N.Y. 1982.

13. Bulletin 9612, Rev. B:

Platinum Resistance
Temperature Sensors,
Rosemount Engineering Co.,

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© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2009

Printed in USA, January 22, 2010


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