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Max The Vax Program is a health communication

program to help improve the immunization rates for

adult Latinos in the Charlotte area of NC. Latinos are
often at higher risk for outbreaks of infectious
diseases due to no insurance, low-income, and low
education. This program will collaborate with the
National Council of La Raza to encourage strategies
providers, clinics, and community programs can
utilize to reach the Latino population. We focus on
reducing barriers and increasing access to improve
the overall immunization delivery through culturally
appropriate interventions. Participants also receive a
free bi-lingual shot health record upon their visit.
Together we can maximize the vaccines for Latinos!

Dose for Life

Max The Vax Program


Most insurances cover vaccines at no cost, however if
you dont have insurance contact your local health
department to ask for assistance.
Mecklenburg County Health Dept. 704-336-4700
Williams Community Health Center 704-393-7720
Matthews Free Medical Clinic 704-841-8882

For more information or to receive this

brochure in Spanish please contact:
Sherese Brooks Rodriguez
Phone: 704-555-8120
References: 1. Adults Need Vaccines Too. Center for Disease Control and Prevention
website. Updated August 15, 2015.
Accessed December 3, 2015. 2. NFID News: Reasons to get vaccinated. National Foundation
for Infectious Disease website. Published August 1, 2015. Accessed December 4, 2015. 3. Vaccine
Preventable Diseases Infographic. National Foundation for Infectious Diseases website. Accessed December 4, 2015.

Did you know adults need vaccines

Adult Latinos have low rates of
immunizations in NC.

Call today to get your vaccines


Top 10 reasons to get vaccinated:

For Infants

Adult Immunization Schedule:


1. Vaccine preventable diseases havent

2. Vaccines are safe

Children Only

3. Vaccine-preventable diseases are


Vaccines are one of the greatest public

4. Vaccines help keep you healthy

health success stories, and while US

5. When you get sick your children and

grandchildren are at risk too

immunization rates for children and

adolescents are high, adult immunization

6. Vaccines prevent disability and death

rates remain low. As a result, each year

more than 50,000 US adults die due to

7. You dont have time to get sick

vaccinepreventable diseases.

8. You may be at risk for disease that

you can prevent
Call Your Doctor Today
You can make an immunization-only
appointment. You will receive a free bilingual shot health record when you visit.
Adult vaccines are available at:
Doctors Offices
Health Clinics
Local Health

9. You can get financial assistance to

pay for vaccines
10. Not all vaccines last from childhood
to adulthood

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