Choice Board

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13 Colonies Choice Board: Complete this activity for each of the three colonial regions

Colonial Region: ___________________________________

The Geography
The History
Draw a map of the region
Design a timeline that
Create a set of trading
of the region focusing on
shows at least 5 major
cards for the major
its geography and major
events in the regions
governmental figures and
responsibilities of the
Produce a Keynote or
Create a scrapbook that
Design a book
Movie that shows and
details the major history of cover for a new book
explains the geographical
your region.
being published
areas of your region
about the major
and their importance
rulers and political
class of your civilization.
Design a class lesson on
Write and perform a play to Choose a person you feel
the geography of the
reenact the historical event
has had the greatest impact
region. Compare
that, in your opinion has
on the political structure
and contrast its different
the greatest impact on the
of the region.
region. For example: The
Deliver a monologue as
invention of the telegraph.
that person.
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Write 3 Facts and a Fib for
the religious sects and the
traditions found in the

Create a crossword puzzle
with descriptions of at least
15 terms that are relevant
to the colonial region.

Design an appropriate
greeting card for one of the
major religious ceremonies
of the region.

Design a commercial that

promotes the civilization
and the interesting aspects
of its economy.

Write a story about a young

person from the region
participating in one of his
or her religious beliefs of
the time

Your region is considering

renovating its most famous
tourist attraction of the
time period. Create a news
report on the proposed
renovations and the
publics response.
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