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Steere, 1

Apologetic Narrative
Reading: Allyn & Bacon Guide, Chapters 12 (283-308) and 6 (125-143)
Videos: Kirby Fergusons Everything is a Remix
Draft workshop Sept. 23
Final Due: On BBlearn, September 30.
Youve moved into this great little basement apartment in the center of Moscow. It is part of an
old house; the basement has been sectioned off with its own entrance, kitchen and other
important facilities. It has yard space, covered parking for your car and bike, walking distance to
everything and in a safe neighborhood. And cheap! BEST APARTMENT EVER! But theres one
catch . . . Every time you turn on your music your landlady starts pounding on wall and telling
you to turn that crap down! One day she says to you, I dont understand the music the kids these
days listen to. Its got no value. Its all just recycled tunes from my day. It doesnt mean
anything! What do you see in that?
What do you say to her? Write an apologia (evidence supported defense) which uses a
narrative (personal story or anecdote) to defend a popular song. Demonstrate what the song
means to you, or to this generation, and how that song uses its source material to bolster or
support its message.

To complete this assignment you will need to:

1. Find a remix a song built from familiar components of another song that speaks to
you, or speaks for this generation.
2. Do internet research on the song and source material. Use information you gather to
support the argument and your claims of the songs value. According to Filmmaker
Kirby Ferguson, Everything is a remix. Consider how the remix works in this
3. Provide evidence to defend and support an evaluative claim. In other words, back up
your opinions. Even if you cannot convince your landlady to agree with you, she
should be able to appreciate why you think the way you do.
4. Write to this particular audience. Use a personal story with in the argument or to tie
the argument together.

Arial 12 point font, double spaced with 1 margins all around.

Standard MLA heading in the top right corner of the first page. Last name and page number in
the top left corner of each page beginning on page 2.
Edited for grammar and spelling, and proofread for clarity.
Works Cited page formatted according to MLA format. (Minimum 3 sources 2 primary, 1
Length of 2-3 pages

Steere, 2

Requirements and Grading:

Your response must include:
An arguable claim (thesis) with supporting evidence that reaches beyond I just like it.
A narrative, anecdote, or story (see Allyn & Bacon Chapter 6)
Awareness of your audience as expressed through voice, style and tone
Reasons and supporting evidence from the songs and their background information that support
your thesis.
Organized paragraphs with topic sentences and supporting body sentences
At least 2 primary sources and 1 secondary source (probably the only time you will ever hear this:
Yes, you may use Wikipedia The citation MUST include access date!)
Introduction and conclusion
A reflection letter

Grading is 50/50:

50 pts

Unifying thesis
Evidence and supported


Editing/Proofreading and

Works Cited


Audience Awareness
Entertainment value has an
interest story, makes a reader
laugh/cry/growl etc.
Engaging story that employs a
contrary, and leads to a moment
of revelation




If you do not like the final grade, you are welcome to resubmit for a higher grade. Rewritten final drafts
must be submitted within two (2) weeks of the date the essays were returned to the class. BEFORE YOU
START REVISING, you need to meet with me outside of class where we will discuss the issues with the
paper and create a realistic revision plan with a new due date. Revise the essay according to the plan, and
write a new reflection letter. Turn in, as stipulated in the revision plan, on or before the new due date. You
are more than welcome to use me as a resource throughout this revision process, or the Writing Center.
Late resubmission will not be accepted.

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