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The 2 Major Players of an Interview

1. Who are the 2 Major Players of an interview (Check all that
o the other people waiting in the lobby to be interviewed
o the interviewer or the person who asks the questions
during the interview
o the interviewee or the person who applied for the job
and answers questions during the interview
2. (True/False) During an interview it is the role of the interviewer
greet the person being interviewed
ask the questions
listen actively
NOT answer questions
3. What are the consequences to the person interviewing for the
job if he/she DOESNT
1- make eye contact with the interviewer when
2- share personal accomplishments
3- provide a firm handshake when leaving the
o the person will get the job because their responses are
well thought out, but they will not be taken as seriously as
someone who shows confidence
o the person will not get the job because these are things
interviewers look for when interviewing people
4. How can the person being interviewed demonstrate confidence
to the interviewer?
o being relaxed and rested
o being on time
o researching the company before the interview
o speaking clearly and at normal pace when answering
o asking the interviewer questions

o All of the above

5. Which statement BEST describes the role of the interviewer at
the completion of the interview?
o They will shake the interviewees hand, tell them it was
nice to meet them, share with them when a decision may
be made and walk them out
o They will shake the interviewees hand, ask when a
decision may be made, walk them out and write a thank
you telling thank you for giving them the opportunity to
interview the person

The 2 Major Players of an Interview

Quiz Questions & Rationale

Problem Identification:
Technical College Partnerships need to find a bridge for the gap that
exists between the resources necessary and available for Low Level
Literacy/English learners who are part of the community based organization
(CBO) in the area of employment and job training, and the number of
learners who increase their skills at high enough levels to obtain/retain a job
before leaving the program. It is becoming even more evident that the
economic sustainability of both these much needed programs and the
families within these communities are now solely based on the successful
completion of employment competencies. Therefore, the proposed training
solution is win-win. This six week-long workshop will do its part to ensure the
technical colleges reach their goals and continue to secure funding for such
programs and help learners at the CBOS become stronger community
members. They will be able to confidently identify their role and plan their
actions for appropriate behavior in an interview, utilize the steps of the
interview process effectively and identify and analyze the communication
types that can exist in an interview.
Delivery Options:
Instruction will be face-to-face. The instruction for this unit will provide
many opportunities for the learners to demonstrate their knowledge by
doing. By an instructor working side by side the learners they will be
empowered/have increased confidence and will not be at the disadvantage
of having no or limited access or knowledge to computer technology. The
training will increase learners confidence and skills as a job-seeker and allow
them to have a competitive edge in todays job market.
(These quiz questions can be modified with pictures/images where necessary
to help aid in the understanding of the material when necessary. For the
purpose of this quiz and questions learners have mastered the terminology
at a high enough level that the pictures are not necessary.)
Terminal Objective: Identify their role their action and appropriate behavior in
an interview.

Enabling Objective 1a: Compare and contrast at least 8 of the roles and
corresponding behaviors of the 2 Major Players of an Interview

Enabling Objective 1b: Analyze and interpret the roles and behavior of
the 2 Major Players of an Interview (interviewee/interviewer)
answering 3 questions

1. Who are the 2 Major Players of an interview (Check all that apply)
o the other people waiting in the lobby to be interviewed
Incorrect: The other people waiting in the lobby to be
interviewed are other candidates who are also interviewing for
the job.
o the interviewer or the person who asks the questions during
the interview
Correct: the interviewer or the person who asks the questions
during the interview is the first of the Major Players of an
interview. The interviewer can either be one person or it can be a
team of people.
o the interviewee or the person who applied for the job and
answers questions during the interview
Correct: the interviewee or the person who applied for the job
and answers questions during the interview is the second of the
Major Players of an interview. Interviewees for positions can have
very diverse backgrounds and experience.
2. (True/False) During an interview it is the role of the interviewer to:
greet the person being interviewed
ask the questions
listen actively
NOT answer questions
False: During an interview it is the role of the interviewer to greet
the person being interviewed, ask questions, listen to the person
interviewing AND answer questions. It is okay for the person being
interviewed to ask both questions about the company they are
interviewing for and questions of clarification when they dont
understand something being asked of them.
3. What are the consequences to the person interviewing for the job if
he/she DOESNT
1- make eye contact with the interviewer when speaking

2- share personal accomplishments

3- provide a firm handshake when leaving the interviewer
o the person will get the job because their responses are well
thought out, but they will not be taken as seriously as someone
who shows confidence
Incorrect: the person will NOT get the job because even though
his/her responses are well thought out, he/she is not showing
confidence by making eye-contact with the interviewer when
speaking, sharing personal accomplishments and providing a firm
handshake when leaving the interviewer. This leads to companys
not believing that the person does not have the skills necessary to
be a good spokesperson for the company.
o the person will not get the job because these are things
interviewers look for when interviewing people
Correct: the person will not get the job because interviewers are
looking for people who make eye contact with them when speaking,
share personal accomplishments and field knowledge when
answering questions and provide confident and firm handshakes
when leaving.
4. How can the person being interviewed demonstrate confidence to the
o being relaxed and rested
o being on time
o researching the company before the interview
o speaking clearly and at normal pace when answering questions
o asking the interviewer questions
o All of the above
All of the above Correct: Being relaxed and rested, being on time,
researching the company ahead of time, speaking clearly and at a
normal pace when answering questions and being comfortable
asking questions all are ways a person will demonstrate confidence
to an interviewer.
5. Which statement BEST describes the role of the interviewer at the
completion of the interview?
o They will shake the interviewees hand, tell them it was nice to
meet them, share with them when a decision may be made and
walk them out

Correct: The role of the interviewer is shake the interviewees hand,

tell them it was nice to meet them, share with them when a decision
may be made and walk them out
o They will shake the interviewees hand, ask when a decision may
be made, walk them out and write a thank you telling thank you
for giving them the opportunity to interview the person
Incorrect: The role of the interviewee is to shake the interviewers
hand, ask when a decision may be made, walk them out and write a
thank you telling them thank you for giving them the opportunity to
interview the person

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