Ambulatory Care - V - B - 4 PDF

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Module B: Staff Development

Topic 4: Orientation

Component V: Education
Module B: Staff Development
Topic 4: Orientation

Statement of Purpose
To provide the learner with an understanding of the importance of the orientation process in
retention of staff and socialization to the work environment, using a carefully-selected
preceptor to support this process.


1. Orientation
2. TJC-The Joint Commission
3. AAAHC- Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care
4. Preceptor

III. Performance Standards:

1. Describe the goals for a structured orientation program for a nurse new to the ambulatory
care setting
2. Discuss how a candidate to serve as a preceptor for a new nurse is selected and the skill
set that will make that individual successful
IV. References:
1. Avillion, D., Holtschneider, M.E., and Puetz, L. (2010) Innovation in Nursing Staff
Development: Teaching Strategies to Enhance Learner Outcomes, Marblehead, MA:
HCPro, Inc.
2. Chunta, K.S., and Katrancha, E.D. (2010) Using Problem-Based Learning in Staff
Development: Strategies for Teaching Registered Nurses and New Graduate Nurses, The
Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 41(12), 557-564
3. Ervin, N.E. et al, (2006) Environments of Care: A Curriculum Model for Preparing a
New Generation of Nurses, Journal of Nursing Education, 45(2), 75-80
4. Farrell, G.A., Salmon, P. (2010) Challenging behavior: An action plan for education and
training, Contemporary Nurse, 34(1), 110-118
5. Herrman, J.W. (2008) Creative Teaching Strategies for the Nurse Educator, Philadelphia,
PA: E.A. Davis, Co.
6. Kelly-Thomas, K. J. (1998) Clinical and Nursing Staff Development: Current
Competence, Future Focus, (2nd Ed), Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott.
7. Laughlin, C.B., (2006) Core Curriculum for Ambulatory Care Nursing, (2nd Ed.) Pitman,
8. Loughmiller, D. and Godwin, D. (2010) Weaving a web of excellence through staff
development and training, Medical Laboratory Observer, April, 10-16.
9. Miller, M, and Stoeckel, P. (2011) Client Education: Theory and Practice, Sudbury, MA:
Ivy James and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.
10. Swan, B.A. (2007) Transitioning from Acute Care To Ambulatory Care, Nursing
Economics, 25(2), 130-134

Module B: Staff Development

Topic 4: Orientation

Website Adult Learning Principles

Content Outline Theory Objectives

Suggested Learning

Objective 1
Describe the goals for a structured orientation program for a
nurse new to the ambulatory care setting
A. Definition of Orientation

Read the sections on

Orientation and Precepting in
the Core Curriculum for
Ambulatory Nursing book.

1. Is a structured plan created by the organization to on

board new staff (Core Curriculum, ACN, pg. 202203)

As the nurse educator, discuss

how you would evaluate if a
new nurse is having a
successful orientation to her
role and the work setting.

B. Goals of
1. Socialization to the organizational environment
2. Organizational overview and departmental specifics
C. Evaluates the workers communication style, motivation,
accountability, attitude, cooperation and interpersonal
1. If will allow for assimilation into the new role
2. What learning experiences would support the
transition as an Ambulatory Care Nurse?
D. Accrediting agencies define the standards that are
expected in an orientation.
1. TJC requires organizations to have an orientation
program that is individualized to the learner and the
job environment
2. AAAHC requires documentation of an adequate
orientation and training as well as an orientation that
assesses the nurses ability to meet standards of
practice for competent performance in the care setting
E. Introduction to role expectations and job duties: allows
for the new staff member to become familiar with the
essential job duties, the required competencies, the
technical skills and any associated responsibilities as well
as the customer service goals for the department
F. Introduction to the necessary competencies for the role
including any relevant age-specific, chronic disease,
pharmacological or other unique characteristics of the
patient population
G. Introduction to unit resources including those used in
infection control, those necessary when responding to
patient emergencies or environmental emergencies

Module B: Staff Development

Topic 4: Orientation

Objective 2
Discuss how a candidate can serve as a preceptor for a new
nurse, how a preceptor is selected, and the skill set that will
make that individual successful
A. Preceptor
1. An excellent preceptor is more than an individual with
clinical expertise. (Core Curriculum, ACN, pg. 203204)
2. Without a supportive and patient preceptor, there is a
high level of turnover and early nurse burnout
3. An excellent and well-designed preceptor program
supports the development of competent staff with a
strong commitment to the organization
B. Best candidates
1. Knowledgeable re job duties
2. Communicates and works well with others
3. Are open to new staff and new ideas
4. Have an interest in professional development
5. Have excellent leadership and decision-making skill
6. Need education to assist them in
a. Understanding how to mentor and support the
adult learner
b. Strategies for teaching the necessary job
c. Evaluating performance and techniques which
support good communication

Compare and contrast your

best and worst experience with
a preceptor. How did you feel
during this time and what
changes would you make as an
educator to that process?

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