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Jordan Carman

UWRT 1101-051
Drones and what they can be used in other than warfare

Quantitative patterns in drone wars. By Javier Garcia-Bernardo

The main focus of this article is the ethical and political debates that
are occurring from the use of drones to attack targets. Tons of data was used
for this article and equations and such to find the direct relationship between
the amounts of attacks compared to who the target is. Data from Pakistan
and Yemen where compared and the use of drones follows a lognormal
distribution between targets.

Thermal infrared imaging of geothermal environments and by an

unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV): A case study of the Wairakei Tauhara
geothermal field, Taupo, New Zealand by Nishar A., Breen D., Robertson
J., Breen B., Richards S.
This article is about how thermal imaging on unmanned aerial vehicles
in the civilian world are able to watch geothermal events occur that are
difficult for normal procedures to study. This UAVs are being used in New
Zealand. This Project shows that UAVs are not just military apparatus but
can be used for scientific and other fields. This UAVs benefit the scientific

field because they are able to go into hazardous areas where humans would
be in danger from the environment. Another benefit of using UAVs is that
they are less expensive than sending a team of scientist to an area when the
UAV can get all of the same info.

Border insecurity: why big money, fences, and drones aren't

making us safer by Sylvia Longmire
This book talks about how the Mexican border, specifically the Arizona
and Texas part. The book talks about how if a secure border is a realistic
goal and what some of the challenges of keeping out terrorists, drug
smugglers, and illegal immigrants. The border also has to worry about
terrorist groups and drug cartels working together to get into to America.
The book also talks about how the border uses drones, and if using the
drones is cost effective to what it can do for the border.

Tiny Drones Deliver Bird's Eye Views of Hurricanes by American

institute of Physics.
This film is on the usage of multiple small drones flying around in the
eye of hurricanes. The drones collect data on pressure, wind speed,
humidity, and the temperature. With the data scientist can better predict
the route of the hurricane, and sending real time data so that accurate

forecasts can be made. Since these drones are small and inexpensive
hundreds of these drones can be used for one hurricane. These drones are
much better than the current solution to predict hurricanes. The current
solution is having a man flown plane head over top of the hurricane and drop
a cylindrical data collector.

Wilderness Search and Rescue Drones by films for the

humanities & sciences.
A group of scientist and engineers at brigum young university combine
the use of drones and geographic information systems and GPS to search for
missing personnel. The GIS tells the drones the exact where to go, what
altitude, and which direction it should point its cameras at. GIS also uses an
algorithm that shows the most likely area that a missing person will be at.
This minimalizes the amount of time it takes to find people. This time saved
helps improve of finding the person with no loss of life or health problems.

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